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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Let's see now, spray paint would be fast. The job could be done in minutes and the 'culprits' could disappear into the night before anyone noticed Goldie's new shirt. Mmm, oh and if it could be done during an extended school break that would further reduce the risk of getting caught. Yeah, that's the ticket, spray paint, school break, yeah. It wasn't me officer, honest, it was crazy kids! You have to believe me, it was kids......
  2. Thanks for the applause! Our guys proved that hard work, a positive outlook, skill and great coaching equals a great win. Unlike some SS.com posters who just prayed the game wasn't a rout, our team went out with a different agenda; to win the game, not to lose it 'respectfully'. Congratulations Coach Lennon and team!!! Wooooo Whoooooo...... Damn, I wish I had been there!
  3. I think I know who took the doggy valium!! Any way..... Woooo Whoooooo, what a game, what a win, WHAT A TEAM!!!!!!!
  4. I scared the dog with my scream! Doggy valium, please
  5. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
  6. Ah hum... Goldie is not that near to the Mariucci Arena. Goldie has been moved from his original location and is now in an area behind the Radisson Hotel, he sits kiddie cornor to the hotel's parking lot. He's in an area where there are no streets crossing in front or beside it. Pretty quiet and secluded. My daughter in law took us there. She's a doctorate student at UMtc. It was her suggestion to get pictures of Goldie with a Holy Cross jersey on. With that suggestion, she officially became part of the family. What's really funny is that while it was Labor Day, there were a few students/people walking by as we took our pictures and NO ONE challenged us. Me thinks, a 2am Goldie paint job would be a cinch to pull off.
  7. Thanks to PCM, I can post the following pictures of my Holy Cross jerseys side trip to the UMtc campus. The last picture of a new Holy Cross recruit is my favorite. http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/HC01.jpg http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/HC02.jpg http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/HC03.jpg http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/HC04.jpg http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/HC05.jpg
  8. I can't help but believe that Rodrig-ass' family has endured a tremendous amount of pain brought on by Rodrig-ass and while his death will be hard for them at first, it will also put an end to all the on going horror that he has perpetuated on them as well. Please do not take this post as a whose family has been/will be hurt the most. I just feel sorry for Rodrig-ass' family as well. I don't know what I would do if one of my own was a 'non-human'. http://www.startribune.com/10086/story/662155.html
  9. Please God, let this be over soon. Please
  10. Siouxmama wasn't a SS.com member yet. We have the first 8 seats in our row and she usually sat in seat 8, closer to you than I was. I was in seat 4. You'll meet her at the next FF. Oh, and yes, you were drunk.
  11. Dam*, I thought that when they found him guilty it was of both the murder and kidnapping. And if he was found guilty of kidnapping then the jury believed Dru was alive when he took her into Minnesota which makes it a federal case. Dam*!!!
  12. I disagree. The legislation is not about UoI, UND,etc. It's about the NC$$ oversteping their bounderies as an institution whose mission is to protect student athelets. It's about the NC$$'s attempt at being the conscious of all U.S. citizens and their attempt at dictating to us what is morally right and wrong. And I have to say this, I'm as sick of the 'poor me, I'm a white man' as I am of the 'poor me, I'm a (pick a minority)'. Geeze!
  13. They are going to have a masseuse there as well who has 'magic fingers'! I definately recommend her!! She's a HUGE Sioux fan as well.
  14. This may be true but given the number of prisoners incarcerated for sexually committed crimes there must be a $hitload of them in secregation. I don't know how that can be done economically let alone spatially.
  15. Well, I guess that's better than a punk gopher thread.
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