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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. 7:44 to go in the first Shots 8-3 WMU Score 1-1
  2. Berry is not happy and asking for an explanation
  3. Cam was two good saves... Seems on point so far
  4. Also what happened to Mark J. Lindquest?
  5. Radio guys said he's not even at the rink...
  6. I too live in Colorado and I disagree. It seems terrible here. And a large portion of people still break the law by smoking in public. You cannot legally smoke marijuana in public in Colorado. Non-smokers don't want to smell it.
  7. Breaking Aaron Rodgers collerbone is the best thing the Vikings have done for their season
  8. Except the Post Office logo... Which it is similar too. Also the UND and the Notre Dame logos were not identical. But you'd have to look at the details... Which if you like details, I am guessing you don't like the current logo because it is about as bland as you can get.
  9. What are you confused about??? I don't think the power plays need to be even. I am saying if you call tick tacky penalties on one team you damn well better call the same thing on the other team if they do it. I don't want penalties called based on the scoreboard, whining coaches, or who had the previous power play. Call the penalties that actually happen.
  10. I just want the games to be reffed consistently. If you're gonna make stupid calls, make stupid calls all around. I said it last night and I will say it again, the ref should never be the center of the game. And penalty calls should not be dictated based on which coach is whining.
  11. Of the major penalty? Look towards the beginning of this thread
  12. Berry said the explanation on the no goal was that the linesmen called it no goal so they reviewed it, and called it goalie interference. Hasn't seen a replay yet so can't comment anymore. Tough to win when PP time is 20+ min to 33 seconds. After the disallowed goal it just got away. Need to keep building next weekend. Will look at the film and see what we need to do. Did well 5x5.
  13. The referees should never be the center of the game...
  14. @BradShep33 on Twitter... I am going to attempt self control because I feel like telling him he's an idiot
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