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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Why in the world can't we organize a decent kickoff coverage - it's not rocket science.
  2. What is Duluth bringing back? I really hate it when Duluth and St. Clown are better than us - hopefully with our recruits on deck it will be short lived.
  3. This is not the team I had hoped to see this year - looks a lot like last year's team with a QB that can throw downfield.
  4. I have been critical of Bubba's personnel and scheme decisions, but today he deserves props for trying to make the game day experience memorable. It is good to have a coach who cares this much. With a successful season Sioux Football could become the place to be.
  5. This guy is a menace who likes to break things just to see what would happen. He needs to be gone.
  6. I agree - it started to kill the buzz last year - good thing this year laying an egg means winning by 20.
  7. Irish


    I usually am pretty supportive of Tom, but it looks like he too has pledged fealty to his Fargo overlords.
  8. Irish

    Sam Houston

    If we spent the off season evaluating what went wrong with a sharp eye and making some adjustments I think we could surprise the heck out of Sam Houston. Even with an average O line our offense could be hard to stop with the weapons we have and a QB with better throwing skills. I am excited and optimistic about this game.
  9. Irish


    But with countless different line checks for each.
  10. Nice article on Central goalie Kaleb Johnson in todays Heraldo. Can anyone fill me in on his recruitment? Sorry if this has been mentioned previously - I must have missed it. Is he someone we are interested in/recruiting?
  11. Irish

    Starting QB

    QB is a position that has been poorly recruited and developed - hopefully this will change this year. Lack of a quality QB recruit each year and mis-managing QB talent has been a major failure of the Bubba era.
  12. Irish

    2018 Season

    A great competitor and teammate who gave his all. But let's be honest about his QB skills - had trouble with the long ball, tended to lock on a receiver instead of reading the progression, and had a terrible time with a simple screen pass. We seriously need a better arm at QB in order to win, especially with Mr. Double Reverse calling the plays. Bubba has done a poor job so far developing QB's (and even being able to recognize who is capable of playing QB as shown last season). Hopefully the competition this year will lead to some increased skills.
  13. Irish

    2018 Season

    What amazes me isn't that Rudolph doesn't get it - he doesn't and never will. It is that Bubba keeps him on. Bubba can tell him to "open up the play book" but that won't give us a sensible blocking scheme or enable him to read the defenses or help him know when to call what play (see double reverse).
  14. Our Junior class is loaded with grinders who will play 4 years. I'd much rather be loaded with studs.
  15. Recruiting has been great lately - nice job by the coaches. This is especially satisfying since the last two #1s went to Duluth and St. Clown. We need studs like this in the mix.
  16. Great news - let's load up!!
  17. Irish

    2018 Season

    This is the very type of team that Bubba Ball is supposed to be built to defeat - a talented group who doesn't like to be smashed in the face (as the Bison showed last year). Being this is the 5th year of Bubba Ball, we need to have a great showing. If we can't compete here we still have a long ways to go. If we do it is validation for what we are doing.
  18. Irish

    2018 Season

    This made me sad when I read it. I think it speaks to the mentality on this coaching staff which shows in our inability/refusal to attack anyone's weakness and lack of game time adjustments to our schemes.
  19. Irish

    2018 Season

    One of the frustrating things in my book is that there is a lot to like about Bubba - bleeds Sioux Green, does a great job of promoting the Football Program, overall enthusiasm. However, we have, in my opinion, the most talented stable of running backs we have ever seen. Sadly, in my head here is Rudolph's reaction to any suggestion we get Santiago the ball in space, put all three on the field at the same time, use the tight end more, or just adjust to what the defense is giving us: - Coaching malpractice in the first degree.
  20. Irish

    2018 Season

    Anyone close enough to Bubba or the staff to have any insight into what is wired into Bubba's head so he can't see these problems? I have a hard time grasping it on a football level. If it is pure loyalty then he is putting his buddy ahead of the program (and they might be two buddies without a job ). Is he that blind that he can't see these problems?
  21. Irish

    2018 Season

    In my opinion, Sam Houston is a great test to see where we are in year 5 of Bubba Ball. Bubba Ball was sold to us for this very situation - a highly skilled team who doesn't like smash face football. Not saying we must win, but we need to be competitive and afterwords Sam Houston needs to feel like they were in a football game.
  22. You are not even close to a nerve with your babble. The fact is that I was expressing an opinion of our O coordinator that is shared by about 80% of the posters here. Although I am not currently seeking employment, I could eat a can of alphabet soup and crap out a better game plan than Rudolph has shown us. That being said, I am hopeful for this season and hope our recruiting class is among our best. I hope Bubba's team has had a great, motivated off season and that the new players provide us with the necessary spark. This is his 5th season so expectations are high.
  23. So, you must think that our O coordinator had a dandy season calling plays last year. When we have even close to the success that Coach Klieman has had then you will have a valid point. Until then, not.
  24. Irish

    2018 Season

    In my opinion, the very first time we pound Santiago up the middle for the famous 2nd and 9, 3rd and 7 sequence someone should immediately go up to the coaches box and tell Rudolph to take a permanent hike. I could not be more disappointed in Bubba for putting Sioux football second to his buddy system.
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