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Everything posted by Irish

  1. I'm not sure what you see in Bubba that no one else does - He's the one who made the decision to stand pat last year. He couldn't even take care of the blocked punt situation. And unless you are in some alternate dimension, you sure as heck didn't see him out-coach anyone in a game situation this year.
  2. Even after seeing our blocking scheme for punts?
  3. It's not just the record (although that is far from acceptable) - mainly its the Coaching that was on display this year that shows a change is needed. As to to talking to Bubba and setting goals - that made me spit up my coffee a bit. Bubba is nothing if not totally inflexible - he hasn't shown us an adjustment or change yet. Many games this year were almost unwatchable. If we want to be in the exact same place with the exact same problems then Bubba's our guy.
  4. You are mistaken if you don't think Bubba's the problem - no matter what Lowell says.
  5. I'm a big believer in team loyalty, but given the consideration these two have been shown throughout the season If I was either of them I would tell Bubba to pound sand.
  6. Bubba's got to go - he will never never never change.
  7. Good Old Boy Bubba - Mr. Clutch - How do you like him now?
  8. Seems like Berry is having a lot of trouble assembling a team. We win a Natty and instead of getting a recruiting boost we look up 3 years later and St. Clown and Duluth have better programs than us and we have the worst group of forwards I have seen since the Bjorkman years. And we get worked in the 3rd tonight. And our PP sucks again.
  9. We're the University of North Dakota, not some crap ass program. Absolutely no reason we shouldn't have some guys on the roster who can put the puck in the net. Pathetic showing tonight. Berry needs to get in some firepower and right quick.
  10. I totally agree - my question is "what in the wild wild world of sports does Bubba see in him?" Bubba just doesn't seem to be able to grasp this - this is why Bubba needs to go - much more for this than not making the playoffs.
  11. I'm not saying that - I would be happy with the average Sioux firepower over the last 10-15 years. More would be gravy.
  12. This is why we will remain a mediocre football program. My expectations are that after 5 years Bubba should have at least 1 playoff victory.
  13. In my opinion it's equal parts "students these days", improving the Ralph experience, and product on the ice. The arena was buzzing during our championship season - since then the quality of home games has gone downhill a bit - not just won-lost, but the types of games. We really need some scoring up front. I know we have some great recruits coming in and some quality frosh, but we just don't have the firepower any more. Remember, this is the fan base that has seen Bochinski, Parise, Duncan Toews and Oshie (on the same line), Frattin, Schmaltz, Caggula, and Boesser. Not much like them anymore. Fan opinion on this season depends on whether you saw the Bemidji series or the Wisconsin series. It seems like after the title we celebrated for a bit and then looked up and Duluth and St. Clown were better than us. We should contend for the conference championship almost every year. Not having much scoring from the upper classes seems like a way of life now. As to The Ralph Experience - start with the music and cut some of the ads - it's not rocket science. Also, someone should be working almost full time analyzing what is needed for the students to come and be active. We need this to be the best hockey experience in the country.
  14. I respect your loyalty, but disagree on your conclusion. Continuing with the Washing Machine analogy - the machine was clearly broken last year and the guy in charge of repairs did nothing. A couple of parts clearly needed replacing (special teams, O coordinator) but the repairman decided they were good to go anyway and decided not to order new parts. Now, this year, those same parts are giving us trouble again. We have had the same repairman for 5 years and no repairs have been made. How much longer before we try another serviceman? How long would you wait with a broken machine at home if the repairman kept saying things are fine when they weren't. This is year 5. Bubba should have some things figured out by now.
  15. The real danger here is that we somehow squeak into the playoffs, get our butts handed to us, and then enough people declare this season a success because we made the playoffs and improved from 3 wins and think no changes are necessary. Especially with the last few games, Sioux football has become almost unwatchable. Is this what we want for a program? Because we all know Bubba's ideas towards changes.
  16. Rudolph is perhaps the worst at QB evaluation and development I have seen on any level. Bubba seems to be fine with this. Once you are in his doghouse, good luck. And this staff always doubles down on being stubborn instead of re-evaluation. Why so many think that if we get a new special teams coordinator all will be well is beyond me. (And Bubba doesn't have the perspective or the stones to do it himself - he'll have to be told). Our coaches have shown us important game after important game what they are all about.
  17. Bubba and company have shown us their coaching chops time and time again. Bubba will always be the guy who is too stubborn to make changes, whose team gets out-adjusted every half-time, who thinks Kostich and Rudolph are doing a good job, and who won't go for it on 4th and less than 1/2 on the opponents 45 yard line. He has shown us he will not change. Is this the guy we want leading us into the future? Be prepared for years of frustrating football - some good seasons mixed in, but always collapsing in big games. I'm not sure why so many think he's the guy.
  18. I've said this for a couple of years now, but we really really really need some guys who can score if we want to be on top again. I like how hard we are playing and the defense is becoming a force, but if we can't score ....
  19. I don't think we can afford much more of this either - In my opinion this is on Bubba after sitting on his hands at the end of last season. This is almost unwatchable football.
  20. Irish

    PSU Queens

    Bubba, then Schmidt - I am so tired of our lack of adjustments I could puke - Bubba can bleed green and wish for success all he wants but in the end his actions are what are killing us. How many years has he had to clean up the special teams - especially the punt protection. And has it happened?
  21. A very accurate description. Although people rightly point to special teams and play calling as glaring and reoccurent weaknesses, in my opinion the total lack of quarterback development is right up there too.
  22. Bubba has shown us over and over again what kind of game coach and half time stratagist he is. He has also shown us what kind of schemes and assistants he wants. He has also shown us loud and clear how willing he is to make changes. I'm not sure why many don't see him as the main problem. Even with a few new assistants he will always be the guy without the stones to go for it on 4th and less than 1 on the opponents 45 yard line in a must win game. We need higher standards.
  23. Stubborn refusal to change, refusing to make staff changes, being out adjusted every half time, too conservative to go for ot on 4th and one, total lack of discipline and organization on special teams, and total crap performances in big games. Bubba has been telling us loud anc clear what kind of coach he is. Why won't we listen? Keeping his entire staff last year puts thi squarely on him.
  24. Only if they outlawed any adjustments for the second half or didn't count the third quarter.
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