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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Why would you guys schedule two schools that are essentially D-II or lower in terms of scholarships when you could have scheduled another I-AA school that was instate this year?
  2. Honestly, is this where Bison fans want to see the rivalry go? Wasn't it an Oklahoma State fan who made up a message board rumor about Oklahoma University players getting arrested for selling drugs? Our friends in Bisonville are only about one step away from that. Reading their board is like reading a UND hate site and their fans have no qualms about attacking UND players, administrators, and coaches in ways that are extremely out of bounds. IF this rumor ends up being false then I sincerely hope that the May family takes legal actions against the idiot who made the initial post on Bisonville. Slander and libel are torts and it wouldn't be too difficult to prove damages. If the offending party wants to remain anonymous than they can sue the sites administrators for only locking the thread and not deleting it. Someone will have to be made an example of before this type of crap stops.
  3. Don't give them too much credit. It probably was a lot easier to fool a bunch of morons (NDSU grads) into thinking Valpo is a good team than it would have been to fool UND grads or fans of any other university into believing such crap.
  4. Well there is about the same amount of excitement as there is for your home games against Austin Peay and Central Connecticut State. Hell, Kingsville probably has more scholarships than both those squads.
  5. Honestly, do we need this in every thread. Can you at least keep this stupid crap in one thread so the rest of us don't have to read it? '
  6. I don't know what you're trying to get at. What we would define as "Mid-Major" in terms of basketaball are legitimate Division I teams. Staying in Division II would have eventually led to an entire schedule filled with schools like Valley City, Mayville, and Crookston. The lack of fan interest eventually would have killed the athletic program. Why should UND have chosen this route? What good could the school have accomplished by remaining Division II? What exactly were we supposed to sacrifice in the long run in order to compete for championships that were become more and more meaningless to the average ND sports fan?
  7. Yes, but UND also won 12 in a row from 1952 through 1964 and held a lopsided advantage in the all-time series. UND also had a number of excellent teams including one undefeated team during that time period who were denied a shot at the national championship due the lack of a playoff system. But in the end who really cares anymore since talking about the 50's and the 80's are both equally ridiculous. A UND football team hasn't defeated NDSU since 2003 and an NDSU football team hasn't beaten a UND team since 2000. This bickering could be settled on the field but your administration is full of arrogant blowhards who think the only way NDSU can maintain their current level of success is by never giving us a chance to defeat you on a football field. Cowardly? I'd say so, but then again listening to some of the BS coming out of your fans mouths the last few days maybe Bohl doesn't think the Bi-son are ready for that sort of game yet. After all the poor little Bi-son wouldn't want to embarass themselves.
  8. Four years is just a blip on the radar over the course of a 100+ year old rivalry. The overall record over the course of the series would support the fact that UND was a much more dominant program. UND for the most part owned NDSU in the 60's, 70, 90's, and early 00's. Sure the Bi-son were dominant in the 80's with their national titles but the titles of that decade have lost a lot of their luster. In 10 years we'll see who has the better progam. My bets are on the Sioux and I bet it won't take a full 10 years either. Remember that UND has been the premier institution in this state since it's inception and the Ag college will always take a back seat when it comes to the U.
  9. I think it's a pretty bold assumption you're making that this game is needed to balance the budget. I know for a fact UND football alone has raised over a million dollars from donations made through the Impact scholarship program. If this were really all about money there would be no reason to schedule the Idaho game as the guarantee is likely small and will provide little revenue after the costs of flying out there. I think this game is more about UND football establishing who they are and demonstrating where they want to be. To steal a phrase from the Bi-son, we are the team that will play "Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime" and we're actually walking the walk unlike our counterparts to the south.
  10. So let me get this straight, we've had Bi-son fans ripping UND for scheduling too strong an FBS team (Texas Tech) and too weak an FBS team in the same thread. Do they ever get dizzy from their own spin in Fargo? Perhaps the goldilocks at the Ag College will tell us which FBS teams are "just right" for us to schedule.
