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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. Glad it's not just me
  2. Turcotte hurt? He took an awkward spill and hobbled off the ice. UPDATE: He’s back on the ice.
  3. Can they keep up this energy for another 37 minutes? I don’t think we’ve seen this kind of play out of this team in the whole tournament. Best time for this to show up!
  4. That looked like a USA power play for a minute or two! Keep up that pressure and grow the lead. US leads 1-0
  5. That was a rough first 10 minutes to the second. I had to step away for a few minutes at the 10 minute mark but when I came back they were buzzing! I’m just happy they turned it into something. USA leads 2-1
  6. I agree about how hard it is to watch these games. I ended up signing up for Sling (with the sports pack) for a month to watch the games. $40, but I always really enjoy the games. Hopefully they don’t !@#$ the bed so we actually get good medal round games for my money.
  7. Make that 7 for Gaber!
  8. Jaycox didn’t look like he tried to avoid his own goalie.
  9. Is it just me, or does the red kickplate make it tougher to follow the puck along the boards?
  10. Was Gaber expected to be this good?
  11. My network has been inexplicably unstable recently. Wasn’t sure if it was that or the stream.
  12. Is it just me or is the stream freezing for other people, too?
  13. I got it back. I think NCHC glitched.
  14. Yup, the stream just went black.
  15. https://www.nchchockey.com/news_article/show/1134147 According to this article, a 3-on-3 win is considered a full win, and DU's loss is a full loss.
  16. I was curious what outlet that guy worked for. There are a lot of questionable questions asked during those briefings, but that one takes the cake for the stupidest I've ever heard.
  17. I totally thought that was an April Fool's Day joke. Now I'm disappointed.
  18. He did the Wild TV broadcasts for quite a few years with Mike Greenlay. I certainly enjoyed him more than Anthony LaPanta.
  19. I was thinking the same thing a couple days ago. I really hope those dates hold though I'm not feeling too optimistic. I know my daughter would like to get back to school to see her teacher and friends before the school year ends.
  20. I thought about that, too, but what about the cascading effect? There are kids waiting to come in next year who may be aged out of juniors. What do they do if there isn't room for them anymore? Then if they're stuck in juniors, then there are some kids finishing high school who don't have anywhere to go because the juniors rosters are filled up. The graduating seniors will be disappointed and pissed off that this happened, but will still go on with their lives and careers just the same as if they played the post season. But if some kids further down the line don't get their chance at all, their career might never happen.
  21. At least we got to watch the mavs player waiting to come out of the penalty box while JBD scored.
  22. NCHC definitely needs to set higher standards for the video production. Stop letting schools simply show their scoreboard video. I'm more tired of the floating maverick head than I ever was of the floating tiger head.
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