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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. NCHC really needs to put some standards around this. It’s pathetic how poor some of these productions are. I thought the NCHC was supposed to be a premier conference.
  2. So is the video.
  3. So is the entire Pairwise Ranking system. The algorithm takes two teams that possibly haven't ever played and determines which one is better based on a bunch of metrics and some made up numbers. That's the same thing as xG. It's using other statistics to make a prediction on performance. Now if somebody suggests anybody hang a banner because "xG said we really had the best record this year", then those people should be locked in a padded room.
  4. Why did they blow the whistle when St Cloud had possession?
  5. How far back are they allowed to go to find something to use to call off the goal? All the way back to the last faceoff?
  6. Graber and Jamerik have been getting a lot of minutes so far.
  7. Oohhhhh…. 7:37 start time. This site says 7:07.
  8. Is the monthly Flohockey pass the only way to watch tonight’s game?
  9. His head certainly snapped around but I don’t see much head contact. The refs did, I guess.
  10. That one had flavors of the Boeser/Cagguila goal from the 2016 title game.
  11. It was a great faceoff win and a great decision to play it forward aggressively instead of pulling it back.
  12. This would be better video if they used an iPhone.
  13. This really is embarrassing production value. Besides the bad video quality, it sounds like they have a radio in a tin can with a microphone held up to the radio speaker.
  14. That was way more fun to watch than any of the six periods again Quinnipiac. Seems like the boys had quite a bit of practice on the big sheet. They seem to be clicking pretty well so far.
  15. The stream just went black. Must be working on it.
  16. I’m getting Midco Sports about bull fighting. Anybody else?
  17. Few organizations work slower than the FAA, so there is that. The main thing is, it's not just a matter of telling everybody to use a different call sign and being done with it. It's not just the controllers in Grand Forks that need to know about it. It's literally every controller across the entire National Airspace System. UND planes fly everywhere so all controllers nationwide need to recognize what "Sioux 32" means, for example.
  18. I've always found this type of thing difficult with podcasts. When you first start listening to a podcast you don't know the hosts, the inside jokes, or any of that. So all the off-topic banter seems like a waste of time and you just want to get to the on-topic stuff that you came for. Once you're a dedicated listener then you start "getting" the humor in off-topic stuff. Sometimes it does make it hard to get into a new podcast.
  19. I feel like this is a familiar refrain, so I'm really trying hard to not get my hopes too high.
  20. What could be taking so long for this review?
  21. It’s not over. Way after the horn
  22. Who are these clowns in the studio?
  23. It's a single ticket for both Friday games.
  24. As somebody who doesn't follow the financial side of sports, can somebody explain to me how a $35 million contract (all guaranteed) actually frees up cap space?
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