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Everything posted by sagard

  1. I would think getting Zajac's brother would give the Sioux a lot better chance at getting another year from the elder Zajac.
  2. I'm not going to make excuses for your guys losing to Harvard, but here are two points to consider. 1. Harvard has not been bad recently. Dominated the NCAA runners up for two periods in '03-'04. Gave UNH fits all game last year. Sure they didn't get it done either time, but I suspect it's just a matter of time before they win a couple of NCAA playoff games again. 2. UND is going to struggle every time they are missing four key players. Missing Lee and Chorney probably hurt the transition game as much as Toews and Oshie hurt the offense.
  3. sagard

    TJ Oshie

    The Gophers have not emerged as a threat to win the NCAAs yet in my opinion. Too inconsistant. If they get on a roll during February we can talk. As for Oshie vs. Stafford I think if Oshie stays healthy he will end up out pointing him this year despite fewer games played and good luck seeing Oshie in Sioux jersey in two years. That or I'm just buying into the "Rich" hype during the WJC broadcasts.
  4. Wisconsin is really the only eastern team I typically worry about.
  5. There is plenty of other things to talk about in the other thread.
  6. As good and as highly drafted as many of the current Sioux (Oshie/Toews/Lee/Zajac/Stafford) do you think the coaches have committed their scholarships to potential recruits for next year? Or do coaches typically consider early departures scholarships to be "found" money and distribute it to existing players?
  7. Since it's a two part question. 1. I know the Gophers lost an opener to St. Larrys somewhat recently, so I'll take the Gophers at 10-1 and the Sioux at 11-0. 2. Duh. The Gophers! PS. I still HATE Harvard. I hope the Sioux embarass them and their funny talking fans.
  8. I'm with the "others" tonight, as I signed up before I was aware of the "split." I didn't wade through the soap opera over on GPL and didn't find out about the new league until very recently (when I emailed you.) I'm planning on your south side skates during January, but I just need to make sure my league nights aren't on the same evenings.
  9. I'll pick them up in a couple years, you'll just hold 'em for me til then OK? It's a fun skate and would be great training if there is going to be another ss/gpl contest this spring.
  10. Is that the Loose Change Hockey Association?
  11. 1983. The Sioux were robbed. Beat my team and lost to the cheese.
  12. Are you suggesting Kessel got robbed?
  13. I think the most important aspect in a WCHA defensemen is experience. No matter how many Gophers forwards turn pro next year, I think they will be just as good or better than this years team if the blue line all return and can be healthy. Ideally I'd always have experience on the 1st pair, working freshmen in on the last two pairs but giving them PP time in their skills warant it. As for comparing Lucia's to Blais/Hakstol defensive recruits, wasn't the Don trying to get Smaby, Lee, Radke and Finley? Seems like both programs want the same thing. Size and skill.
  14. Thanks to everyone and good luck tonight!
  15. Sorry for begging, but can anyone provide a radio link?
  16. I was serious. He was virtually out of control. Slashing after scoring, high hits, etc...
  17. You almost have to think Irmen had something to do with it.
  18. The Gophers have beaten CC, MTU and UW more than they have beaten the Sioux. Despite about thirty less games played against those foes. I doubt it. I'm sure the Sioux have beaten CC/MTU and likely DU more than they have beaten the Gophers. I don't think the answers would change if post season play was ruled out.
  19. I have to admit we haven't had an obsession like this since Parise left for the NHL.
  20. Vanek didn't do much PK time, especially after his freshmen season. Kessel's PK time is decreasing every weekend. Kessel does come back to the zone and helps break out, but he abhors hitting people. He could have drilled Oshie Friday night just prior to Oshie's goal. Instead he whiffed on a stick sweep. When Kessel starts shooting four of five rushes instead of the toe drag move he will be much more effective.
  21. That and UND was taking guys like Murray and Stafford. Irmen did allude to a less than inspirational UND recruiting trip in the Saturday Fargo paper. Irmen described it as a arena tour. Even though most of his points are valid, does any else see the irony of someone called "specifics" accusing someone called jloos (likely J. Loos) of hiding behind a screen name?
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