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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Awww.... did we hurt your feelings? You're lucky you don't play us. We'd run for over 300 yards on your D. Enjoy your five loss season.
  2. I agree. WIU has one of the best running backs in all of FCS and will run all over them next weekend. Their home winning streak won't survive the season.
  3. NDSU is sure getting a lot of credit for a football team that has essentially lost to two crappy football teams the last two weeks. Youngstown St. and Wyoming both have bad losses and the Bison move up in the poll? It will be fun watching Lennon embarass their ass this weekend.
  4. Thanks for the compliments. I look forward to our rematch in 2010 at our house and hopefully we'll have a different outcome. Your my darkhorse pick to win the Southland. I think you guys will turn some heads this season in the SLC. Good Luck!
  5. dlsiouxfan

    Big Sky?

    Honestly, at what point do the words "obsession" and "mental illness" come into play. This guy keeps closer tabs on UND football than most of us on this board while at the same time pretending he doesn't care. Is there a medical term for his complex?
  6. If you're talking dollars then you're wrong UND funded 59.5 scholarships this season and will fund 63 next season. If you're talking talent with a full 63 scholarships of D-1 caliber players and depth then you're probably correct. With the way Bison fans play loose with the facts on this website I just want to make sure your being factual with your criticisms. UND is new to D-I and this game proves that we still have some areas to improve upon and that's what the transition is for. Overall I still believe we're ahead of NDSU at a similar point in the transition. We have the opportunity to be force to be reckoned with in FCS football we just need to give Mussman a couple recruiting classes and then you'll really start to see us break through.
  7. It's only fun smacking Bi-son fans when things are going good for them. They smack themselves enough when things are bad. Probably some of the biggest fairweather fans in sports. I guess that's what comes with a fan base that is completely delusional.
  8. Great first half. Hopefully we can keep it going the second half. Will be a stiff test for our conditioning considering the short week and playing at altitude. Let's put this away fellas.
  9. The team actually sings this after every victory. We tried to involve the student section after the last Nickel trophy game but the student section wasn't quite up to spead on the lyrics.
  10. And now the season really starts. Go Sioux!
  11. Not exactly the most unbiased source. I wonder if the opinion columnist who wrote this will get Todd Wheeton's side of the story.
  12. Probably the only positive about the Buning hire was that eventually those two clowns (Harmeson and Buning) did each other in.
  13. No surprises there. Everyone knew Harmeson was on his way out as soon as Kupchella's sorry ass was out of here.
  14. Attendance was disappointing, but if anything it validates for me why UND had to make the move to Division I. The average ND sports fan just doesn't care about games against the likes of SCSU and other Division II teams. I'm not expecting attendance for next week's game to be any better, but fortunately this season will most likely be the last time we see any of these teams on our schedule.
  15. I agree frustrating game. We sit back in our zone far too much and we aren't mixing things up with the blitz nearly as much as we did in the Tibesar/Schweigert days. Too many mental errors on defense again. Needs to be corrected because we'll face a lot better offenses than SCSU.
  16. Hey it's tough to get people excited about SCSU. Probably won't be much better next week against Wisconsin- Lacrosse. Western Washington should draw well since it's Homecoming and if our athletic department has their act together they should promote the hell out of the SUU game as the first D-I opponent at home. Next year schedule should improve and we'll see better attendance.
  17. Actually I'd be willing to wager quite a bit of money that the academic achievements of our football players far outshine those of some of other members of our athletic department (cough.. cough.. hockey).
  18. To clarify I was talking about underage drinking and not driving under the influence. They are two different crimes and it appears there may be some confusion regarding my previous post. I hope you wouldn't seriously advocate punishment such as suspension from the university for underage drinking. If you are then I would hope that you would apply this same heavy handed approach to your loved ones if they were to choose to have a drink at 19 or 20. I'd also hope that you never consumed an adult beverage before you were of legal age because if you had it would be awfully hypcritical of you to advocate such harsh punishments for those that do it now.
  19. This game definitely had a lot more positives than negatives. Offense looked really sharp once they settled down. Murray and Solum both looked impressive running and I though Breitbach called an excellent game. Defense seems to be making less mistakes than last year but still needs to work on tackling. Also I think Kelling/Mannaussau need to be a little more aggressive in their play-calling. I think they have a tendency of sitting back to much and not utilizing our blitz packages enough to create pressure. Also, I was impressed with the athleticism of a lot of the kids from last year's recruiting class. Solum, Hawkins, Ankebauer, and Murray all seems to be studs and if Watkins is any indication of what we can expect from this years class then I think our recruiting is heading in the right direction for what it will need to be as we transition to Division I.
  20. I have to say I was suprised and pleased with the crowd. I was honestly hoping for something in the 9,000-10,000 range and was really worried we'd have a Winona State type turnout. Thanks for proving me wrong GF. Hopefully, we can keep this trend going and you can count on at least one more in attendance for the Southern Utah and Western Washington games.
  21. In our defense, they love coming over here and playing loose with the facts and going out of their way to essentially spread gossip and misinformation about UND. I think more and more you're seeing in today's world, where information is limitless, that if you don't address an attack eventually it sticks to you. For example, look at all of the uproar that was created a few years ago regarding UND's athletic deficit that never materialized. It was essentially created by Bison fans on this site and on Bisonville taking a quote by Buning from an internal meeting and exaggerating it to the point that even many UND supporters thought it was true. If someone posts BS on this site then we need to call them on it. If that means we need to bring up some of the mud that clings to that university and it's leaders (cough..cough.. Chapman) than so be it. Stand up and be proud of your school and if some idiot from NDSU trashes it then by all means give it right back to them. They're simple-minded people down there and it's all they'll ever understand.
  22. You can't be serious? To start I know a lot of good kids and students who drank underage. Kids who are now successful adults and have done a lot of great things for the community and for other people. Harsh punishments like that would only have de-railed their futures for violating a pointless law that probably the majority of our population has violated at some time. Furthermore, the punishment for underage drinking has gotten more and more harsh and has it's frequency dropped one bit? Heck, most of the adults on this site drank underage and it was dismissed with a wink and a nod and they somehow became productive adults. I'm sorry but I'd rather error on the side of leniency than crucify kids for violating a law that nearly every person on this site probably violated at one time or another.
  23. Looking forward to attending my first two home games (Western Washington and Southern Utah) at the Alerus since leaving school over a year ago. Saw two road games last season but never did find time to make it back to Grand Forks. Looking forward to the beginning of the D-1 transition and seeing bunch of new and exciting teams on our schedules.
  24. I agree with you. If you take a life with a car when you're drinking and driving you should be punished the same as if you'd done it with a gun or a knife. However, even if the penalties are that harsh it won't stop some people from drinking and driving. Same as with the drinking age whether the age is 18, 21, or 25 and the fines are $1,000 a pop if kids want to drink they'll still find ways to get alcohol and do it.
  25. The drinking age is pointless. No one who drinks waits until their 21 to start. That goes for my generation, my parent's generation, or my grandparents generation. Getting people to drink responsibly is really the issue. Drunk driving is a major problem but it's a problem for all ages and I don't think you can point a finger at any specific age group. Personally I probably know far more people between the ages of 35-60 who drive under the influence than people ages 18-35. I chalk this up to younger people having received a lot better education regarding drinking and driving and the penalties and consequences associated with it than previous generations. Heck, a lot of older people still remember the days when a DUI fine carried the same penalties as any other traffic ticket. In the end it comes down to personal choice and no amount of regulation can ever change that.
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