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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Irish

    2013 season

    Ok - I'll say it then - our defense was very poor last year. I'm not saying that the entire fault is with the defensive backs - not at all - poor line play, poor tackling - you name it. What I was saying (and I think it was clear to many fans who watched the last several years) is that we have an incredibly loose coverage scheme especially at the corners. We were discussing if our D-backs could be among the top in the league and I feel that unless we change our philosophy that isn't going to happen. We need to get up in someone's grill once in a while. Our set-up last year hindered this. We were more than willing to give up 5-10 yards at will. Hopefully we will tighten up this year.
  2. Irish

    2013 season

    The fact that we had more passing yards doesn't mean that our pass defense was tight. We had to pass because our running game was nil - and we had a stud qb fall into our laps. Not only was our passing defense poor, but our line was weak too. All you had to do was watch the game and see our opponents get an automatic 10+ yards almost any time they needed it. The 5-10 yard pass kept many an opponents drive alive. All you had to do was look at how we lined up to see the problem. You just pointed out that our entire defense was extremely poor and I agree.
  3. Irish

    2013 season

    I hope you know something - I'm looking forward to the retooled defense and hope we don't look like we are playing a prevent all game.
  4. Irish

    2013 season

    I hope they do, but for any D-back to make an impact we have to change our defensive philosophy of playing very very very loose on receivers, especially our corners. I feel that this scheme holds us back more than anything else in Muss's tenure. They seem to do it year after year. I hope we change for this season.
  5. I wonder what the Goalie situation will be this year - after some flashes from both that made me quite excited it seemed like neither guy could win the job. I was somewhat dissapointed overall. Any predictions?
  6. When I first heard about the new league, I was very excited. It has been downhill from there. We are the premeir school in the new conference and should have a little say in the decisioins. First St. Cloud was allowed to join after years of trying to sabatoge our nickname. Next, the only official to publicly state a hatred for the Sioux is named head of officials and we have 2 - count em- 2 Sheppards in the officiating crew. Finally, we take it in the shorts on the broadcasting. Don't we have any influence? What's going on?
  7. Let's face it - the Alerus Center has never gone out of its way to be known as the home of UND Football - I can't wait until the day we have our own facilities. We were sold a bill of goods to pay for that white elephant - although I'm sure that everyone has been enjoying the great concerts they have been scheduling.
  8. Really - because I got a huge run-around at Eide - When I was trying to compare comparable vehicles from Honda, Toyota, Hundai, and Chevy an Eide salesman told me that he couldn't quote me their bottom line price unless I would buy it on the spot otherwise he would "lose rapport with his manager". If this is your idea of a great car shopping experience by all means stop in at Eide.
  9. First, they aren't remotely the same decisions Second, how did it work out for him?
  10. The point is that he would have gotten a lot less leeway at NDSU
  11. One of Muss's biggest weaknesses is game management, especially clock management
  12. Interesting observation - maybe because this is a Sioux board - I think it is clear NDSU has an edge in talent right now. We have a couple of highly touted classes on the young end and maybe that is where the optimism comes from. Hopefully, in a couple of years we will catch up or be ahead. I think it is harder for the casual fan to evaluate talent than it is to look at the game plan. For example, no way Sioux Falls had more talent - we just plain got outcoached. I think from watching last year's team both lines and our entire defense needs a talent upgrade. However, quarterback and receivers were outstanding. The talk in the section that I sit in was more about schemes than talent. For example, we knew our defense was not well stocked, but most of the complaints were about horrible fundamentals like tackling and how far off our corners played. In addition, Muss has not shown himself to be a good clock manager. These things are very obvious at gametime. The general feeling is that we have some great talent, but that it is young. We shall see. I think in two years, Sioux fans would be more than happy to have a talent debate. Now that I have you here as an "impartial" judge - how well do you think Muss's record and career would have been received at NDSU - would he still be there? Geaux Sioux and I have been having a debate - he maintains NDSU is a patient program because of the stability of the coaching situations - I think there is tremendous pressure to produce and little margin for error. The stability comes from having a good program.
  13. Only if you need to use it as an excuse
  14. If Muss was the coach at NDSU during their transition and beginning of DI and he had the exact same record as he does here how do you think he would fare. At 28-26 no way he would still be around, let alone having fans saying that if he could only go 7-4 this year he deserves a long term extension. Although we have definately made improvements, our defense last year and the fact that we didn't belong on the same field as the big boys (Eastern Washington and Montana State) would not be well received. In my opinion, UND has been very patient so far with Muss. I feel that he needs to show us something this year - A signature win perhaps, or at least 7-4. In addition, we need to look like the Fighting Sioux and not get our butts handed to us by anyone.
  15. If you look at their records, they really haven't had much need, but Bob Babich at 46-22 over 6 years was forced out. Before him was Rocky Hager at 91-25 and before him Earl Solomanson at 24-2-1 and Don Morton at 57-15. The Bison are notoriously restless at any sign of being less than competative. Hager was fired more for personal issues, but even at 91-25 he was getting criticism in his last year when he went 6-4. The Bison nation is in no way shape or form patient with their football team. If you think the Bison would for one minute put up with a defense like we put on the field last year without heads rolling you are delusional.
  16. Not necessarily arguing with giving Muss some time, but using the Bison as an example of a patient program doesn't help make your case.
  17. Seriously - you are telling me that the Bison are a patient fan base? He was on the hot seat two years after back to back 10-1 seasons and only a run deep into the playoffs got him off. I know you think Muss deserves more time, but you need at least one foot in reality.
  18. So patience is what makes programs great. I guess that's why the Bison have had so much success. They seem to be a very patient bunch.
  19. That's exactly what I'm talking about - the Pat Burns era gave us 6 years of mediocrity and it took forever to dig out. I'm not saying a new coach every year.
  20. I think you are right about the team being hungry and hope they have a fantastic year - we do have some massive improving to do in some areas from last year. I call BS on this year being the second year that counts, however. This will be Muss's 6th year and all of the previous years should be steadily building and improving to bring us to this year. I'm just plain not not willing to give him 10 years to break the bonds of mediocrity. The time is now to get the crowds back and re-establish a winning tradition. I'm not saying that Muss can't do it - I'm saying he needs to do it soon.
  21. In my opinion we have the most important first five games that we have had in many years. Now is the time to re-establish North Dakota Football at this level. We need to be competative and to put a team on the field that plays Fighting Sioux Football. We can get the buzz and excitement back or we can lose many fans for a long while. Muss has been at the helm for long enough to not have any excuses. I am optimistic about this season - we have a talent influx that should make a difference. My biggest worry is mediocrity - just good enough to keep the status quo but not a breakout season. We can show that we are a force or we can have a lost decade or more of Sioux football. Time to make our mark. Time for a signature win. Anyone else tired of the smugness of the fans down south? Well, let's do something to get our team going.
  22. It's not hate, but it's time to get it done.
  23. Not saying that at all - I love it when the Sioux are gritty - I just meant that I am really tired of our endless cycle
  24. Wow - this young bunch of talent brings amazing opportunities for coaches to coach. Defense - let's turn into a unit to be feared instead of the eratic group from last year. Goalies - we have three with good credentials - I hope someone takes a leap forward and claims the job - it's certainly open to any of the three. I was disappointed no one claimed it last year. Offense - Please, let's get out of the damned corners and go up and down for once - Use our talent. Time for Hak to evolve as a coach.
  25. You, Sir, are a true historian.
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