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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Mark Parrish apparently. We don't want to get so full of ourselves like Minnesota, lest we lose players like that like Minnesota did. This is a great listen about his recruitment, or lack thereof from Minnesota, even though he had full offers from many places including us.
  2. I always got the impression that Rocco's chemistry with his linemates wasn't as good as it could have been for whatever reason. From what I have seen with Randklev ( which granted isn't a lot) he seems to have very good chemistry with his linemates. Haven't seen the high end speed like Rocco has, but maybe he has that extra gear I haven't seen either.
  3. Wouldn't mind Cruikshank, but if they could find a high end guy this late in the game that would be ideal.
  4. I wish he had Randklev's other assist last night available, as it showed great touch on a little saucer pass.
  5. As Kramer would say, Giddy Yup!!
  6. I would imagine we will continue to bid on regionals in Fargo and Sioux Falls, so if Randklev commits here, he could be assured that they would have a regional in his back yard if UND makes the tournament.
  7. Yes, I am certain that coaches are in contact telling players what they need to work on to transition successfully to the next level.
  8. It's really too bad, as I am sure his sister who plays for the volleyball team was looking forward to him coming here.
  9. I wouldn't necessarily say way out of his element, as there will be many that have similar scoring stats that will be making the move to the NCAA as well. While we don't know where he will land yet, the competitive nature of the NCHC night in and night out would certainly be an eye opener for him. Perhaps another league where his ice time would probably be better because I could definitely see him struggling to get consistent ice time in the ultra competitive NCHC.
  10. Lucia is in Moorhead tonight watching Huglen from Roseau and I'm sure Randklev. The game is on WDAZ extra right now.
  11. Now take away Eyssimont, Schuldt, Peterson and a few others and what do they have. When guys stick around, they grow chemistry and get better year after year. I'm not certain that UND won't be very good by the end of the year and into the future, especially when they haven't had the same lineup from night to night.
  12. Gersich has been really disappointing to me this year. He has created as much offense for the opposition going the other way with turnovers as he has for us. He seems like he is so focused on putting up numbers that he takes unneeded chances. Where is the guy that always came back just as hard to break up a chance as he did on the offensive side? As a whole, the team played decent this weekend, holding a great offensive team down on shots and goals well below their average. Will be nice to play them on NHL ice surface.
  13. How nice it would have been to have a Dixon Bowen on that ice surface.
  14. Olson has played some of his best hockey against St. Cloud. Two goals in St. Cloud his freshman year, and a goal and an assist against them in the NCHC quarterfinals in which he scored the overtime winner.
  15. Gotcha. That certainly eliminates a lot of extra viewing.
  16. Agree, that is the only way it can be done, but they will still be reviewing something they say is unreviewable. I would say in that circumstance where a challenge is made that isn't offside and possession had also changed hands, the team asking for the challenge should get a penalty along with losing their timeout. That way if a coach thinks it is offside from the outset, they should also be tracking whether their team gained possession, lest they get a penalty for being wrong on both counts.
  17. They aren't going to know a goal is coming, therefore they have to check possession after every zone entry.
  18. So are we to believe that the officials are checking for possession every single zone entry? If they say it isn't reviewable if possession had been gained, then they must predetermine if there was possession, otherwise they would be reviewing something that isn't supposed to be reviewed. These guys can't get a basic call right, how do we expect them to keep track of possession every single zone entry?
  19. It comes in last in every sport for players that see themselves moving to the next level.
  20. I was just wondering about the process of determining whether a team gains possession or not. Unless they have someone tracking that, it could be a long delay to determine that. Don't trust the memory of the officials either way.
  21. So many of us, me included, have preconceived notions on who is going to make an immediate impact on the team from year to year. We were all talking Kawaguchi and Mismash, but few were touting Nick Jones. The fact that he is one that has received rave reviews goes to show that getting high end talent doesn't always mean production, especially if they don't stay long. This isn't just something unique to this year either. How many times have we been surprised by guys hardly talked about while we lament the lack of production of those with high expectations. While Josh Reiger isn't putting up the numbers, I am sure many of us are pleasantly surprised by what he brings to the team.
  22. With Andy Murray challenging a call in Friday's game for offsides, I was wondering how that would have played out had it not been clearly onside. If they would have found it to be offsides at the line instead, would they then have to run through all of the zone time footage to determine if Western had taken possession at any point? Seems like that could make for some long drawn out reviews if play goes on for a while. Perhaps on any close play at the line, the linesmen are tasked with tracking possession, but there again you have some subjectivity on what is possession. I would hope it isn't incumbent on the coach that has a goal overruled for being offside to challenge the possession end of it. Just made me curious, as I was thinking we might have had a long delay after the review on Friday.
  23. Zane McIntyre and Cam Johnson from the Force have done the job pretty well!
  24. You never know what is going to influence a player's decision. Could be his current coach (Jon Ammerman who went to St. Cloud) ; current teammate going somewhere (Ethan Frisch going here); how he was treated by future teammates on his visit; what style a team plays that fit your attributes; when you want to come in and when they have an opening for you; how you like the coaching staff; how you like the facilities; and here is something, how you like the school and how it fits your academic aspirations. I wouldn't pretend to know what is important to a recruit unless I knew them personally. I do know when you look at a combination of everything, UND has an awful lot to offer.
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