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Everything posted by Irish

  1. To put it broadly, our needs are a breakthrough class so we can compete with other teams in ND and SD on and off the field. Time for Bubba to show us something.
  2. One yard and a cloud of dust.
  3. I love the idea of a heavy line - they were a force to be reckoned with in 2016. This is the type of "role players" we need, not the non-scoring grinders.
  4. Which returnees do we see taking a nice jump in scoring next year (hopefully several?) I think Mishmash and Kawaguchi for sure.
  5. A few years back Jones assembled what I feel was the most talented Sioux Basketball Team ever. He decided that the best offense was "streetball" and the go to play was to have his best player and ballhog to go 1 on 4, pivot 3 or 4 times and put up an off balance shot, get a foul, or lose the ball. The guy can't game coach for squat.
  6. Agreed, but after watching last year's team and the sophomore (now junior class) in particular I think it is even harder to win a nattie without any scorers.
  7. A huge difference in the number of shots and scoring chances. Hockey is up and down the ice even with a low scoring game. 40 total shots on goal in a 1-0 game is not unheard of along with exciting goalie play. A soccer team with a 1-nil lead can bog down what ever action there was for an entire game. It's like watching paint dry except not as exciting.
  8. I believe Cruikshank was on our radar for quite a while - maybe even a verbal - what happened?
  9. Not specifically directed at you, but at those in general who think there is too much emphasis on getting the high round draft picks.
  10. Nice sarcasm and I get your point. However us diehard fans can point to our recruiting advantages over many schools - a strong tradition of winning and National Championships, the best arena in college hockey, lead the nation in attendance and fans travel like no other team, a proven record of turning out NHL talent, and coaches with player development experience, and probably the program with the best tradition in the country. While every recruit is different, I like to think we have some recruiting advantages over many other schools. Maybe I am wrong but I don't think so. I do admit, however, that in my head I can't understand why anyone would want to go elsewhere so maybe I am overestimating our drawing power. I know that the coaches are the experts, but I still don't get what happened to our Junior class.
  11. Totally agree - I think what got many posters going is the idea that maybe the Junior class wasn't just bad luck but a change in recruiting philosophy. We have plenty of grinders right now. What we need are scorers. It really doesn't matter what round they go in, but guys who can handle the puck, pass accurately, and hit the net (especially when it's wide open). There is no reason we shouldn't be able to get plenty of these players.
  12. Totally agree, but I feel high end talent is needed also - take away Boesser and Schmaltz from the title season and see what you would have. We can't afford classes without any high-end talent either. Watching last year's team try score was brutal.
  13. I hear what you are saying, but I think we are making too much of the term "blue chippers". Look at the championship team - we were loaded with studs whether it was first rounders (Schmaltz an Boesser) or undrafted (Cajula). The point is we were loaded with talent and have been for at least the past 10 years. Guys with pro aspirations wanted to come here if they went the college route. The recruiting complaints started when we had a blank sophomore (next year's junior) class. Watching last years team was night and day talent-wise from our championship year. On offense we were brutal. So ya, after a championship season fans expect more talent to want to come here, not less. Many feel that given our program, facilities, fans, and tradition we should be in the running for almost all top talent and get more than our share. Sounds like we are starting to do that again.
  14. He has some things to learn about keeping and developing his recruits also - I understand the competition but frankly thought we'd be much further along by now. And We don't need TRex to out recruit these teams, we need Bubba to do it. That's what he sold us when he was hired.
  15. I didn't mean to imply they haven't done the groundwork - just stating it is time for it to pay off. We need a breakthrough class.
  16. Bubba's fifth season - recruiting contacts should be made, evaluations complete, needs assessed, and offers being made. Time for this program to take a step forward with a breakthrough class. Coaches need to sell themselves and the program. Time to get it done.
  17. Coaches need to sell themselves, their philosophies , and their program. We need a breakthrough class.
  18. Although the timing of the games is important, what I think is more important is how we come out playing this year. Last year was extremely frustrating to watch, and not only because of injuries. Coaches need to seriously evaluate the talent available and come up with a plan to utilize them in the best possible way. If we come out getting after it every play and call an offense that is not right out of the 1950's enthusiasm and attendance will come back. If not, welcome to Muss 2.0.
  19. I was at that game - great road trip and quite a bit of celebrating for our college crew. Bison fans were stunned.
  20. Apples - Oranges --- If Geno left to sign a pro contract everyone would be happy and it would be a boost to UND recruiting. If a star hockey player wanted to transfer to Minnesota (like Geno) then you would get this reaction.
  21. Great news - let's continue to work the recruiting trail.
  22. Sounds like a hard worker and a great team player.
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