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Everything posted by Irish

  1. The college crowd has become fickle everywhere - The fact is that it isn't pizza or coupons that will do it - it is putting an exciting team on the field - one that people think is going to make a national splash and is exciting to watch. Like it or not, the Gold Standard is 70 miles south. The sad fact is that Bubba and company have a history of very frustrating home performances when the stakes are high. Usually during these losses fans go home believing that we have been visibly out-coached. Other than a mediocre Montana team, we have had two shots at making a statement - Idaho State was a fiasco and now this. How many times do we have to be out adjusted in the 3rd for Bubba to wake up? Just like with Rudy he just doesn't get it and probably never will.
  2. This has gone on forever - but you know Bubba - no changes forever.
  3. Turns out that you can talk team unity in the off season, send out letters about how each game and each period starts at zero, have a coach say your defense is the best he's ever seen, and if you don't have enough talent to gain the offensive zone or even get a decent shot off during a power play you will play unwatchable games and have Bemidji State kick your a**. Come on Bubba - at least watch PP film and do anything but what we are doing.
  4. Don't hold your breath - it's been years now
  5. And we can't blame it on Jost leaving early - get some guys that can score for crap's sake.
  6. Duluth does, however, have a few guys who can put the puck in the net and their power play is far above ours. No way a program as storied as ours should have a crap power play year after year.
  7. No, not after last season. This game was one painful extension of the last season. I really bought into the Berry spiel about how every game starts at zero etc etc. Watching us struggle to score is painful, even more so when we are on a "power play".
  8. Why can'w we get in some scorers when the likes of St. Clown and Duluth can? No excuse for this type of showing. Absolutely no improvement from last year.
  9. A year later and same old same old. Looks like we learned absolutely nothing in the off season- stupid penalties, no offense, and a power play that can charitably described as pathetic. Why don't we have any scorers on the roster?
  10. It seems to me that Sioux Football fans are ready to start packing the Alerus - the energy is there - you are correct, however, in that at some point the program has to give us some home games that leave us fired up instead of feeling like we have been kicked in the gut. This fan momentum won't last forever. And it just isn't the home losses - it is partly how we looked during those losses.
  11. On second thought, Rudolph is a great O coordinator who is known for keeping his opponents off balance, making spot on halftime adjustments, utilizing all his players to our advantage, and his innovative schemes.
  12. I'm very excited about the upcoming season - should be a good one. Sounds like Berry is astute enough to took at last year and make some changes. It seems he has emphasized team leadership and unity in the off season. In addition, he has been recruiting his butt off lately. If our veterans can make the jump from last year that we expect we should be a good team and maybe more once the frosh find their stride.
  13. Irish

    Day By Day

    Seems to be a theme for Bubba Ball.
  14. Irish

    On To UNC

    Hopefully everyone but Rudy.
  15. And this is after 6 years of Muss. Every time the fans get fired up like last week it seems like we are treated to a cruel joke. I think the fan support would be great if the team ever shows us something.
  16. Irish

    2018 Season

    Heraldo Sports headlines :LOOKING FOR ANSWERS - "Scoring three times more in the first half than the second, UND Football eyeing changes" According to Bubba "We've talked to our team about it and talked to the Captains". ..... "Changes may be as simple as how we warm up for the half." (this seems to be the end of the discussion on changes) - Talking to the Captains is good, but how about, I don't know, TALKING TO YOUR COACHES. We have plain and simply been out coached and out adjusted every game - especially when we have the ball. Unless Bubba and company take a long, hard look at what they are doing (and no, it's not the calisthenics) it will be a frustrating season. This shouldn't be rocket science. I hope there was a lot more unsaid that Bubba plans because he and his crew are looking like inflexible Jr. High coaches when it comes to in-game changes.
  17. Putting in more money would be a good start, but I don't think it would save us from the type of games we saw vs Richmond, 2015 Idaho State, or this week.
  18. This is not unique to UND - this contingent can be found anywhere people care about and expect a winning program. How long do you think Muss would have lasted at NDSU? How much tolerance would they have for Bubba? That's right - very little. Although fans complain, it seems like we let coaches flounder about for quite a while (Muss - 6 years) and are tolerant of the same mistakes over and over (Rudolph). Same with basketball.
  19. I've felt like the football fanbase was ready to expand and get real excited about this program since about 2015. Tailgating is much improved and students seem energized. However, you can't ratchet up the excitement and then play a game that leaves fans throwing up in their mouths a little time and time again and then wonder why the football team gets no support. It may be easier to recover our playoff status than the support of new fans. It's not just the losses, it's the absolute horrible display put on that leaves fans cold.
  20. We wouldn't even have to be thinking of a coaching change if we had a coach who was willing to change. Bubba's signature type game so far is a momentum stealing second half total collapse at home in front of a crowd wanting to believe. I would feel much better if I had any confidence that Bubba would be willing to make changes to the program. So far - not.
  21. The Sioux way of dealing with this is to wait another 4-5 years with our fingers crossed. We are the program that put up with Muss for 6 years and immediately followed with Rudy calling the plays for 5 years. Our idea of recruiting the QB position is to get someone who was cut by a 2-9 team. Our half-time adjustments would be laughable if there were any at all. Bubba's signature game is quickly becoming a second half disaster at home with crowd enthusiasm is just building. I just don't see the collective will to demand a winner. It's easier to blame hockey, lack of phase II, the Bison out-recruiting us, poor luck, or fans who don'"support the coaching staff".
  22. Irish

    2018 Season

    Yes ............... changes. Good thing changes are Bubba's strong suit.
  23. Bubba has clearly established that he doesn't have the guts for that call on 4th down.
  24. Irish

    2018 Season

    Did you watch our last playoff game? - I never want to see a repeat of that. Killer instinct my a**.
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