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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. Let me be clear...I'm not happy with the game outcomes...period. But, I don't think we need to cut off our nose to spite our face...We all know that trying to replace Mussman with a new coach is not going to happen at this point in the season...it might feel good, but the results are going to be no different than playing him out for the season and dismissing him at the end.
  2. We are not a top 10 team because we are just out of our transition and most if not all teams don't win NCs first few years out of transition - I think expectations of the fan base are ridiculously out of whack with the reality of the team's talent level and commitment of the University and Fan base - to blame all of this on Muss is small minded. You don't think the football team doesn't read the comments on this site or others showing the negativity from the 'so-called fans' of the program? You don't think that we as a fan base don't hold some responsibility for out of whack expectations? The truth is we all hated NDSU jumping to DI and we are jealous of their success...Naturally, people want what they have and when its not on their time schedule most of us are on this page venting on student atheletes and coaches. Trying to keep a team together because they are not what they thought they were...this is a scary moment for the program and the for the kids who are on this team. I have no doubt the coaching staff is going to talk to them and try to rally them because I'm sure they felt they have let the fans down...reality is that we have set too high a bar for this team (look back at our expectations that they should knock off at least 2 or 3 of these teams in the first 5 games- I saw multiple postings mentioning this) and when a team loses badly you don't move the bar even higher unless you want the team to disengage/mutiny to your goals for the year. Lastly, firing muss or even talking about it now does nothing for this football team...you will not get a decent coach to come into this program at this point in the season and you will be stuck with someone from the current staff that realizes their job is temporary - how well do you think that is going to work for your expectations for a playoff season or keeping any recruits or current members on the team?
  3. I think we should stop all the Fire Muss bull$%!# and understand that we are not a top 10 team...as much as we wanted to believe our transition was going to be as good or even better than the bison, its not! Get over it! We will get our butts kicked in the next two and we need to win the rest of the games to keep these guys on the team from mutiny. The fans are not going to show up because the football program is not yet the Hockey program - 7 National Championships and multiple all star players in the pros allows the hockey crowd to walk around with a lot of pride even though they haven't won a NC in a decade or more. Get over it! Win the big games and they will come, lose and you get what you get! Give respect to the herd terds and start to do what they are doing because they are winning games and getting respect nationwide...Suck it up and move on. Having expectations that we are going to rival our in-state sister college who have back to back National Championships is admirable, but pretty stupid in terms of realistic goals for a team with two freshmen QBs and a porous defense! I hate the bison, but you can't hate the results and we'll get there, but its not likely to happen on the same schedule as our sisters to the South....Move on...Set realistic goals for the rest of the season and show the team that we aren't a bunch a whiney sore losers. The Sioux football team isn't going down like a bunch of punks and hopefully the fans won't make it any easier to punk out!
  4. How does the Hockey coach have any effect on the Football coach??? The Athletic Department decides how much to spend and if anything be happy the Hockey programs around so you could actually pay the football coach without asking the state to come up with the money!
  5. Agreed...they make the majority of the money for the school and the women's team made the playoffs last year to boot. The AD can make a change in pay if they want, so start with Faison and then Kelly.
  6. Got to watch a half and they looked pretty good...I think this is their first win in 17 games? Another Bison team suffers at the hands of the Sioux!!
  7. Sioux 35 Griz 30 .... >200 yds rushing for Griz and >300 yds passing for the Sioux...Close game, but Sioux gets the second game with much improved defensive play on the run game... - Rushing game vastly improved for UND...>150 yds rushing, with the big boys and Miller getting serious chunks.. - Passing game on fire with Sioux and Hardin racks up 158 yds and 2 TDs; Jackson has huge game due to double coverage of Hardin >175 yds and TD - Mussman gives strong high five again at Tailgating when he does his walk to the Alerus with the team!!! Get Fired Up Muss!!!
  8. If the game goes right for the Sioux, then hopefully we'll see a lot of their punter!
  9. Ridiculous??? I asked someone to tell me how many good decisions he has made to win the games...silence...I understand you have a hard time being critical on the Sioux as do I, but having 5 years to build your team and create the atmosphere for winning and coming up short isn't something we should be giving endless second chances and guesses on in my opinion. Either make adjustments faster and read the game or provide your skills somewhere else where .500 records are acceptable...flame away. If Hakstol doesn't get the championship soon, he will have to deal with this reality as well...only, he has winning records and playoff teams which Mussman has shown once in the five years with his GWC win...
  10. Granted we shocked USD with our first possession, but after the interception is was all down hill in my mind for the first half...we couldn't stop a simple counter by them and they ran it non-stop...So yes, the whole 1st half was not good and we made adjustments in the second half - why is it so hard to understand that we need to make adjustments quicker??? Didn't SDSU make adjustments after the first score by the Sioux? Maybe if we are lucky we have more visiting teams who wait until half time to make adjustments and let us run up the score....
  11. Also, why did we have to wait until half-time to rally the team? The whole first half looked like the Sioux we wandering around the field with their heads cut-off...One quarter of that type of play and we should be doing a full time out and having a come to jesus with the team...waiting until the second half when you are down by 21 points is a lot like Rocky Hager staying committed to the option when his team is down by 28 pts (Oh yes, I saw this at a SD game when I lived in Sioux Falls). I'm not against Mussman, but he has to show some decisiveness as a coach and make adjustments before his team is in too deep of a hole...
  12. Wheres the data showing Mussman's decisions have won more games than lost more games? I'm with Oxbow...You can't be right 50% of the time and expect to have a job in FCS...my 2 cents!
  13. I added a CBS Sports app to my ipad the other night and its still calls UND the Fighting Sioux...so awesome that idiots can control everything and things like this pop up and remind you of what is right in the world!
  14. He'll of a comeback...coulda quit, but they didn't...says a lot!
  15. Now you will see SD score because they we running to play out the clock and not run it up...tic for tat...Jesus Hammer quit saying ND state!
  16. We r not in the same league....5 yrs and no defense to speak of....why?
  17. Need a stop....
  18. Say goodnight Gracie!
  19. Nice stop!
  20. If SD scores in first possession it's going to be a Blowout!
  21. Are we really getting any penetration with our front 3? Kinda looks like they are getting manhandled on the line...no tackling, just trying to push people down...they are flipping out and not even executing on the basics..still think we can score, but can't miss once or we are out!
  22. Positives: initial run game, first 5 mins Negs: tackling, tackling, tackling They need to calm the f down and get some composure....not easy with a fresh QB, but that's what coaching and being a team is about!
  23. Well halftime locker speech better be something on par with the Miracle speech or she's gonna get ugly!
  24. Might as well blitz or fill all the gaps and make him go outside...just wouldn't want to be the DB though...
  25. Nice kick...that guy has a huge leg!
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