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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I agree. They could veer off agenda and do just about anything... yeah, the paranoids are out to get me.
  2. Do you mean like how Bison and Sioux football is irrelevant to 99.999999% of college sports fans in general? Hey, I love UND sports, including football, but I understand the difference between former UND players who are now NHL superstars making millions of dollars and toting around the Stanley Cup compared to an FCS subdivision championship won in a soccer stadium in Texas. Not my fault if the ditch diggers from Fargo U can't figure it out.
  3. I discovered soft boiled eggs at Wilkerson. They did the best they could...but it was a guarantee that they couldn't screw up soft boiled eggs. Does anyone remember, "sunshine chicken"...I still laugh about that...
  4. That's a good seat too. As long as you aren't wearing CSewe gear, you'll be fine. Lol
  5. No problem. Did UND get their allotment yet? I'd prefer to buy them through UND. Wyoming fans are pretty friendly, good tailgating beforehand. But, they'll rib the opposition.
  6. UND visitors sections will be in the SW Corner of the stadium. Lower level. Not bad seats, actually. (The War doesn't do the horseshoe.)
  7. Forgot about Flagstaff. Good post!
  8. Probably. About 2600 feet lower.
  9. 7220 feet. The field has that number as a friendly reminder for opposing teams. Bohl works the Pokes like dogs. They want to exploit this advantage. Hope we have depth...
  10. Yup. The lawyers that graduated from the respective school's law school face off. Or, a winner take all hockey game between UND's varsity hockey team and theirs. Or a home run derby between the top slugger from last years respective squads. See.. options!
  11. You think you're going to score at the end of the game? Ah, Fargo girls! I get it!
  12. Good point. After all, they aren't the average run of the mill morons, fools and idiots. They're special. They're OUR morons, fools and idiots!
  13. Cool. I kmow you don't care, but Brett Smith from Wyoming is a backup qb for the Roughriders.
  14. It's all good. They can have it...
  15. It's nice...I saw it once. I think ours...with a good weightroom, lockers, etc., has the potential to be nicer and better for many more programs on campus. This is huge for UND.
  16. Sorry, but I don't ever get to Portland, Oregon, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. LOL...
  17. Oh, I'm okay with Portland State fans. I just like the clarification. Thank you!
  18. This sounds like the mantra of a known felon from the land of...lakes.
  19. I still think you are actually a Portland State fan...
  20. You and I agree on something. It's out of control.
  21. I should have made myself more clear. Illinois / Champaign. The Illini. He claimed that he played in Big 10 hockey in the early 80's... With Minnesota, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin and Penn State. I knew Illinois/Chicago played D-1. Didn't Ed Olczyk play there?
  22. Some day in the near future the University of Agriculture and Applied Science's football team will sign a contract with a power 5 school and get throttled by about 40. That day is coming. Until then, if I had to bet, I'd say the UND Roughriders are 24 point dogs and hope we beat the spread. Roll Ridas...
  23. In a related story... I was at a wedding this weekend, well outside of the college hockey circle. While in the keg circle, some dude claimed to have played division I NCAA hockey for U of Illinois. I called BS. He tried to argue, but I told the group where I got my undergrad and how I know specifically about every NCAA D-1 school in existence at that time and Illinois was not one of them and is still not one of them. I said maybe he played ACHA D-1, but sure as sheet not NCAA D-1. His story of his winning goals against Notre Dame and Wisconsin in NCAA D-1 play went down the toilet and out the door with him. I get tired of these BS stories guys come up with about their former hockey glory when they think nobody would call them out on it. Crap, my old butt would have probably outskated him in his youth, and I sucked and still suck at skating...
  24. Great news! That is one of my favorite organizations in baseball!
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