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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. I have no idea if the writer is a good designer or not, but a clusterf**k logo design contest similar to the last dog 'n pony show would be even more embarrassing than the name fiasco.. Pick a few random "stakeholders" and give them the mission to do the job. At least we'll know who to blame.
  2. It looks like a Kestrel flexing its wing.
  3. The shakeout continues. http://www.wsj.com/articles/energy-downturn-spreads-beyond-the-oil-patch-1448325898
  4. Either way he couldn't lose ...
  5. Before any committtees are formed, the Twamley Twits should form the appropriate study group(s), task force(s) and retain another raft of "consultants" who are "between jobs" ... order, man order.
  6. Has Vegas set the odds on any given name yet?
  7. Considering how intellingent crows are, that wouldn't have been as odious as some of the choices. The fact there's a Crow tribe probably would have made it DOA.
  8. I still think Spirit has an outside chance.
  9. And I'll bet he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express too ... Whatever gets you through the night.
  10. I'm not really warming to either of these remaining choices. The Rough Riders' ties to the state are tenuous at best. It's like having a choice of the "Gippers" because Reagan wore a Sioux jersey at some point in the past. Hawks is, well pretty damn common. Even though I love birds of prey, I'm not really a fan of using something everyone else uses. So, I'll revert to the "tried and true" coin toss and hold my nose when it dictates my vote ...
  11. If it's anything like the recent fiasco at the University of Iowa when they selected a new president, any faculty blowback will be couched in the fact he has "no experience" in higher ed.
  12. Whatever the name is, I don't think they can turn the logo decision into a bigger clusterf**k than this, unless they invited everyone on earth to submit their designs in free hand on a bar napkin and/or through interpretative dance.
  13. Do they actually know the back-story on that proposed Blackhawk logo?
  14. If that's the threshold for your support of the University, good riddance.
  15. Looks like I'll have to flip a coin to decide between awful and terrible ...
  16. I'll wonder if they'll try to bid on outfitting some of the NC$$ schools that meet the NC$$'s stamp of approval for hypocrisy such as Florida State, Utah, etc.
  17. I never realized the oil boom turned North Dakota into an urbane, cosmopolitan "it spot" on par with Manhattan, Stockholm or London. I can't wait until it's featured in Architectural Digest or Destinations.
  18. I give regularly, and employer matches that. i also occasionally throw some extra in for different campaigns. I don't see that changing, and I have no regard for cretins who would base their support for the school on its teams' nickname.
  19. I talked to the Pope, the Queen of England, Janet Yellen at the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds in Paris, and they said they'll do whatever it takes to get Fighting Hawks in place.
  20. Nodak, please ...
  21. Not to mention a high school in Des Moines.
  22. What time did Jimmy John's say they'd be here? I'm hungry. Maybe we should send someone to the Pepper instead.
  23. Sure they will. What better way to market a new name than to assign a logo/design to it, (probably after yet another clusterf*ck of a contest) slap it anything that doesn't move, and wait for those royalties to roll in?
  24. And Nevada begs to differ and is requiring these sites to get a gaming license. There's as much "skill" involved in fantasy sports as there is playing the slots. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either lying or completely delusional. And the fact that the bigger sites are run by professional gamblers doesn't really help their cause, or pro sports' attempts to show how "clean" they are.
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