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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I'm guessing attendance at 8000-8500.
  2. And they are whining because they only got a certain allotment for the Vegas game?
  3. Yeah they have so much inside information that the cutting of women's hockey was a total shock to them when people had been leaving hints all over on this message board.
  4. You wonder why the Herald guys don't have much inside information and are always looking for opens records to get a story. Not saying that is a completely bad thing, but Virg Foss would at least know which guys UND was recruiting and partly because of social media, fans know of recruits or prospective recruits many times before Schlossman does. Maybe it's because of how strict the NCAA is on talking about recruits, but it sure was nice to know what guys UND was interested in, even if they didn't always get them.
  5. No, not your typical subordinate, but a subordinate nonetheless. As Rick Pitino and Roy Williams attest, sometimes the last people you want to be pulling the strings are some coaches.
  6. Obviously not nearly as bad as it was under Bunning and Wanless. I have a feeling just like in any business, the subordinates all have some issues with their boss, whether they express them or not.
  7. That was on it's way out for a long time. Bottom line is that it is better to be past that than to be rehashing it all the time.
  8. We'll see. Expect to hear about a new football stadium within the next few years then?
  9. So if they refer to it as a rivalry they are wrong?
  10. So if players or coaches on UND talk about this weekend as a rivalry game, then they are idiots?
  11. That's not what they said at the press conference. They said fundraising under Faison was the highest in UND's existence.
  12. "A sports rivalry is intense competition between athletic teams or athletes, but not directly related to the formal sport and the practice thereof. This pressure of competition is felt by players, coaches, and management, but is perhaps felt strongest by the fans."
  13. Don't know that any other series that the ticket site at the Ralph would average $235 a ticket for over 550 tickets sold. That would be the very definition of a rival.
  14. Well of course they will suck because they won't make every decision the way you would in which case they should be fired.
  15. Guarantee that all the same people complaining about Faison will be complaining about the new Athletic Director.
  16. So you guaranteed that Oxbow wouldn't be disappointed. Was thinking you were talking about the fan base as a whole.
  17. Agree, I don't understand the hatred of Faison. Sure he isn't perfect, but I don't know an Athletic Director that hasn't made unpopular decisions. Because he wasn't one of us like Roger Thomas, he became the lightning rod.
  18. Ya think? His blog has been nothing but shots at people for cutting a sport he didn't take nearly as much interest in as he does now.
  19. So there is a special pickup area?
  20. You're the one who brought seats for soldiers into the equation. They are just saying that some of those same soldiers don't have a problem with it.
  21. Hopefully we are in contact with Mittelstadt enough so that we have the opportunity to muscle him.
  22. Rieger certainly didn't look out of place last weekend either. There were a couple times he pinched when I didn't think it was prudent, but the fact that he wasn't afraid to play is a good thing, rather than being timid and playing just to not make a mistake.
  23. I hope our new guys other than Mismash and Kiersted are brought up to speed quickly on the level of emotion to expect this weekend. I am sure all Minnesota players have a hatred engrained in them for North Dakota, so hopefully the veterans can express to guys like Jones, Adams and Kawaguchi the intensity level increase that will be needed from last weekend to this weekend. When Rizzo visited a while ago, was that his official visit? Would be nice to have some big time recruits in this weekend to witness the atmosphere. A lot of recruits in the past have committed after the series.
  24. Wouldn't mind returning the favor from last year with at least a win and a tie. That would give us a little extra for the pairwise should they have a slip at Wisconsin or another non-conference series.
  25. Yeah, the expectation that the chemistry and adjustment to the college level is going to be there right away is delusional. There aren't many Brock Boeser type players that are impact players right from the start. More often guys like Caggiula, Brock Nelson, and Gersich, who had to figure it out.
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