  11. They're still working out a few issues regarding his transfer paperwork. Probably will be resolved by the end of camp.
  12. If you want to be the best you have to play to play the best. Excellent job by our staff and our athletic department to put this game together.
  13. Yeah, and don't you think REA could give even more money back to the university if it wasn't paying Hodgson and a number of other REA administrators salaries that exceed those of similar positions already within the UND athletic department or if they weren't running costly marketing campaigns for REA events that will utilize UND's facilities but provide litte benefit at all to any of our athletic teams or the athletic department. Where do you think that money comes from? Wouldn't it be put to better use by UND in paying it's own administrators and coaches or in marketing UND's athletic teams and events?
  14. No, the REA is essentially a leach. UND fronts the bill for the REA's chief tenant (UND Hockey). REA keeps all revenue associated with ticket fees, concessions, etc. REA then wastes this money on their other assorted business ventures (World Juniors, Marketing REA events such as WJ's) and then when the time comes to distribute any profit back to the university there is little to none left. UND is then left holding the bag as our supposed "revenue sport" doesn't bring in any cash because REA has taken all of it.
  15. I sincerely hope REA doesn't get it. The last thing we need is more of REA wasting UND's marketing dollars on events like this instead of promoting UND events like they should be.
  16. Yes, I agree. It's too bad we couldn't have hired a competent AD like Faison the first time around. But I guess that's what happens when you have a president on cruise control.
  17. A pipeline to that area and especially to that program that produced Bamba and Fonseca is definitely an asset. I believe a number of pro's have come out of that school. Tim Biakabutuka of the Michigan Wolverines and the Carolina Panthers is just one that comes to mind.
  18. While I don't know if we'll sign as many kids out of Quebec every year as we have this year , I would fully expect that we get one or two players a year out of the California Juco leagues. California is home to some of the top football talent in the country and their JUCO leagues are no exception. Also expect the recruiting grounds to expand into Florida and Texas as well this next offseason.
  19. Yes, Raphael Reynolds is already in Grand Forks working out. From what I've heard he's probably as fast as Chappell plus a lot stronger. I think if he can pick up the system during camp he and Murray will make sure the offense doesn't miss a beat this season.
  20. I like it. Though it probably needs to be dumbed down a bit if it's going to be understood by your average Bi-son fan.
  21. You'll generally see a great deal of attrition at the offensive line position. Whether from injuries, transfers, etc. it just seems to be one of the positions where it never hurts to have enough bodies. It's a big reason why it's not uncommon to see successive recruiting classes with 4-6 O-linemen.
  22. Your whole argument only exists if we can assume you don't know what the hell you're talking about. How many times and in how many different ways can the same thing be explained to you before you understand it.
  23. I'd expect to see us get a quite a few players over the next few years from the California JUCO leagues. We've got some good contacts down there with former Sioux coach Gene Murphy having coached in the that league after his departure from UND.
  24. Honestly do you read anything posted in this forum. No one in UND's administration has said this is anything more than a short term scheduling fix. Continuing to distort UND's intentions only makes you look like an uninformed idiot. If you'd like to continue living in a fantasy world where if you plug your ears and close your eyes all of your distorted perceptions regarding UND will suddenly come true then I suggest you take your rants to bi-sonville where they will be well-received by the rest of the bi-son faithful who prefer sounding like idiot jackasses instead of informed sports fans.
  25. No misunderstanding here, I was simply predicting that any future UND win over Cal Poly or UC Davis would no doubt be marginalized by a great deal of Bison fans as insignifcant in the same manner as UND's victories over Northern Iowa and Southern Utah were marginalized. The attitude in Fargo seems to be that any team the Bison plays is a good or great team when they take on NDSU, but suddently becomes a poor team when that same squad takes on UND. It's a generally poor argument by Bison fans, but seems to be common theme anytime a UND team accomplishes a significant victory.
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