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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I see that so far, seven of our Fargo University buddies have voted for Sundogs.
  2. They play for a program with the best facilities, arguably the best tradition, a top notch coaching staff, a large base of alumni making millions in the NHL. I don't think they will put up much of a fuss over a new nickname or logo.
  3. I'm sure they are being compliant. However, it is a big deal. It shows a problem that exists at FU.
  4. It wouldn't surprise me if such a statement were not made within the new couple of weeks. Why would Berry risk his job over a nickname? He'll embrace the new name and the players will as well. Because it's for the good of unity within the UND family.
  5. I have no doubt that Roughriders will win the public vote. I also don't see Kelley dropping it before the vote. However, unless it wins handily, I could see Kelley picking the second or third choice due to "trademark concerns".
  6. So, what you are saying is that the hockey team is above the rest of the athletic department and the university? That's why others say there is a hockey only mentality at UND. Suffice it to say that when the new name arrives and the logo/emblem comes with it, it WILL be on the new hockey uniforms. The marketing of the new logo/emblem will hinge on the hockey team, as it is the most popular sport on the campus and with the fans. To say that the hockey team just will decide on their own not to use the new nickname is pure delusion.
  7. No matter what nickname is chosen, if there is a cool logo/emblem, they'll start to warm up to it. Also, as soon as they hear the opposition using the name to taunt, no matter what the name is, UND fans will rally around it. Nothing like a gaggle of fat food service worker/FU grads making fun of our new nickname to help fortify UND fans together.
  8. I would have said a couple of years ago, "NEVER!" Now, I'd say less than five years. Heck, if the hockey team wins the NCAA under the name "Sundogs", I wouldn't be surprised if they embrace that name. Winning changes everything. I still hate Sundogs....
  9. They obsess over Bohl too. They write about him all the time on BV. They're all over wyonation spouting their "wisdom" to Pokes fans who tell them to stfu and go away. It's pathetic and funny all at the same time. Especially the felon from the land of lakes.
  10. Game time announced by UW. 2:00 pm MT on Sat. Sept 5th.
  11. I'd like to see you throw a rock across the St. Croix! Dude, I'd be your agent and we'd be talking to the Twins! LOL
  12. Ditto here. Lived in Colorado now longer than North Dakota...but when asked, "I'm from North Dakota, but I live in Colorado."
  13. I agree 100%. I wonder why though? Maybe Kelley interceded? Not that it matters now.
  14. The committee was charged with picking a new nickname. None of the above is not really a choice as a nickname. So, how could it be considered in the top five of nickname choices? I do agree that Sundogs is a horrible choice, but it is an actual nickname, which qualifies it as such.
  15. I think Roughriders has a chance of being an overwhelming vote winner. I also think it has to be or Kelley will select the probable runner up Fighting Hawks due to the ease of tradematking it.
  16. Good point. UND is finally putting $$ into their football and other programs. I'm curious to see if this will help them catch up to your school in football and men's basketball.
  17. Yup. They've done their job and submitted five names. There will be a non-binding vote and then Kelley decides whether to honor that vote, choose a name from the ones voted on, or go with an entirely different name. So, we either rally around one name to make it difficult for him to choose something different, or trust in Kelley that he will make the correct decision. I say rally.
  18. Ditto with me. I'm a liberal and damn proud of it. And I support Roughriders.
  19. I don't even mind the Fighting Hawks. But, using "Hawks" is too generic and seems like the common way to get rid of a Native American nickname. I prefer something unique, that's a big reason I support Roughriders. We'd be the only D-1 school with that nickname. It also fits our state very well.
  20. The no nickname option seemed doomed with this committee from the start. If brought to public vote, it may have won or come close to winning. I think they wisely dumped it to avoid the controversy and potential danger of being the defacto Fighting Sioux for years to come.
  21. I agree. If Sundogs comes in last, which I think it will, he won't pick it. However, I believe that if Fighting Hawks comes in a close second to Roughriders (Which I think will win the vote), he picks Fighting Hawks with the excuse that it is easier to trademark. The only way I see Roughriders or any other name beating out Fighting Hawks is if it has overwhelming support.
  22. Well, no matter what happens, it's good to see such passion for UND and their athletics.
  23. Maybe...but the fast food workers at bv would also like to see Nod#@ks as our nickname.
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