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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. I think it's Cal Poly's year. SIU's inexperience and inconsistency will be their downfall in a first round loss to New Hampshire. JMU, App State, Cal Poly, and UNI will be in the final four.
  2. It really comes from the attitude they've developed on that board. It started this summer with the pretty disgusting personal attacks they made on a whole host of UND athletes. Since it was our kids and not theirs, the moderators turned a blind eye to it and set the precedent that personal attacks against student athletes was entirely acceptable. It was only a logical next step that when things started heading south for them to start attacking their own players. I know that I've been no saint as far as my dialogue on this site and on others but I have always tried to avoid attacking individual players on opponents and on our team. I've been critical of coaches for both the Sioux and for other squads in the past but I think their is a big difference between attacking college kids and attacking highly paid coaches and officials.
  3. I can't say I've spent much time at all on the hockey forum but if that type of crap is going on there then those people should be embarassed of themselves.
  4. How many more losing seasons do you think Notre Dame can have before NBC pulls the plug on the TV deal? That would pretty much force ND's hand as far as conference membership goes.
  5. Great kick for Brandon! Great win for this program!
  6. Hey it should be fun. It could be a first in ND FB history. We could be matched up with the defending national champs and the game could possibly be televised nationally.
  7. It's really probably our deepest spot on the team this year with the three seniors, Bamba, and Konrath all in the mix ahead of Daggett and Anderson. They'll see a lot of playing time next season.
  8. It sounds like a lot of Sioux fans made the trip. Also agree that's it's great to hear the band on road trips.
  9. I'd love to but unfortunately it isn't on TV in the cities. If it wasn't for work I'd be seeing things first hand in Vermillion.
  10. Siouxsports is typically way ahead of the internet feed.
  11. We needed that. Let's get some stops now D!
  12. Tennessee is 3-7 and most likely won't win a game the rest of the season so I think I'd take my chances with Cal Poly, SIU, or Montana in a game against them. Don't get me started on Wyoming. Tennessee might be the biggest win of their season after a season long streak of ass-kickings delivered by schools that aren't exactly football powers (BYU, Bowling Green). Don't feel bad about being shown up, just remember that I've forgotten more about college football then you'll ever know. What are you saying that people don't want to hear? Nearly every poster on here has admitted UND is having a down year. Hell, I said this was the least talented Sioux football team since the early 90's in the post of mine you quoted. It's not your criticism of the Sioux that leads me to believe your a Byesin fan, it's your endless hard-on for the team from the south that does. Even some of the most die-hard Byesin fans will admit their team has played like garbage this season so what's with the praise? What exactly makes you think NDSU is somehow ahead of us? Is it the fact their an also- ran in a mid-level I-AA conference? I sure as hell hope UND football is aspiring to do a lot better than that in 5 years.
  13. I'm wide awake. Tennessee and Wyoming are two of the worst I-A teams in the country. FACT. Both of them are comparable talent wise to a mediocre or poor I-AA team. Other than Southern Illinois pissing one away against them, none of their wins are at all impressive. The Byesin would be battling us for the bottom of the Great West right now if they were still in the conference. Both programs are down but I think we're at least heading in the right direction while they're still worshipping Saint Craig while he proves every day why he got his ass canned in Nebraska. If you're so sick of the "B.S." season why don't you go and root for them. At least then we won't have to put up with this ridiculous internet charade you're putting on. You're team (NDSU) ain't !@#$. Almost every tough team you've played has beat your ass. You're an also-ran in at best the fifth best I-AA conference and right now you downright suck. Live with it.
  14. How's the undefeated season working out. It will be long offseason after you finish 5-6. Go back to Byesinville with the rest of the Kool-aid drinking retards who still think you have shot at the playoffs.
  15. The talent level is probably the worst it's been on this squad since the early 90's. The administration nearly killed this program by dragging it's feet over the Division I move. It won't take more than a recruiting class or two to turn it around as long as we can get the right guys in place. Any Byesin fan who's on here talking crap should get over themselves. They've had five years of recruiting D-1 talent and still have a rotten football team. It will be fun watching them get their ass beat again next week. It will be more fun if we can salvage a winning season by winning in the Dakotadome but it will be a tall order. I must say I'm disappointed in the GF community for last night's turnout. This program deserves better from it's fans than 7.800 in attendance.
  16. I agree. Though I'd love to come back in a season or two and pound his ass.
  17. Honestly, the redshit isn't as beneficial at the D-I level. With the five year rule and the near impossibility of a player from a program outside of the BCS getting a medical hardship it's almost better to have that redshirt year as an insurance policy against a season ending injury.
  18. Actually, we just need some coaching changes on the defensive side of the ball. Look at the difference between the Gophers defense this year and last year. It's amazing how quickly things can turn around when you get the right guys in place.
  19. How did we score? I was so pissed I turned off the audio feed and began writing my previous post when we got sacked at our 1 yard line.
  20. This game is evidence that we need to improve the athleticism of our program. The teams we had a few years ago were far more athletic than this team, but thanks to our bone-headed administration's waffling over the D-I move it became virtually impossible to recruit. This resulted in three poor classes that we'll see the results of this season and next. This years class was a good start and it sounds like Mussman is targeting the right recruits to get this program going in the right direction. It's also became readily apparent that the co-defensive coordinator experiment started by Lennon needs to end. If it comes between choosing Kelling or Mannaussau for the position I think Mussman should take option three and not choose either. When Tibesar left half of the defensive scheme we ran under him end up being scrapped those two failed to have enough understanding of the defense to coach those packages. We're seeing the results on the field. We still have a good chance of winning our next two games to finish with a respectable record of 7-3, but we need to have a strong off-season of recruiting and also need to look at bringing in a new defensive coordinator who will run a complete package even if that means switching out of the 3-4.
  21. dlsiouxfan

    WWU vs UND

    They're poorly coached.
  22. I think all that's been proven is that Craig Bohl is the same rotten football coach he was when he got canned at Nebraska. He was lucky enough to have a some real gems fall into his lap from the last coach (Mays and Walker) and this season their team is the epitome of poor coaching. It's going to be a long season down there as they only have one (maybe two) winnable games left on their schedule.
  23. By the end of the season your team will be a non-factor as well. At least we have a good excuse.
  24. No they usually just submit hate letters to any newspaper in the country that has a positive comment about UND. They also enjoy calling calling up the local media to scream everytime Sioux athletics gets a news story or headline. The rivalry will never be dead even if we don't play for another hundred years. Neither fan base will ever move on. If you need evidence just go to Byesinville and tell me if those idiots have moved on. This rivalry will last as long as the two institutions exist.
  25. Honestly, you think Byesin fans would have learned their lessons about predicting blowout victories. Your team is going to get run over next weekend. WIU will absolutely kick your ass.
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