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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Special teams returners should be faster than we've become accustomed to (Georges, Reed, Irvin-Smith, Santiago, etc.). I'm more interested in the return blocking on special teams and getting that system down. As for Meindel, I just can't figure him out. Loads of talent but needs to focus on being the No1 punter and honing that skill. He has been out most of camp, at least the parts that I've seen. I am hoping that they are just resting him up for the season but he is missing out on reps that will help the whole team stay in sync on special teams. The new punter, the new #86, Riley Thompson, is very inconsistent ... mostly straight up and not a whole lot of distance, That's ok if you get stalled at midfield and your trying to pin them back behind the 10 yard line, but not all the time. Taubenheim has actually been the better more consistent punter that has actually punted the ball this camp.
  2. Bennett came into camp as one of the best conditioned athletes thanks to off season work in Canada. That helped him persevere early on in camp until a freak injury got him late in Saturday's scrimmage. His early "toughness" allowed him to get lots of reps and he learned from it. He started out slow as to be expected but really started coming on in the days leading up to the Scrimmage. He is quick with good feet, and a bit undersized as far as a traditional DE. But he has the perfect build for what Schmidt and Gigli are are trying to build at the Defensive Line spot ala guys like Dranka and Greely.
  3. I am really unsure about Tucker.... not because of ability but because he is so far behind the learning curve at this point on learning the defense. And I think ability only does so much in absence of experience and mental preparation. I am thinking the red shirt stays on.
  4. After I talked them up for their win over a very good, albeit lower division Viterbo (picked no. 1 in their new conference), UND goes and drops a defensive struggle 1-0 to U-Mary. Could have gone either way, which is sad in and of itself, but hopefully the ladies will learn from this and move on. They are young and no one was expecting miracles.
  5. yes, agreed .... It will depend on depth send injuries.
  6. NOthing flashy... but he is smart, vocal and plays with a lot of emotion for a young kid fresh out of high school. You can tell by his footwork that he spent some time on skates as a youth.
  7. Anything could happen obviously... as I was not expecting Brandon Walker to have his pulled last year but here is my guess as far as those who will lose their red shirts: Offense: Oliviera and Santiago and Smith. My long-shot bets would be Grady, Blair and Rooney. Some have reported maybe Dulin.... but I think he needs to add some weight to his tall frame. Defense: Tyus Carter and long-shots would be Greer and Engwall.
  8. I was able to sneak out to practice this morning and caught a few minutes of it. As has been tweeted by various sources this morning, Santiago moved to Running Back today, presumably to make up for the injuries to Arrington, Oliviera and Smith (none seem serious, but they need to be careful with RB depth as we role into the start of the season.). Both Santiago and Norberg played extremely well today at RB. They ran hard and violently. Norberg had the best run up the gut ....he found a Jer Garmin like seam at the line and busted it open. Santiago was especially effective on pass and catches out of the backfield. He's got a second and third gear that is deceiving if you're not ready for it. Arrington had his boot off today and was walking on it ok. A very good sign. DE Greely was back in and looked 100 percent. However, FB Coyne, who has looked good thus far in camp, was on crutches. Appears to be a minor injury to his knee. Also, DE Mason Bennett twisted his ankle during team 11-11 drills and had to be helped off the field. TE Feidler also sat out today. Does not appear serious. CB Vashon Tucker sat out practice today. Must have tweaked something during Saturday's scrimmage. Bartles took reps with the 1s today, but the plays were spread around pretty equally, so I wouldn't read too much into that. I definitely will not be able to make it out tomorrow for practice as I have meeting all morning. See you soon!
  9. I would say, at this point, Jawon Johnson and Cole Reyes, backed up by Zach Arnell and Swede.
  10. TE looks really good, too, with Zach Adler's experience, steady-eddy nature and workman like attitude. He's probably the best blocker of the TE contingent and his versatility allows him to be put in the FB position, if needed. We were sitting better when Ruhe was out there practicing; he's big and tall and can catch in traffic. If Bubba is saying that RBs Arrington and Oliveira are expected back soon despite their apparent ankle injuries, I would expect Ruhe to be on the same return timeline. It appears that Feidler is a Ruhe protege who is showing that he possesses many of the same qualities. Luke Matthewson is hit and miss, but when he is on he brings valuable depth to this position group. Nordby has not practiced all camp. I have seen converted OL Jacob Francis line up at times in both the FB and TE slot. Youngster Keller is coming along nicely at TE but probably won't see the field this year due to all the experienced bodies ahead of him.
