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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Gotta have something to interest those 2010 birth year recruits... Lol
  2. Why are you having sushi at football??? I clearly am a traditionalist ha. Burgers and brats for me.
  3. My issue with reserved tailgating, and really it is all hypothetical because I live in Colorado, but say you want to tailgate most but not all games? Do you reserve a spot and go when you can? Then people complain about the empty spots. I think you guys mentioned there is unassigned spots as well? I assume those are in the back. So you pay per week and get stuffed in the back of the lot because you didn't buy a reserved spot? It is stupid. Just have general tailgating. Open the lot four hours (or whatever time) before the game. Let everyone park as close as they can and set up shop. It eliminates the people cruising in last minute to park trying to navigate between all the people. How they'd park at the back. If you want to still buy a tailgating pass make it a window sticker or something then you can pay all at once instead of weekly. Whenever you park, send a group text to all your buddies so they can find you, or get yourself a really big distinguishing flag to fly. All the dedicated tailgaters will be together, it'll be great.
  4. I have never seen assigned tailgating anywhere. Also as far as your friends being able to find you, everyone has their cell phone glued to them anyway....
  5. Assigned tailgating spots is stupid. Have someone at the driveway collecting ten bucks and park as close as you can. I wouldn't allow overnight vehicles because the Alerus doesn't want that responsibility/security concern. You guys are trying way too hard to force this. Just let it go with the flow and it'll work itself out with the people who want to be there.
  6. I don't drink so that is no incentive to me. But I get what the poster a few below my original post is saying. I go to football games to actually watch the games. I know the rules, I follow the play... I don't think it would be very good viewing from floor level at the back of the end zone. Half the time they players will be 80-100 yards away. But by all means put the social butterflies there. Those that don't bother to watch a game. Good spot for them. Most likely to end up being "too close" to the action as someone comes running through their cabana.
  7. I wouldn't sit there, but that is just my opinion.
  8. It's not a terrible idea but with the budget crisis I can't see UND adding extra expenses and extra rent
  9. Chyzyk just tweeted he was accepted into the UND law school. Good for him.
  10. Just get rid of assigned spots and all the people that are big into tailgating will be together. The die hards that will be there when the lot opens will be together. But I was raised in Wisconsin, tailgating at Packer games where you just tailgate wherever and make friends with your neighbor. That is what is normal to me. Everyone tailgates. That is just how it is.
  11. Or maybe we should just wear pink jerseys ha
  12. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4266371-whats-unds-id-university-takes-branding-effort Some results of the survey.... Apparently people don't know the actual school colors and hockey is our identity.
  13. Not gonna lie... I always assumed Leigh was a female.... Oops
  14. We changed from flickertails... So never say never.
  15. So I realize that I am like a month late to this discussion but some of you are delusional. And I am not talking about the Sioux Forever crowd. If you honestly think that the football, volleyball, and basketball teams succeeded because they have embraced the new nickname you're nuts. You could PERHAPS say that because they were allowed to host games and weren't sanctioned by the NCAA the new nickname is responsible, but it is on the coaches, scouts, and athletes. As far as misplaced anger at the NCAA, I disagree. I am fully aware that the nickname is never coming back. I refuse to purchase anything with Fighting Hawks or the logo on it because it is a terrible, overused, unoriginal nickname and ugly logo. I will wait until either a new logo is produced, or a new nickname is voted on (assuming it also does not suck). I will still cheer on all of the sports teams, and donate to the aviation department, but I will not refer to myself as a Fighting Hawk.
  16. Can anyone tell me the number of scholarships per gender at UND? Or point me towards where I can look it up
  17. 1. I am a female 2. I am in Ireland so I am not watching anything 3. I did check the scores online for the World Championships, and I do for men's hockey as well.
  18. For people that don't like women's hockey you guys sure spend A LOT of time talking about it...
  19. They aren't my numbers. And all I said was I was surprised by football's number.
  20. According to this blog post from Rob Post (no idea if he's legit) football lost $2,923,313... http://www.sayanythingblog.com/entry/und-sports-programs-lost-13-3-million-2016/
  21. Everybody keeps saying this but I read an article this week and was surprised to find out that football lost $2.9 million this year... I get it, football has a ton more potential than women's hockey but I was still surprised by that number
  22. I don't think there will be a lockout. Just a bunch if suspensions when the players return.
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