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Everything posted by Chewey

  1. Team ND, as it is presently, lost GFAFB its missles and could not even keep the tanker mission going there. They could not do anything during the Clinton years when the GFAFB missles were moved to Malmstrom AFB in Montana. When Conrad got in there, Minot lost its fighter wing. Thank God Minot still has its missles and B-52's. Team ND has a long history, way back to when they attended UND, of being anti-military. SAC has a very long memory and the top brass I am sure remember the protests at GFAFB throughout the years and the bullets that hit the B-1B's while they were there and before they were moved to Ellsworth. I would not have too much faith in Team ND. If they could not keep missles and B-1B's at GFAFB during the Clinton years, what makes anyone think they can do anything in the Bush years? Don't tell me that the three stooges kept Minot's missions either. Minot has always been and always will be a pro-military town. Never any "protests" and the city loves the Air Force Base. Northern Neighbors Day was packed on base when they did that. I don't know if they still do it now, however. This is why, more than the efforts of the 3 stooges, Minot still has its missions. If Mark Andrews were still senator, it would still have its fighter wing too. Instead, that went out to Mass due to Ted Kennedy's influence and this was during the Reagan years. I like Grand Forks and hope they get the tankers but I would not hold my breath, so to speak. Also, nothing is a done deal for the UAV's either. I would not be surprised if the military "re-assesses" things and puts them elsewhere. Once your base is on the realignment/closure list for good, it's history. It may take a few years, but it's history nonetheless. I hope I'm wrong but I think not. I dislike Republicans more than Democrats, by the way, but one has to call it correctly. Other than having the grin of a sex offender, Pomeroy does nothing and Dorgan's primary concern is chastising television media who show his bald spot rather than anything else.
  2. Marto should go somewhere else to play. He's a good player and it would be too bad for UND to just sit him. Tom Philion was a good player and, other than his freshman and sophomore years, got pined. He had a chance to go to SCSU and a few other colleges, I think, but decided against it. Once your injured and someone steps up and keeps producing, it's tough to work back in. Personally, Marto should consider Tech, Duluth, Mankato where he'd play a lot and develop.
  3. Is the kid any good? It is hard to imagine him being cut by Minot and then making the GFRR team. Did/Does he contribute or is he, if he made the team, a pine dweller?
  4. I absolutely loathe this settlement talk. I don't know what jury in the state, unless it was comprised of UND or NDSU professors exclusively, would decide against UND. My uncle, a UND alum, name change "advocate," and general PC loon, concedes this point. Not that he's any vital source but I would surmise the rest of the name-change clowns feel similarly. Obviously, cost savings would be an issue justifying settlement; at least this would be the case for UND. Perhaps avoiding a precedent and face-saving would be the motivating factors for the NC00 scumbags. Given the seeming intrasigence of the parties with respect to keeping/getting rid of the nickname, I do not see how a settlement could be arrived at. What would the parameters of any settlement be? Taking the image off of the ice/player sweaters? A "phasing out" of the nickname (I can't see how that could be)? Lopping off "Fighting" and just keeping "Sioux"? Having a "prohibition" against he NC00 from challenging UND's nickname for 30 years? The machinery has started and UND should take it all the way, in my opinion.
  5. I thought that was only for 5 or 8 years. UAA has a lot of money but I do not think that they still pay for opposing teams' travel up there. I could be wrong but I think that's the case now.
  6. That was a great mascot! I wish they'd bring it back too. I don't see what was so offensive about it. It was not an image from any race/group at all. It was simply green and ran up and down the stairs at football games. I guess it was offensive to the libs because they couldn't figure out what it was.s
  7. A Judge should stay under his robe and behind his bench. Again, I can appreciate encouraging settlement but come on. Is he saying that "this case is too complicated for poor little old me to handle"? I have never doubted that the NC00's tactic of attempting to spend down the adversary. It has very deep pockets and has no code of honour or decency, from my perspective. At least the alumni are committed to winning this fight but I am sure that the NC00 is counting on attrition and capitulation to win its case for it. This is the sort of garbage that one sees from the ACLU when it wishes to sue a city for having a 2 inch statue of Jesus in the boulevard grass by a fire hydrant. Insurance companies are great at this too when defending PI claims.
