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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. This is a SIOUX sports forum. On this forum there is going to be 'bad' talk re our rivals. If the only reason that a non-Sioux sports fan member comes to this forum is to post smack, I vote that they be banned. I give it out as much as anyone to those non-Sioux fans; ON THIS FORUM. I don't go to any other forum for the sole purpose of posting smack. If I did, I would expect to be banned after the first post. There are many non-Sioux fans who bring good information be it pro- or con-. Then there are those whose only reason for logging on to SS.com is to post smack. Kick 'em out, ban them, off with their heads... they will not be missed. As far as the tickets go, Siouxmama posted in the hockey season ticket thread that they will be mailed out Sept. 7th; both hockey and football. They can also be picked up at the REA September 5th and 6th.
  2. Siouxmama will tell you that it's the red hair. It's lucky!!
  3. Yeah, my first thought when I saw him was, 'Cancer or gastric bypass?'. He's lost at least 150 pounds since the last time I saw him which was at last years Frozen Four in Columbus.
  4. Sorry, siouxfan5. The cup and Mike were only here for the day.
  5. Siouxmama and I ran into the guy with the white gloves in the Sioux Shop. He let us wear his gloves. Not Lord Stanley but something that does get close. Goofy, I know. He was a nice guy. He's with the cup 24/7, I believe he said it travels 264 days a year. 30 days a year it's at the NHL Hall of Fame. He said the rest of the year there's a replica at the Hall of Fame. This guy has been with the cup for six years. Sounds like an extremely tiring job. Wish I had it.
  6. Last year the first snow fall was the night of October 5/6. Given our dry summer, my guess for the first snow fall this year is Nov. 13th.
  7. The question is a bit ambiguous as is my answer.
  8. TJ cause he's the cutest.
  9. And a big shout out to our 13 year old thread starter, Siouxfan5, for starting this great thread!!!!
  10. And just off camera is a sign that says with gas fill get in to girly show for free!!
  11. http://full90.com/pdf/Head%20Injury%20Comp...%20Football.pdf Old study but informative. While it doesn't apply to coaches, it wasn't that long ago when only 'wuzzies' wore helmuts.
  12. As a helath care provider for more years than some of your ages, I have more head injury stories than there are reasons for not wearing a helmut. Most of them were due to 'freak' accidents while biking, hiking, skating, etc. and almost all changed the lives of young/middle aged/elderly, independent, able bodied, intelligent persons and turned them into dependent, old beyond their years, mentally inpaired persons. Unfortunately, the needs of many of these unfortunates have resulted in their families having to place them in special needs residents and the financial burdon to the families can and has been astronomical. There is no way to foresee if just walking down the street and tripping on a crack could result in a head injury and no, we don't and can't live in a bubble. BUT, why not wear a helmut doing activities where the risk of a head injury is a no brainer (pun intended).
  13. Would a picture of Andy Schneider signing his old Fighting Sioux game worn jersey (which now belongs to me) help you feel better?
  14. