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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I wonder how liquored up Lakesboy is when he writes this stuff? Comparative scores aren't the best way to go..but... last year.. Kansas State 51-9 over Missouri State. The University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics 21 - 17 over Missouri State. Now, KSU has to reload, but reload they did. Bill Snyder doesn't like close games with lesser division opponents. I have a very good friend who is a huge KSU fan. He told me that Snyder wants this game to make a statement. That statement will be that the top 5 conferences in FBS can and should split away from the lower conferences..and schools like Home Ec Tech may beat those lower division opponents...and an occasional down and out opponent from the Big 10, but they aren't in the same league as the elite and shouldn't bother. They are going to squash NDSU to make a point. But, Lakesboy will be too drunk to remember...
  2. \ It doesn't mean they are bad people. Or less competitive. They did what they did against...Winona State. Let's face it. There are few athletes who choose to play at a lower division. They either play at the lower division, or don't play at all. Because they aren't good enough to play at the highest level. Of course there are exceptions. Jim Kleinsasser is a huge exception. But, they are few and far between. UND hockey has been at the highest level of college athletics for nearly 70 years. They are one of the top programs in the country, and attract some of the best talent. Hockey is also a northern hemisphere sport, followed in the US, Canada and Europe. American football...yeah..not so much outside of the US. Say football in Europe and they think Barcelona or Manchester United. They certainly don't the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics.
  3. Uh...yes. Everything about UND hockey is top tier college sports. Everything about the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics is second tier. A very good second tier...but second tier.
  4. Alone? That's delusional...or is it stupid? You saw the reasons. Suck it up and face the truth.
  5. UND can and has played the elite of college hockey for almost 70 years. When UND puts the foil on, you know that they can beat any team in the nation. If the University of University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics ever would play the top college football program in the nation, such as Alabama, they would get crushed. Again, and again, and again. Unless you are a delusional member of Farmhouse, you know this to be true. They spout how they have six wins over (weak) FBS programs. Big deal. Where were they the prior 70+ years? I'll tell ya! (And UND is equally at fault) Playing D-II football and happy to have a chance to match up with the D-II power like the Pittsburg State Gorillas... Big whoop. It was embarrassing. UND/Home Ec Tech/USD/SDSU should have moved up to D-I with a league like the Big Sky years and years ago. I"m glad that UND finally got into the Big Sky. But, FCS is just a step up from D-II. But, it's not really D-I. It's not the elite of college football. It's a lesser division. It's better. But, still lesser. That is fact. Here is another fact. UND will win more D-I championships in hockey. But, not in other sports. Here is another fact. The University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics will never win a D-I championship at the highest level of a sport. Ever. I repeat. Never. Ever. UND will...in hockey. That's why it is the #1 college athletic program in the state of North Dakota. If you don't believe it, do this. Go to the Fargo Dome. Look around. Take pictures. Take it all in. Then go to the Alerus...do the same thing. Then, go to the Ralph. If you don't get it, you are either delusional, stupid or stoned. Or all three.
  6. \ This is correct. UND ended the game. But, to be honest, UND and the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences should have moved up years before.
  7. Alabama would crush the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics. Every time. UND men's hockey can compete with any program in the country. That's the difference.
  8. I'm honored. No time to rage now, but I will later! ;o)
  9. Who died and made you a moderator? The fact is if you agreed with me, you wouldn't be so butt hurt. Either that, or the truth is hurting so, so much that you are venting.
  10. Herd is right. Seriously. Only I would (obviously) include the MV conference football (with the Big Sky) in the idea of merger with a lower tier FBS conference. Too far apart right now in scholarships and $$$ spent on the programs. As bad as Colorado State has been the past few years, their facilities and budget far surpasses anything the FCS schools have at this time. They are fundraising a new stadium and new facilities..much easier to do when you've been at a FBS level for many decades...even a low end FBS level. The $$$ is pouring in. Even with Wyoming, the difference between War Memorial Stadium and the facilities at a school like Wyoming compared to an FCS school are huge. I'm going to suck it up and say, honestly, that I think with the Fargo metro area and the support in Fargo for their team, they have a much, much better shot at moving up than UND. However, if UND wants to stay competitive in football, they better do what they do in Fargo. They'll have to suck it up and raise the $$$. Keep scheduling real opponents, which is happening in Fargo and Grand Forks. (Ferris State is an understandable glitch this year in Fargo...) Bottom line is, if you want to be an FBS school, even at the lower end of FBS...it's gonna cost you. I hope they both do it. In my opinion, both schools stayed D-II much, much too long. It was embarrassing to see UND play the Winona States in the world of college athletics. You can rip on and make fun of the lesser of the FBS schools, but many of them have been putting their asses out there for years. Sometimes, they get their asses handed to them. I'd rather see UND do that, instead of scheduling Mayville State in basketball and South Dakota Tech in football.