  8. I suspect that the NC00 may wish to look for "arm-twisting" by RE about the Sioux name and the building. I presume that they may be looking for "recommendations" to change and the responses to those "recommendations." Some of the trip trap that the PCers troll out is that Kupchella, at one time, "supported" a name change and then changed his tune. Another example is how "racist" RE was and how the school and the building are so connected with such a "bigot." I get the impression that the NC00 and its PC hacks are deluded enough to actually believe that "most" people other than the good RE family would not mind a name change. I would think the NC00 would win this one although I hope not. If there are "racist" tirades in there, based upon the precedent last month, they would probably be not released to the media. I would not put it past the NC00 clowns to "leak" some of them though. I doubt that any are there. I think the NC00 just wants to jack up the legal costs to further the PC lunacy that this is just a "big waste of money." Let's hope Jahnke goes with the good guys on this one. The panzified ND Congressional delegation is nothing but a waste and they are joined at the hip with the PC rubes.
  9. An unspeakable tragedy. It seems as though there has been a much deeper level of despair and lunacy among many more people during the past 10 years than was formerly the case, in my humble opinion. Add to that the ever-increasingly callous disregard for life that various factors seem to encourage, and situations like this are what happen.
  10. I agree. Leave the kid alone. Like any player, he's made mistakes. Look at A-Rod who rips up the regular season and tanks in the post-season. He's still pretty young so he's got two more years, if he stays, to "live up to expectations." Like PCM indicated, a lot of d-men really have come on strong during their last 2 years. I don't seem to remember much being said about Curtis Murphy or BRad Williamson before their junior years. I don't know the kid from Adam but his absence from underage reports, etc. seems to indicate that he's a pretty decent fellow. The best thing he could do is to stayand rip it up next year and force all of the critics to eat crow. I don't understand why he's criticized so much more vociferously than any other player.
  11. Given the recent GF Herald article about the Utah lawyers' bill, get ready for the anti-nickname crowd to cry about how big of a "waste" the lawsuit is and how the money could be directed to better purposes. Whatever it takes to beat the NC00, in my opinion, is just fine.
  12. I sat in front of Toews' parents at the Final Five. They did not know that I knew who they were and at first I didn't. I was commenting about how good Oshie, Duncan and Toews were, especially Toews, and the father asked if I thought Toews would come back next year. I'm sure it was a rhetorical question but I would like to attach hope to anything possible regarding a return of Toews. If both Duncan and Oshie stay, at least we'll 2/3's of that line back. Toews has the size and skill right now to turn pro. Oshie needs a little more size, although he has the skills. That's the commentary anyway. The speculation, I think, is that he'll be back for one more year. I hope that is true. Even with both Oshie and Toews gone, we'll still have a very good team next year. We'll have Lammy in net and the D will have another year of experience. We'd have Duncan, Watkins, Kosek, Miller and a lot of other very, very good forwards. I hate losing to the east. For the first time in 7 years, a WCHA team will not be in the championship game.
  13. What's the consensus about how the Sioux will be next year without those guys? At least they'll have Duncan, Watkins and some others and they'll be solid at defense and in goal next year.
  14. Puffy is a fat dweeb. His hatred for the Sioux is so intense, especially given the Holy Cross sweater wearing by a lot of Sioux fans, that he can not cheer for them at all. He said he's rooting for BC tonight over the Sioux. I absolutely hate the Gophers and cheer for every WCHA team over them but I cheer for the Gophers when they play the east or CCHA clowns. PA and Dubay is a show that generates nausea. They must have had a tough time finding people to do such a show here in MN to get those two. One would think that there had to be a much better duo out there.
  15. Hrkac line was the best, without question. I am frustrated in that I do not remember the 3rd person from that line. I know it was Hrkac and Joyce, but wasn't Steve Johnson on that line too or was it Scott Dub? I have not lived in ND since high school - 1986 - and I have not had the benefit of following Sioux hockey as closely as I would have liked for many years. I did not see it on the board but I presume the "money line" was Parise, Bochenski, Stafford? The Hrkac line beat on every line, including the Millen line from Minnesota. Unbelievable line from what I can remember.