  11. Safeties are looking really good. We have three really good ones for a change: Jawon Johnson, Zach Arnell and Cole Reyes. William "Swede" James and Dillon Olson have also been around a while and have playing time experience. Arnell plays with a violent chip on his shoulder. He's like a faster, taller version of an ILB.
  12. Parker Pros, They look about as much as expected. Heidelbaugh is probably a little further ahead at this point. His throws are more accurate and he's got good command at the line. I've said before I think he'll be a really good scout team QB for UND this season. As for Hartness, he's not far behind. He looks pretty much the same as most of the freshmen QBs that I've seen roll in to camp the past five years, and that includes Mollberg, Bartles, Studsrud and a kid named Palendech, who transferred out and is now fighting for a starting spot with FBS UNLV. I'm saying the learning curve is steep and we'll learn a lot more about their true abilities once the game starts slowing down for them.
  13. FSSD, Francis hasn't made anyone's jaw drop at FB, at least early on. You are right, though, he is a big man at that position. The one I have been more impressed with as far as a surprise is Coyne.
  14. Teeder11

    Evan Holm

    He looks like a good one!
  15. Thanks, guys! I wished I could do this for s living, but duty calls. ( :
  16. It's final!!! UND gets four goals by Viterbo to avenge last year's shut out loss to the same team. 4-3 UND. All four goals scored by UND freshmen! FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT!!!!!
  17. Sorry my updates are lagging. I was working on my fall camp scrimmage report! It's truly been a day for the freshmen today out at Bronson Field! EGF native and UND freshman Riley Koberinski score to give UND a 3-2 edge over visiting Viterbo. Fellow freshman Katie Moller then notched her second of the game to make 4-2 UND. Viterbo closed the gap with a PK to make it 4-3 UND. For context sake, this same Viterbo team shut out UND 3-0 last year on Bronson Field.
  18. There was a nice showing of fans today for the first and what has been reported will be the only real scrimmage of fall camp before UND faces Wyoming. About 30 people were on hand compared to the usual handful of die hards. WR Alex Reed sat out the scrimmage today presumably for precautionary reasons for some unknown reason. The other usual suspects were still out with bumps bruises and ankle sprains. Oliviera joined Arrington in the wearing of boots on their left legs. The Iron Man Award today goes to Iwarri Smith, who is only one of three RBs (Norberg and Austin Gordon) to participate in today's scrimmage. He took a solid hit to the knee on one series. He had a noticeable limp after that but continued to return for more attempts at RB. Bubba and Rudolph ran a balance of running and passing plays today. Norberg had a nice run up the gut busting through a seam and breaking a couple of LB tackles before being brought down. It's the kind of run that would have been a welcome sight on first or second down last season. The best run of the day, though, came at the hands, or feet, if you will, of Austin Gordon, who busted through the line and scampered up the right hash for about 40 yards. It was shades of Adam Shaugabay. WR Stanley showed off his height on a sideline route where he went up and snatched the ball at its highest point well above the reach of the secondary. CB Chris Carter had a violent hit and tackle on WR Dulin. Both players were ok afterward. Mollberg seemed to get the bulk of the plays today and did fine. He hit Dulin on a 10 yard TD pass. Studsrud was equally solid, nothing flashy though .... He did tend to run more when plays broke down. Bartles was involved in a couple of nice pass/catches, including A 50 yard pass and catch from Bartles to 6-5 TE Feidler as well as a 20 yard toss to WR Carter Blackwell in the back of the end zone. FB Coyne had about a 20 Yard catch and run. On the somewhat negative side, there were too many false starts today by the OL. Got to get that cleaned up, however some of those false starts came at the hands of inexperienced personnel on the line -- still they have to learn. Taubenheim was solid on FGs and PATs. The punting game has been hampered by Miendel's health and Bolducs's departure. Well, my vacation is over and it's back to work on Monday, so these reports will be fewer than they have been in the future. Nonetheless, I will try to supply whatever I can on occasion.
  19. Freshman Katie Moller ties it up again for UND. 2-2!!!
  20. There are two #39s at times depending what practice jersey they wear. It could be either RB Austin Gordon or FB Josh Leonhard.
  21. Still don't know who that is.
  22. UND TIES IT UP 1-1! Goal by Freshman Kaylee Kebba. 23 minutes remain in first half. Kebba scores from about midfield after Viterbo goal keep misjudges leap.
  23. I'll have some first scrimmage reports later this afternoon. Right now I'm at the UND soccer game. It's just about to start. About 15 minutes out.
  24. Faison put that "out" months ago, in case anyone wasn't paying attention.
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