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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Neither one of those programs is under sanction by the NCAA. Ours is. Big difference.
  2. No doubt that Hakstol will do whatever is the the best self interest of the hockey program and the athletic department. I am sure he plans on being the coach of the hockey team for a long time. It's not about :"sucking up" to administration. He can get a job elsewhere without a problem. It's about loyalty to the program and seeing what will ultimately keep it being successful. Right now, that's about adhering to the NC$$'s ruling. Unless the SL tribe wins that lawsuit, the name has to go. That's reality. I dig when he said that we should wear the Sioux jerseys and be proud. I will always be proud of our athletic programs, no matter what name they are called.
  3. How about the Pike, or Northern Pike? Then, we can "slime" the opponent! yeah, I know..that's weird...
  4. Maybe in hindsight Wanless was good for UND Athletics. But, man, did he make enemies!
  5. Oh, the Hrkac Circus! Nobody will touch his scoring record.
  6. Sorry, I'm a bit of a smart ass. Isn't it odd that even supporters of the name "Fighting Sioux" will be inclined to vote against the name to save UND's athletic department? So, if the vote total comes up negative against the law, it will appear to outsiders that North Dakotans are against the nickname. Even those (like myself) who are hoping that the SL Tribe's lawsuit against the NCAA is successful. A negative vote could hurt the people who hope to win that lawsuit. This is messed up. Just voting on this is a mistake, IMHO. I can't remember who said it on another thread, but it *IS* time to put a tent on this circus!
  7. Don't you mean "These are the steaks?" Bison steaks, of course! Yum!
  8. This made me laugh so hard that I almost through up.
  9. They are pushing online education, many bachelor's degree options. This may affect many folks not even in North Dakota.
  10. You should include a third category, "keep it only if the SL Tribe wins their lawsuit". Otherwise, I am not sure how to vote.
  11. I shouldn't have put, "might have" in the title of this thread. They DO have bigger problems than the Sioux nickname. This is a big, big mess.
  12. WTH happened at Dickinson State University? http://chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/audit-casts-dickinson-state-u-as-diploma-mill-for-foreign-students/40441
  13. True. If the name is to stay, it would have to be through a lawsuit from a 3rd party, like the SL tribe has started with the NC$$. UND/SBOHE/North Dakota state government all have to stay out of it in order to protect UND's standing with the Big Sky and the NCAA. Seems simple enough, doesn't it?
  14. That is what I would have thought. It has to be an honest to God tribal vote before the NCAA would even consider backing down. Even if that would happen, would they just say it's too late? That it was beyond the agreement period? Sorry, but the NC$$ is full of asshats that don't play nice with others.
  15. Kelly is compelled to follow the rule of the law and the direction of the SBOHE. I think he's doing very well in a very bad situation.
  16. I hope Archie would be right if this happens. But, how do you separate the tribal members from all of the voters in that county/reservation in a general election?
  17. Taz, you are having a rough year. Not only this Sioux nickname issue, but the bankrupcy of Dippin' Dots! I feel your pain...
  18. Good point. However, somebody wrote that it may intensify an effort to get the issue on the ballot as a constituitonal amendment. That would be the utimate disaster. We need SR to vote or the SL lawsuit to win against the NCAA. But, we really need cooler heads to prevail with this whole issue.
  19. I was hoping to see some pics of them on the ice. Instead, when I went to the pics all I saw is pics of parties and beer. Maybe this is the Sioux team from the 80's I remember?
  20. This is breaking nationally: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/02/07/national/a191144S07.DTL&type=politics
  21. The latest from the Fargo Forum: http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/350076/ So, I wonder how they will fight it?
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