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Everything posted by tnt

  1. You mean like in the assisted living facilities. Yeah, that has worked wonderfully.
  2. You mean kids need more than social media?
  3. Hopefully he doesn't go to Omaha with Johnny Tychonick. It seems like any guy that has some kind of UND ties seems to put up nice numbers for Omaha.
  4. Didn't see you railing on the governors of states where the riots were happening to take the situation under control because the lack of social distancing. Oh, and the way you end your post is no better than Trump's twitter rants -- even worse.
  5. I thought Illinois was ready to announce that they would start up hockey. Would guess they could find another one or two besides them eventually. UND would have to have assurances that if charter members take up hockey they wouldn’t be the odd man out.
  6. Which would also be what UND would be doing if they decide to go ahead with it. Don’t know what everyone’s cancellation policies are, but I would guess they should make a decision sooner rather than later.
  7. You best hold your derision for those people that are ignorant enough to be tearing down statues of people that helped free the country from slavery.
  8. If that picture is any indication, everyone should have been fine because they are wearing the masks you worship.
  9. So what social media platform was it that got the information wrong in the St. Cloud shooting and had people marching on the Police Department?
  10. https://lastwordonhockey.com/2020/06/13/stephen-halliday-2020-nhl-draft/ Story about the potential of Stephen Halliday.
  11. I just hope the votes aren’t split between people that want a change from Brown.
  12. Agree, I really liked the way they had it. UND is traditionally a 5 on 5 kind of team, so it suits us well. That said, with guys like JBD, Sanderson, Kiersted, Miller, Moore, and Bast, on defense and guys like Kawaguchi, Adams, Pinto, Mismash etc. you have got to like our ability to control the puck in a 3 on 3 situation much better than a few years ago.
  13. The media won’t make him answer questions more than 2-3 minutes at a time. We are in the midst of a huge conversation on race in America, and Biden hasn’t had to address his “not black” comment that would be interpreted as racist had other people said it. I’m convinced if he made that statement in a debate it would only have lasted the same one day news cycle.
  14. https://abc7ny.com/poll-politics-hillary-clinton-donald-trump/1568931/
  15. Won't change your life much either way being that you will still be holed up in your bunker. Maybe you can come out in a year or so when they have a vaccine.
  16. Is that Ethan Kremer at the bottom of the article in the North Dakota jersey someone we have offered? Article finally came up, doesn’t say we have offered yet.
  17. Yeah, unless he would wait at least a couple years, the pipeline seems to be pretty full, thus Tychonick leaving to make room, and to get consistent playing time.
  18. Isn't that the mantra of a racist? I know you, I know your type.
  19. Which makes it even scarier going forward. The reaction of the police being injured and murdered isn't going to make things better, only worse. If ever a cop is going to have an itchy finger, it will be if they have the mindset it's me or him. We need more of the reaction like that of last night when some of the protesters hugged the National Guardsman.
  20. Most people I have talked to are disgusted by what happened to George Floyd. The question is why does it happen? Because people hate. The problem is you can't cure that as you can see by the hatred of the police as well. I want to know why those officers were even on the Police force after what they had done before. It is a failure in leadership by those that should have fired those individuals long ago, especially with the history of the Minneapolis police department.
  21. I agree that Trump doesn't exactly exude biblical qualities, but what does it tell you that many people of faith still begrudgingly support him? Hey, if there was another choice of someone that could unify that still held to the constitution and religious freedoms, I am sure many would jump on board. Many consider him the lesser of two evils. It seems many with a liberal slant think that churches are so far from essential that they could stay closed until the second coming.
  22. On the news tonight, they said 24/7 sports ranked him as the top running back coming out of the state. If that’s the case, hopefully they can hold on to him.
  23. Maybe Walz hired the driver to get the crowd to practice social distancing.
  24. That is what they want, someone to react to their taunting. I was very impressed with many of the enforcement agencies across the country in the face of taunts right in front of their face designed to get them to react in a negative way. They want people to bite to give more fodder.
  25. Sometimes it seems like they want to be, but I have no idea why. Heaven forbid radical protesting starts in Grand Forks, as Mayor Brown would assign the head of city streets to monitor it.
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