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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Game list. The funny part is even if you throw out the games in the '30s, the record is 130-116-11. Still matches neither schools account.
  2. No I'm with you in almost every case. I just think that Kessel's contributions are a little undervalued by this board and a little overvalued on GPL. Personally I think he is a great fit for the Gophers because of their scoring troubles last season. Combined with unexpectedly not having Tyler Hirsch this year I wasn't really sure if the Gophers were going get the scoring they need given the defense they play. Due to the dramatic fall off last year, I still need the Gophers score a bunch (win or lose) the next three weeks before I can consider them a serious challenge for the WCHA or NCAA playoffs. Prpich obviously could play for any WCHA team, but the Gophers do have players who play his role. Guyer and Sertich come to mind as seniors who seem to know they will be expected to play at both ends and can play against the opponents top players.
  3. If Kessel gets 3-4 pts, UND doesn't win both in my opinion. It's been a strange year though so who really knows.
  4. Just like great performances without finishing! Which is what I wish upon all the Green/Black/White. Actually the Gophers need Phil's points on a nightly basis. Last year elite teams like UND/CC/Cornell and might as well include Maine were able to shut the Gophers down. The Gophers will need to get 1-2 goals from RP's line, 1-2 from Kessel's line and nights where they get a goal from either the Guyer's or Kaufmann's line they are going to be very hard to beat. Even the Gophs great teams from earlier this century didn't try to win many 2-1 type games. So Kessel really does fit in well. This weekend should be great, I'll be in section 24 row 3, black leather Minnesota jacket if any of you are sitting in the area say hi.
  5. As long as Kessel gets 3-4 points, I'm OK with Oshie being the "best" freshmen.
  6. I suspect the Gophers were trying Brian. Honest. You just weren't listening. The US WJC team needs a '80 Brooks like personality to make them all hate on him instead of each other.
  7. 135-116-11. We can't agree on anything excepting ties.
  8. I think they had that advantage both nights. It really slowed their momentum for some reason. Not that I'm complaining or planning on advising Lucia to have them take a penalty while clinging to a lead this time around.
  9. This is what makes this site the absolute best on the net for analyzing PWR and RPI. Check out the effect on all WCHA teams RPI with the Gophers, MSU and SCSU going a combined 4-0-1 in out of conference play this past week.
  10. Let's just hope the US "star" returns for one more shot at the WJC Gold. It is a true shame Oshie couldn't have put off his birth by a couple weeks, he clearly would have been wearing a "C" next year.
  11. I really don't think you'd want me to do that would you?
  12. I suspect the Sioux will play their best game of the year Friday and probably win. Saturday the Gophers will respond with 45 shot effort and probably win. Great or bad goaltending is really the only thing that can change my expected results.
  13. It's a team game. Had Oshie finished one of his many chances against either the Swiss or Canadians the US would have had minimum silver in my opinion. I do agree with your sentiment though. The US "star" should be disappointed with his output, but no more so or less so than the rest of his team.
  14. Hakstol shouldn't be judged until his contract is up. Going into last year I thought he had a NCAA champion his first year. At the midpoint we all wondered if they were a tourney team. At the end Hakstol answered all questions about his ability to prepare a team for tourney play. I also questioned whether or not Hakstol would still be able to get the top recruits without Blais as the head coach. That question has also been answered. The only question that remains is whether he can successfully develop players and build championship team from the ground up. At this point I've pretty much conceded that he can. Things will not be as easy for him as Blais made it seem in the late nineties. Both Big Ten schools have changed coaches and are paying complete attention to hockey again. Denver has re-established itself as a super power and CC is always tough. Not to mention UMD/SCSU/MSU are capable of throwing out very good seasons from time to time.
  15. I'm convinced the Sioux will win Friday at Mariucci and lose Saturday. I don't care if Hak dresses the GF Pee Wees that is just the way it goes at Mariucci.
  16. The big difference between the choices Lucia and Hakstol have to make is the fact the Gophers are playing Niagara and the Sioux need WCHA points. It's easy if I'm Lucia, Kessel doesn't play all weekend. Frazee plays Saturday and Wheeler is a game day decision Saturday. Hakstol's players played a ton more than Wheeler and the defensemen seemed to have to absorb a lot of hits. So it's a MUCH tougher call for him, but that's why he earns the bucks. If I'm Hakstol, I sit Oshie tonight with tomorrow a game day decision, try to get a game from each of Lee and Chorney. My impression is that Toews can play. He has one less game on his legs and doesn't seem to have been put through the meat grinder like Oshie, Chorney and Lee.
  17. I don't think I got bent out of shape with your comments. I like listening to you talk Oshie, your Kessel takes are hard to listen to. There is value in scoring You are obviously much closer to the team/players than I am, so I do like reading your posts.
  18. Lee and Chorney both did great in my opinion. The US defense and goaltending gave the team every chance to win. The offense was a major letdown and I think it may have had a lot to do with Kyle not rolling four lines and letting the different styles of US players complement each other and wear down opponents. Oshie was the only consistant forecheck. Kessel looked tired and ineffective after the quarterfinals, and unlike Oshie who was great despite not finishing, Kessel has to be scoring/assisting to help the team. Had some of the bigger players taken regular shifts the whole tourney they would have improved as players and given the US a lot more varied attack up front. Congrats again to Canada, we be taking our shots at you again in Feb.
  19. I tend to agree on the structure of the tourney problems. However in my opinion I can live with it because EVERY game in pool play requires the utmost attention. Despite the appearances the US and Canada could easily traded places had the US not blown the Swiss game. I don't think Kyle did the greatest job using his players either. Next years team will be better assuming most eligible come back and the games will likely be played on big ice sheets where the Canadian MJ players may be taken a little out of their comfort zone. I think Lucia would be a great selection for coach next year. If asked I'm sure he'd jump at the chance, despite the contempt of USA Hockey he shows at times. It would also be a great test to see if he could avoid the traps that he has openly criticized in the past. ie. Playing time, playing injured players.
  20. That's good to hear. I just saw the play and that was the most rediculous call I've seen all tourney. Hakstol is going to have some tough decisions whether or not to play these guys after each has played five tough games in the last seven days.
  21. You could just as easily and just as accurately lay blame on those who missed golden oppurtunities to score against the Swiss and Canadians. Had the boys got one additional goal in either of those games, I think they would have been in the Gold Medal game. McKenzie just alluded to this as well for what it's worth. ifs and buts. Get them next year boys. I really like the potential of the US returning five defensemen next year and getting the heck out of North America where Canada seems to dominate. Congrats to the Canadians, I really wish I could have seen the smug Russians go down. Instead I'm watching the US blow another game.
  22. Go USA. I'm going into blackout mode.
  23. Yep. I'll be happy if EJ plays a year for the Gophs. Especially if goes in top two picks.
  24. I think we all want Kessel to do more. Shoot more, pass earlier, etc.... I think we will get it all at next years WJC. If he goes to the NHL, the team who plays him is going to want these things as well. As a Gopher fan I hope to see it all this spring as well.
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