  16. Chewey


    I like Hakstol too and I do think he's a good coach. Time will tell if he is as good as Blais was. Having Eades and, formerly, Berry certainly doesn't hurt. Blais had Sandelin and then Hakstol. Hakstol had Berry and still has Eades. I know Mankato fans would sure love to have seen Blais come here or Eades but Jutting somehow kept his job for another two years. I like Jutting and he is a good coach too but the program needs a jolt and Eades would be a good guy to do it if Blais is not available or too expensive. Personally, I see Blais at UMD after they run poor Sandelin off. I would see Blais retaining Sandelin as an Assistant much like Lucia has done with John Hill. Hak's a good coach. Let's hope that he and they can get #8.
  17. Accept, Dokken and Krokus would be nice too. They play parts of "Turbo Lover" and "You Got Another Thing Coming" at the MSU Mankato Maverick games and I don't think many of the players, students or cheerleaders were even born when those songs came out. It makes me feel pretty old. From what I understand the 80's music, 80's rock music in particular, is relatively popular among 18 to 25 year-olds. It's not too hard to get sick quickly of that R&B crap. BRING BACK MTV X
  18. Why can't St. Clown win a post-season hockey game?? They had a great goalie and a great team and a great coach. It's very sad. As a Sioux fan, I still cheer for the WCHA over other conference teams, especially those in HE (Hockey Elitists). Let's hope the Sioux fare a lot better and let's hope that Lammy does not pull a Geopfert and that the D does not pull an SCSU.
  19. I woudn't get hopes too high about a settlement. Compromise and settlement are not part of the PC mindset or vernacular. Like so many cockroaches, Brand, Harrison and their PC ninnies (See James Grijalva et al.) will be back. The NC00 must placate its allies. Compromise and settlement are concepts that are much too plebian for such erudite types. This goes to trial regardless of Jahnke's plea for compromise.
  20. This is typical of the "sensitivity trained" PC media hacks who share the delusion that the nickname is "hostile and abusive." Maybe sensitivity/re-education camps aren't that bad of an idea after all.
  21. Chewey


    All this is hockey, pure and simple. I don't think one should be offended by Lammy or Wheeler or even Irmen. It's emotions, energy and hockey. If we're offended by such things, we start sounding too much like Brand and Harrison and their PC retinue. I have better things to be offended by that Wheeler or Irmen or Lammy. If they're flipping the crowd off, that's one thing. Doing what Wheeler did after a miraculous goal (and there's no way that goes 1/2 inch past Lammy's glove without divine intervention) is understandable. Let's leave it to the NC00 and the PC hacks to pine for the days where they can somnambulate through a "non-offensive" sporting event. I don't surmise Brand and Co. would ever go unless such attendance was for purposes of gathering material to wax poetic about "offensive" nicknames.
  22. They are the nicest uniforms in college hockey. Personally, I think that they could do away with the "V" thing on them but they are still the nicest. The new black Nike ones are brutal. The best was the old "black ice" jersies that they wore with the geometric logo on them. Most brutal uniforms: Bowling Green, Denver (away - they used to be nice several years ago when they were reddish), Ohio State, Western Michigan...... the new Sioux "black ice" jersey. They look like a bunch of characters from "TRON." If you've seen that movie, you know what I'm talking about. Nike should be barred from assaulting all of us with its jersey designs.
  23. I get a kick out of this. They are pretty stupid. I must say though that the "Hirsch is still crazy" that I heard one Sioux fan yell after the Gopher fans yelled "Sioux Suck!" was pretty uncalled for. I don't think you should scum the mentally ill in any context. At least the guy was not sober but he was a definite idiot. There were many more Gopher idiots.
  24. Minnesota fans do not travel well at all. You heard no end of griping when the Final Five was held in Milwaukee in 1996 and 1998. In my opinion, that is a more fun trip. Unless a game is held in Mecca (Twin Cities), they bitch. They should move the Final Five around at least between Madison/Milwaukee and St. Paul.
  25. I like that. It certainly is apropos.
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