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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I’m sure it’s about keeping a calm demeanor, but I wish Berry would be very upset in an interview instead of talk about the positives and others have said, same old talking points.
  2. Yeah, a lot of the defense seem to be playing shinny hockey without regard to their own end of the rink.
  3. The reason you bring guys like that back is for leadership and hopefully getting the guys to understand that even if you drill a team one night it will be much different the second night. The leadership group was a big part of the problem in that regard. Better get things rolling the rest of the games before Christmas or bringing back guys rather develop future talent looks like what St. Cloud did. Looks very much to me like this team has taken for granted that they would be winning and not put in the work and discipline necessary to make that happen. Still time to right the ship, but regional sales could be pretty weak. Poor timing to send out an email on that by UND.
  4. The fact you are on this site during the game seems very odd to me. When was your first post today?
  5. Would guess they don’t work as well when the other teams are expecting it.
  6. I think Bubba’s mind is stuck with what worked for him a couple decades ago.
  7. Of course our guy can’t pick up the ball. At some point, winners make plays, losers don’t, and luck isn’t always a part of it.
  8. Just doesn’t look like there is any pride at all on the defensive side of the ball. Even with lack of talent, you would think that working your butt off would result in a few stops.
  9. Did Kasowski just say you have to credit the UND defense. Might be the dumbest statement I have heard an announcer say in a long time.
  10. It’s a win getting them to third down.
  11. Wouldn’t you as a defense have a little pride and stop the announcer from the “another first down Bison” announcement?
  12. That should have been our mentality from the first series of this game. They needed to be playing from the lead.
  13. Hopefully it isn’t too late. Typically you can’t play half a game against NDSU and hope to come out on top in the FargoDome.
  14. That’s how it looked when NDSU played SDSU, and in that case the scenario flipped in the second half, but then again SDSU have a better defense that just didn’t show up in the first half.
  15. So, hypothetical. If the call had been overturned, why wouldn’t UND have had their offense ready to snap the ball at the goal line with 6 seconds left. What would have the refs done if ruled no touchdown? It would have been a first down so they would have to reset the chains.
  16. Take a few shots at the end zone.
  17. Field goal isn’t going to cut it in this game.
  18. I would say get to halftime to make adjustments, but what’s to adjust with a defense that is just outmatched physically and mentally.
  19. Looks like NDSU gave us a pity stop for our defense.
  20. The problem has been that even our “grinders” have been very inconsistent in effort and being dog on bone, so it was hard to figure out who to sit. If we keep getting effort like that it makes it easier to sit guys like Kunz if the effort isn’t there or they take bad penalties. Costantini was very noticeable tonight as well, and was hoping he would get the monkey off his back like Caulfield did, but I think the jump in his game was there so hopefully it’s a matter of time.
  21. St. Cloud just scored a Robbie Bina type goal from inside their own blue line that was short handed to take a 1-0 lead.
  22. …and I’m sure many said how bad we were against Denver. Miami had a decent non conference start, and not having a few top guys on a team short on talent didn’t help I’m sure. I think the turning point where they really started playing bad was after the major on the hit on Portz. Not a big fan of that, being that Portz was extending for the puck and leaving himself open, but we have seen it bite us, as there doesn’t seem to be the need to protect yourself. Jump on them early tomorrow as well and hopefully they have a drop off after that as well.
  23. I talked to his mom before the Frozen Faceoff final against Denver, and she made it seem like Sakic was pressing him. Of course that doesn't mean that Jost didn't make the move to benefit his family.
  24. Not saying he is a failure, just saying that if his development wasn't rushed, maybe he has a Stanley Cup ring now and possibly been a big contributor to that. Hopefully he gets more chances to prove himself, but that isn't a given. I would have thought he could have been a good role player for either Colorado or Minnesota, but the NHL is trending toward having physical guys in their bottom lines to grind the other team down, and Jost not a great fit for that scenario.
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