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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Do you really think it was the chains that came into town that closed these local businesses?
  2. Or, they are going to get on this site and read your comment and come here just to kick you a$$ !
  3. Congrats on the new baby, and my best to you with your future treatments. Remember...your days of sleeping all night are over...wait...I should be saying that to Lori.
  4. Spending most of the time at the lake. Mr. Siouxmama bought himself a new fishing boat, so the kids and him are pretty much AWOL. That's OK, it gives me more time for my hobby. I will be spending next week at a friends place at Rocky Point on Lake of the Woods. Everyone, according to Walmart, summer is winding down. They have all the school supplies on display already! NDFAN, congrats on your soon to arrive baby. Hope your wife is feelling OK. I've been there twice with those late summer babies. Hope you have airconditioning! Godspeed to you on your recovery.
  5. Did Judy's ever come away with any punishment in this case? And, what about the 'other minor's" that were there.
  6. I know them from Rodeo, but haven't seen the O'Keefe's in a long time.
  7. Lansford...is that where Myles and David O'Keefe are from?
  8. That's the best idea you've had all day! I'll check with Mr. Siouxmama and Mr. and Mrs. HockeyMom. Sounds fun!
  9. I'd be up for purchasing 1 or 2. Gotta love zamboni's.
  10. Damn good thing I wasn't drinking milk just now...
  11. Siouxmama


    After she eats those...stand back. Or, offer them to her, then duck, or better yet, run.
  12. Siouxmama

    Seat Belts ?

    Now they are trying to do away with high fives and hugs in schools...but let's just go shove 50 kids on a bus and send them to and from school, and who gives a s%!t what happens to them. They can hug and high five all they want, and still not be buckled in. But, if I pick my kid up from school, they better be buckled up, or I'm going to get a ticket. I could go on and on (rant) here, but...
  13. Siouxmama

    Seat Belts ?

    My vehicle has a beeper that beeps until you put your seatbelt on, and it gets louder by the second. HockeyMom can confirm this. Must wear seatbelts even from the Wellness Center to Suite 49. Why do school busses STILL NOT HAVE SEAT BELTS? The driver seat does.
  14. Beautiful pictures PCM.
  15. Congrats to Phil. It's an award he deserved.
  16. Seems to me this was brought up another time. I thought the person said there are 2 Cheers bars, and to make sure you get to the right one.
  17. Congrats to Phil and Amanda on the new addition to their family. Max is one lucky kid.
  18. Siouxmama


    After trying to convince him to fish for 2 years, my 6 year old son decided a couple of weeks ago that the boat really isn't a bad place to be. He was practicing casting with his 2 year old Spiderman rod and a crankbait and told my husband that he had a fish. They were in some weeds, so Tom thought he was snagged on them, but Riley kept reeling and saying "I have a fish". Sure enough, up comes a 24" northern. Snapped a pic on the camera phone and threw the slimy thing back. He has since graduated to a regular fishing rod.
  19. Siouxmama

    Canad Inns

    ...and there will be how many people in each theatre on any given night?
  20. I thought I heard something on the radio the other day about a few moments to remember our fellow americans that have and continue to fight for our freedom. On Monday at 3:00 pm, all radio stations are playing Taps, and are asking everyone to tune in and take a moment to thank those that have fought for us. Did anyone else hear about this?
  21. We are going anyway. On our way out of town in about an hour. Rain, rain, go away, come again another day... (sorry bincitysioux)
  22. And just why the he!! can't the Red Pepper get forks?!?
  23. I like this with the black letters. How about making the arrow a bit longer on the right side, so the feathers don't cover up quite as much.
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