Am I the only one confused when the SCSU talking heads keep referring to this “amazing rivalry”? As a fan I’ve never felt SCSU to really be a rival at all.
Is it only me that feels this way?
No call on the ice. I don't think it was a five. They're not allowed to call a two minutes penalty from review. So it'll only be a penalty if they think it's worth five.
Ciskie (which just autocorrected to “Dislike”, appropriately) is their radio guy. So a normal NCHC.TV broadcast would use the radio feed for audio, but this game was broadcast locally on My29 (I think) so they had their own guys do the play by play.
It looked like there was some extension of his arm but it was after the contact was already competed. As much as I want Wolff ejected, that wouldn’t be the right call.