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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Now you just gave the next reasoning UND won't get a bid, once UND get's the "performance" thing in their direction. Bottom line is that they need to make it a bit more transparent so everyone isn't wondering why they seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouth.
  2. Don't know if that is a recipe for success, hoping the other teams are due for some clunkers. How about we just up our game and start beating teams by playing better ourselves. After all, we were picked ahead of them at the beginning of the season, so our talent level should be sufficient if we start putting it together.
  3. Where did Tibesar go after getting let go at Oregon State?
  4. So, is it scheme, or just not having the talent and bulk to handle above average teams? We have all known for years what we had to do to be competitive against those teams, especially in the Valley, but it appears there hasn’t been a ton of progress, especially on the defensive line.
  5. We’ve seen what a difference a year has made for the Vikings in one score games, and while many times a bounce or officials call here or there can come into play, ultimately the players have to make that extra play. So far this year, that extra play has been negative and cost us games. With last nights game, let’s hope we have swung the tide and start winning the close games from here on out and not have to wait until next season to swing the narrative like the Vikings have.
  6. First two games of the year we didn’t score a power play goal. Lost the special teams battle both nights, giving up a pp last night and short handed tonight. We need to win the special teams battle if we want to beat St Cloud. Need to play better on big ice surface than we did against Minnesota.
  7. Have to at least split, then take care of those same teams above us at home, but 3-1 would certainly keep our head above water going into the second half. Go get next Friday’s game and take it from there.
  8. …and it’s not like other UND teams haven’t had problems with Bemidji. The 2016 championship team tied them, and recall Oshie having to score late to get UND a 1-0 win. If anyone knows anything about this series, they know they always play us tough.
  9. They had pictures in Michigan last week of Motzko behind the bench with Motzko’s face as Humpty Dumpty.
  10. But don’t you play to our defensive strength?
  11. 3 missed tackles on that play. Show a bit of pride.
  12. The only reason they made that call is because they know it isn’t going to change the outcome.
  13. It’s one thing to get beat, it’s another to give up in the first half.
  14. Way to use the slight of not getting a home game to get your guys fired up and ready to go.
  15. He might have been a late bloomer like Tucker Poolman, as he is 20 already.
  16. Shots must not have been a reflection then because they outshot Minnesota 30-24 and Minnesota had 6 more blocked shots than Arizona.
  17. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=147658 I can’t believe Nick Schmaltz only scored 16 goals in 2 years here. His +/- progression from one year to the next is crazy. Hopefully McGlaughlin gets going now and has a similar progression.
  18. Let’s not forget that all this ridiculous crap came from the NHL, when they decided you get a point if you get to overtime even if you lose and thus instituted the 3X3. Never liked it when it started, because now you had teams playing to secure that point, rather than going all out for the win in regulation. Look at Anaheim, they got their first win in regulation the other night, but because of the 3x3 they have six wins.
  19. Much like with Nick Schmaltz, I would like to see Owen McGlaughlin shoot more. We are a third of the way through the season, and I can’t say I know how well he shoots the puck, and no idea about his slap shot.
  20. Well, Driscoll had a .908 save % compared to .911 for Chrona last year, and the year before, Scheel was at .931 compared to .907 for Chrona. Maybe if Scheel stays another year like Chrona did, he blows his save % out of the water again. The perception is always that we are horrible at everything, when in fact the numbers don’t always follow suit. Yes, we are struggling to this point, but at the same time last year, people were running Driscoll out of town.
  21. When UND ties Omaha, people wonder how we could possibly not beat them, even though we played decent hockey. Imagine if we get outshot that bad at home against Omaha what the reaction would be.
  22. Isn’t it a standard NCAA practice now, so it is consistent throughout college hockey? Agree it’s pointless.
  23. It was strange, he put up decent numbers and then seemed to hit a wall, beginning late last season. Makes you wonder what changed so drastically.
  24. I suppose one can look at it in different ways, because when I saw it in live time I thought it was a personal foul, then when I watched the replay, I interpreted it that the Bison player didn't think Maag was down. Regardless, I don't think a play like that swings momentum so UND magically stays in a game where they were dominated by the Bison.
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