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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I feel honored to be singled out! You choose to ignore facts when presented to you, you get personal and attack persons who disagree with you, YOU are the one who lacks credibility. IowaBison has come on this SIOUX forum and presented his opposing views and has not felt so insecure with his opinions/viewpoints that he has felt it necessary to attack a persons credibility. Take a lesson.
  2. And the point is what??? All hockey players, regardless of country of origin, have the same dream; to play in the NHL. If there were a better professional hockey association any where else in the world that is where our young hockey players would dream of playing.
  3. Very scary. This statement brings to mind a ruthless German psychopath from the previous century.
  4. I don't buy it it rw77. Bourassa knew exactly what he was doing when he chose the name and it wasn't because frogs are known for their jumping.
  5. One word to that, LIABILITY. We're a very litigious society. I doubt UND would even consider opening the Old Ralph for anything except a demolition team with it's own insurance.
  6. Some people's mind sets are just that, minds set. I'm not looking or expecting anyone on this board or out 'in the real world' to change they opinions on what is racist and what is not. To paraphrase someone whose name I can't remember at this time, I may not be able to define rascism to you but I certainly know it when I see it, hear it, or am subjected to it. I've expressed my opinion which I believe to be the 'right' opinion, I respect your right to express your opinion and your right to believe it's the 'right' one. Regarding the comparison to GK, low blow, MM!! But to respond to it, I hear, read, etc. those derogatory terms used in derogatory ways today, here, and now. I have NEVER heard the word Sioux used in the derogatory way we're discussing on this thread today, here and now. Don't bring up the Sioux Suck, etc chants unless you can show that it's referring to the Sioux people and not to the Fighting Sioux athletes or in the same way Gophers Suck, Badgers Suck etc is meant. As I've already mention what is in the cited article. The owner of this BB team named his team the Frogs knowing it is a derogrotory term used to call people of French descent. Our team is named the Fighting Sioux knowing that the people who it is named for were courage, honorable, hard working people whose strenghts we want in our athletes.
  7. Where did I say that? Please don't put words in my mouth/posts or make assumptions as to my meaning. As most here know, when I want to say something, I say it loud and clear. I don't 'come in throught the back door.' That's not my style.
  8. I've been called a 'beaner', insulting derogatory and hurtful to 'little girl' me. Persons of Mexican descent are called beaners because beans were a big staple in our diets. The French are called Frogs because they eat frog legs. Vietnamese are called Dog eaters because they eat dog. Remember the Disney movie The Mighty Ducks? One kid called another one 'Cake Eater',as an insult, because the other kid came from a rich community. The owner of this Quebec basketball team is well aware that the name Frogs is insulting to French people. He wants to nullify the negative term by calling his team the Frogs. Good idea, I agree in princiiple but it is an insult to thousands of people who know that being called a frog is not a compliment. I'm not going to change any minds here, I know. I just want my opinion, as someone 'who's been there' expressed. Oh, and one more thing, just because you didn't know a name or term is an insult doen't mean it isn't especially to those who use the term to refer to others and to the others who are subjected to it.
  9. Most of those 'adjectives' were invented by white Europeons to degrade anyone who was 'different'. Unfortunately, some people of white Europeon descent now think 'the racial animosity angle' does not apply when those terms are used to describe/call/refer to those same people they invented the terms to use as insults.
  10. Using your own analogy, if I had the means to buy a basketball team in the South, I could name it the N... Word and as long as the mascot is not of African descent or eating a watermelon, it's ok. I could have a Soccer team in Texas and call them the Spics as long as the mascot wasn't wearing a sombrero and waving a flag from some Latin American country. I could own a race car team in Little Italy (NY) and call it the Wops and it would be ok as long as the mascot wasn't a gondola driver waving the Italian flag. I could own a school and call it the Hebe and as long as the logo wasn't a Star of David it would be ok. I could own a music store and call it the Chinks, and as long as the logo wasn't a violin playing person with Oriental features, it's ok. So it's ok to call a basketball ball team in Quebec the jumping Frogs because it's not waving the French flag. You don't don't know why the Jumping Frogs is an offensive, derogratory name to people of French descent, ok. I do.
  11. Get that butter away from my game worn, signed, Scheider jersey!!! (he, he, he)
  12. Not sure but I think Finley was also 16 when he committed. Love Danny's stats. With a couple more inches and a few more pounds, he should be ready to fill those empty spots our current talent will be leaving in 2009.
  13. YaneA is the hostess with the mostest!!!! She's a tremendous asset to any get together!!!
  14. Sorry Guys but I gotta disagree with you on this one. The term Frog to a person of French descent is very insulting. It is tantamount to calling people of other nationalities Spics, Japs, Honkeys, Paddys, the N word (why is it so much more a taboo to say the N work than the others, oh well, that's for another time), Prairie 'N's, etc.
  15. OK, the Suite Meet has officially died!! Moment of silence, please. OK, time to move on! Siouxman has suggested we have our first of the year (and not the last!) tailgater before the Manitoba exhibition game, October 1st. The weather should still be fairly warm and if not we can just double up on our Sioux gear. After reading the 'how do we display we're Sioux fans' thread, I know we have plenty to keep us warm!! We can ask to have it at the Old Ralph parking lot. So, whadda ya think!!
  16. Tim and Swyg? Am I suppose to know who they are? Are they like Elton John and ?, or Boy George and ?, or that Boy Band guy that just came out of the closet and ?... ( )
  17. Hey, age has nothing to do with it!! Who do you cheer for? Who do you bleed for? Who do you love? THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOOOOUUUUUUX!! (OK, no more sugar for me! )
  18. Well folks, we gave it a valient try!! I think our SiouxSports.com Suite Rental 'meet and greet' in style is a done dead deal! THETRIOUXPER and SiouxMan have a great idea. We'll do another SiouxSports.com tailgater instead. Since I'm suppose to be working right now, I'll look at the schedule and see what we can come up with. Hell, lets just have one before every game. Who ever shows up, shows up! More on tailgating later...... (Who died and made me party planner? )
  19. You really like it? (Did you flush?) Well, I guess you're a Sioux fan after all!
  20. I bet it's not as nice as this one!!! http://web.nccray.com/tkessler/undumn.htm
  21. Things are looking sad for a suite. I spoke with Julie Frey this morning. As of right now, there are no smaller suites available. She is going to put out some calls to suite holders who normally rent out their suites to see if they plan on renting out that week end. She told me about another option that is new this year. A room will be made available to any number of people to rent for a game. Dinner will be had before the game and the room will be available to hang out in between periods. Seats together in the lower bowl will also be part of the package. Since this is new, she's not sure of the cost as of yet. Confirmation for that will be this Friday. It will be cheaper than a suite. We can 'meet and greet' and than be together for the game. So far I have as yes's if the cost isn't more than the midprice quoted earlier, 11 (possibly 12). Siouxmama= 2 HeidiSioux2= 1 SiouxMan- = 2 82SiouxGuy= 1 SiouxTupa = 1 HockekyMom=2 YaneA = 1 Sioux-cia = 1 (maybe 2 if I give in to my kid, Phats!)
  22. Let's see which one will I wear tomorrow...., my signed game worn Zajac, one of my four game worn signed Prpich's, my signed game worn Porter, my 2005-2006 team team signed white home jersey? No! I'll wear my signed game worn Schneider!!!!!
  23. And combined, their brain size doesn't equal the size of a quark!! (Fixed it, .)
  24. Don't go there!!! Gramma will get you!
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