  11. You forgot to mention they were done at the highest level of college sports. Something that will never be done by the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics.
  12. It is the highest level of college athletics. That is a fact. If you don't think they are athletes at the same level as football players, check out the names of UND athletes on the Stanley Cup. If that doesn't convince you, I think you should have run into Jim Archibald at the Antique one fine evening and told him that. The result would have made me laugh and laugh.
  13. What I do is speak the truth. Let's go over it. D-II, FCS (or I-AA) is not the highest level of college athletics. It's a fact that the athletes know. When the D-II or FCS team wins a national championship it is an accomplishment, but not at the highest level. They don't say, "We're the best football team in the country all divisions not withstanding!" They accept they are the best at their division, but not the best of ALL the football teams in college football. That's reserved for the FBS champion, for example, the Alabama Crimson Tide the past two years. To think otherwise is delusional and...stupid. The athletes seem to be aware of this fact. However, the raving idiots on buffaloville (and some here it seems) don't. Now, UND men's hockey has competed at the highest level of college athletics for almost 70 years. They didn't duck out by staying D-II or I-AA or whatever they want to call it. They put their asses on the line for almost 70 years and reaped the benefit of seven national championships at the highest level of college athletics. So, at the highest level of college athletics UND has won seven national championships and very, very reasonably will win more due the strength fo their program. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences has never, ever won a national athletic championship at the highest level of that sport, and quite frankly never will. Those are hard, cold facts. If you don't like it, tough. Live in fantasyland if you prefer. Myself, I choose to remain realistic and sober. Not drunk and stupid like the delusional lot at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
  14. 7>0 Nuff said... (Unless you're a grad of Home Ec Tech...)
  15. Now, let's wait for the apologists from Home Ec Tech show up to tell us their "student" athlete is as pure as the driven snow. Mr. Clean runs a rogue program.
  16. Home economics? Maybe you should update the North Dakota Wikipedia page then...
  17. I think they come here because it's the only way they can be associated with the flagship university in the state of North Dakota. Otherwise, it's just home ec, farm reports and tractor repair manuals for them...
  18. Did you type that before or after the rum?
  19. I'd say hilarious, but in reality it isn't. "Student" athletes like those that the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences think that honor is only won on the playing field. They are as delusional as their fans.
  20. hmm... Is that a suggestion from personal experience?
  21. They want the criminal activity like at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences? Naw, I don't believe it.
  22. 7>0... At the highest level of college sports...with no hope of ever changing zero to one. (BTW, Hakstol makes twice what Mr. Clean makes...because he coaches the premier athletic program in North Dakota...) Face reality. Or continue your ignorance while worshiping the "student" athletes at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Now, go fund raise some bail money for your "student" athletes.
  23. \ Okay, imagine this scenario. A former member of a national championship D-II football team is at a bar with a former member of a Miami Hurricanes national championship football team. They are talking and the D-II guy says to the former Hurricane, "You know, our D-II championship is JUST as big of a deal as that championship you guys with the 14 NFL starters you had on your team!" Then, after taking another shot of Cuervo, the D-II guy passes out while all around are rolling on the floor laughing their asses off. So, next time, pass on those shots of Cuervo and face reality. The D-II championships are an accomplishment. But, they aren't the same. That's reality. Anything else is delusional.
  24. Alabama would crush the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Alabama is the national champion of college football at the highest level of the sport. FCS is the lower division. To think otherwise is as delusional as LakesBison is drunk. What I wrote is the truth and many UND fans don't like it. That's fine. But, it's still the truth. But,t he fact is that UND's men's hockey program has been proven to be the premier college sports program in the state of North Dakota. Their 7 national championships at the highest level of college athletics (with promise of more to come) versus the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences ZERO (with no hope of ever gaining one at the highest level) is a reality that makes your butt hurt. That drives the beet pickers of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences insane. That makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.
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