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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Taylor's Ojibway name is 'TallerThanBrother'.
  2. This whole situation is an embarassement to the state. It started when the AG's report became public. I have no doubt that the next Chancellor is going to have to do alot of bending over for Chapman and the SBoHE members and our state's Govenor will supply the KY.
  3. Holy Cross, you're getting OLD!!! Have a geat day!
  4. Hurray!!! Straight from the horse's mouth! He just wants to be a college kid for awhile and have fun!! I think it's great that he has the maturity to recognize that there are some experiences more important than money. And kudos to his parents for raising such a smart kid! http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=135206
  5. Yeah, my idea probably isn't gonna fly. I understand when all the 'interim' coaches on the list were told they would not be considered for the permanent position, they would have no say in who is recruited and would need the blessing of Governor, they asked to be be taken off the 'interim' Chancellor assistant coach list.
  6. I don't think that Hak should rush into a decision. He could put an interim coach in place until the 'right candidate' becomes available.
  7. Politicians! You can't live with 'em; ya can't live without 'em, during planting season they're great for the crops!!
  8. You're not the only one who wants my Schneider jersey! Check with AZSioux, he's the most likely to go in on this deal with you. He's got a great jersey collection.
  9. I'm more of a cynic than any of you. I didn't read in Congresswoman Baldwin's letter that she disagreed with the NC$$ edict regarding American Indian names and logos nor did I read she said she would vote for H.R. 5289. She said she would keep WiSioux's "thoughts in mind" and her "opinion matters". I wouldn't be rushing to bring her to ND based on that letter.
  10. Never!!! Schneider jersey is in an underground vault with twelve foot walls, an electronic lock system that only I and the recently deceased inventor know how to operate and surrounded by buried land mines only I know the location of, in a location far, far away.
  11. Holy crap, I forgot about them!! Let's see, lawn chairs. Andy Schneider jersey. Lawn chairs. Hmmm. Ok, Dirty can have my lawn chairs.
  12. Stealing!?!?!?!?! I only want Sioux jerseys (and the Holy Cross jerseys I already have) so you're safe from me.
  13. Just kiddin', but yes I am (mean).
  14. OK, I'll take the Andy Schneider, which one do you want?
  15. One of my favorite 'muscle' men on the ice! Why do you think you would be 'an interesting person' for job?
  16. Sioux-cia


    Go to the store at the Ralph. Barnes and Noble next door to the Ralph carries a lot of stuff and sometimes has a lot of clothing on sale.
  17. Right, why the he!! have a SBoHE. How dare the Chancellor do his job. http://www.ndus.edu/policies/sbhe-policies...cy.asp?ref=2398 Geeze....
  18. Link, link, The only bad part of having the best college hockey program in the country, is that everyone wants what we have and will do and will give anything to get 'em.
  19. Good point. The difference as I see it, is that Robbie has been skating with his teammates since the doctors allowed it and has been fair game for getting checked during practices for several months now. I've known Robbie since he was a little guy playing hockey and football. This kid plays with alot of heart and has as strong a work ethic as anyone on the team. This is one kid that bounces back up within milliseconds of being knocked down by guys two and three times his size. I know this because his practices included hitting and checking my kid (2x's Robbie's size!) for years before college. He's gonna be a big asset to the team.
  20. OK?!? I haven't changed anything re how I log in so if that's the problem, I don't know how to fix it.
  21. They are during the week but I'm not sure about the week-end. I'll let you know tomorrow. Any other SS.com folk want to join the tour? (I love Chicago; my home town!)
  22. I just called Rob. He's not sure if they will be here this coming week end or the next one. Doesn't matter. Six for you and two for me and I can get four more. Are you in Forks? If not, I'll call the Ralph tomorrow and try to get it set up. Who knows, they may already have some people who want to tour on the week end. Saturday, right?
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