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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. I believe CMSioux was being sarcastic, but aside from that point you know full well the first time UND knocks off Cal Poly or UC Davis we'll hear nothing but pissing and moaning from Fargo about how both of those programs are so poor that it doesn't matter if UND beats them.
  2. At times it's almost impossible to tell if some ndsu fans are really this stupid or if they simply take pleasure in pretending as if their head's are stuck in their asses. No one at either UND or ndsu actually believes that this is anything more than a short term solution to transition scheduling problems, pretending to be stupid regarding this only makes one look like a complete moron.
  3. If anything this should be the black mark that defines Kupchella's tenure at UND. The man has essentially been retired for the last 2-3 years and we were stupid enough to pay him for each of those. The majority of his hires have been poor and have resulted in a number of poor leaders and people who aren't qualified for their position finding a home at UND. Any growth during his tenure was in spite of his leadership not because of it. Hopefully Kelly can clean house and get this university back on track.
  4. There won't be anymore Gopher-AC games because Minnesota fans could care less about ndsu. As much as you'd like to pretend that you're rivals with them you're not even on their radar. You beat one of the worst Big Ten football teams of all time and most Minnesota fans realize that. It's only a big thing in Fargo.
  5. I'm hoping with the move to Division I to see a few more football night games. A radio station with a strong night-time signal is a must.
  6. Maybe we will or else we could just call Lamar Gordon or Reggie Scott's parole officers to see what they are doing this week.
  7. That appears to be the Ag College's new scheduling strategy as evidenced by the two non-conference turds you scheduled this year.
  8. dlsiouxfan


    Sounds like Gabe Ruth is a little confused.
  9. This doesn't need to be the case. Hockey's number one because UND markets the hell out of it. If they marketed football like hockey they could probably turn out bigger crowds for Sioux football. I believe anywhere between a one-quarter to one-half of the people in attendance at Sioux hockey game have no idea what is happening on the ice, but are simply coming out because it's marketed as "the place to be".
  10. I've never understood how some Sioux hockey fans feel the need to tear down other sports teams at UND so hockey's prominence is never challenged. This seems counterproductive to me. As a Sioux sports fan who'd rather stab myself in the leg than be forced to sit through a hockey game, even I've found the abilitiy to trash talk with Gopher and Pioneer alums and support the Sioux when the Final Five comes around. There's a whole lot more happening outside the REA in UND athletics and hopefully this Division I move will allow these other sports move into the limelight.
  11. I believe the Northwestern State game includes a return game in 2010 and I've heard there are some preliminary talks for a game at a few different BCS schools in 2010. It's also been mentioned from numerous sources that their are 9 confirmed games for 2009. I believe these include the six already listed.
  12. I'm willing to give Kelley as much a shot as the next guy, but from his comments I think he may be taking Chapman's "diplomacy" far too seriously. Someone should remind him that you can only trust Chapman as far as you can throw him and he'll stab you in the back as soon as he doesn't get his way. Also while some initiatives may benefit from co-operation with the AC (like possibly research initiatives) there are many others that have nothing to gain through any association with the Ag school (Business, Nursing).
  13. It's a good thing the Fargo Forum stands up for Paulsen because absolutely no one else does. In fact the Forum should just throw all their journalistic integrity out the window and just let Chapman write and edit all the stories. They should change the colors to green and yellow and throw the Bison logo on the front page. That way no one would be confused into thinking it's a legitimate source of news.
  14. I'd like to say I could remember the Bi-son glory days but since they're so damn long ago I can't say I have any memories. I remember UND's championship, the AC's are old and dusty.
  15. So the series can't be resumed because Sioux fans point out deficiencies in the Ag college's academic programs. I guess this explains why some of those programs are so piss-poor.
  16. In the 70's scholarship levels were at or exceeded the levels for I-AA right now and UND dominated the series and that era featured some of the worst Bi-son teams ever assembled, so your theory doesn't hold much water. The AC's dominance in the 80's was largely the result of inept Sioux coaching during the Pat Behrns era. Once Roger Thomas became coach your dominance soon came to an end and UND re-assumed it's proper place as the premier football team in the state.
  17. Yes, it's true Paulsen recommended Kelly. He also recommended every other candidate so that the board he ran could make the final decision. He also behaved so unprofessionally throughout the process that the committee only passed on Kelly to the state board because they had zero faith that Paulsen could make an unbiased decision.
  18. It would appear that the residents of Grand Forks have once again decided to take one giant step backwards.
  19. You're forgetting one important scenario: Fiver Year Attempt #5 Year 1: plays Year 2: Injured in pre-season Year 3: plays Year 4: Plays Year 5: suspended from squad for criminal offense Year 6: applies for exemption- APPROVED- plays (Disclaimer: The NCAA typically reserves this exemption for Nebraska Cornhuskers, Florida Seminoles, and Miami Hurricanes only)
  20. Betty Ralston and the word "strength" should never be used in the same sentence. It's scary to think that someone could rise to her position while totally lacking competence and ability.
  21. As another person who has since left GF and thus will not be voting in the mayoral election I can't help but weigh in. Mike Brown has to be one of the worst mayors in the history of GF. He cares about no one but himself and Altru (Allscrew?) and has basically done their bidding since his election. He hates UND students and could honestly care less about the well-being and prosperity of the citizens of Grand Forks. His true colors were on display when he killed the cancer clinic so Altru wouldn't have another competitor. Those were high-paying jobs he chased out of town. Secondly, his comments and behavior when they were changing the zoning laws to screw over UND students a few years ago were absolutely disgraceful. The citizens of GF would be absolute idiots to elect this loser again.
  22. If NDSU lost their next 10 games in a row against FBS teams Coach Bohl would still have a job. If they lost 10 in a row against high level FCS teams he'd be out on the curb. Furthermore, you haven't exactly been beating the "creme de la creme" of FBS schools either. I'd probably have to say Wyoming this year might be the best FBS team you've actually faced. I'll stand by each of my prior statements.
  23. Counting FBS teams as strong non-conference scheduling doesn't count for much as there is exactly zero pressure to win. FCS schools schedule FBS schools as a way to build notoriety and garner attention if they are able to pull off the upset. If they lose it's really no big deal. (Note: I'm still in strong favor of UND scheduling an FBS as soon as rules allow it.) Plus it appears you'll be pulling a Montana and buying out the Sam Houston contract since a strong FCS non-conference game on the road might be too much for the poor, little bison to handle. The AC's schedules since moving to D-I have routinely lacked games against other FCS powers. The proof is lies in the decisions "Not so Mean" Gene made this off-season, he could have gone out and tried to schedule at least one FCS with a pulse. Instead he brought in the two turds. Plus, I'm sure when UND is a full counter next season we'll have to listen to a whole laundry list of whiny-ass excuses as to why the cows can't play the Sioux, while they fill their non-conference dates with some more punchless wonders.
  24. You know what the schedule isn't great but at least we tried to schedule good teams. You guys had an 8 game head start this season and still have three absolute dogs on your schedule (Austin Peay, Central Conn., and Indiana State). I know Indiana State is a conference game but seriously how many cupcakes do you need to play in a season? Looks like Gene "The gutless wonder" Taylor has taken some scheduling tips from the Montana schools and doesn't think he needs to schedule anyone with a pulse for non-conference games. Expect the future Sioux schedules to only get better while the Bi-son continue to schedule patsies.
  25. Yeah but at least he'd still be running instead of watching in the stands like Horner.
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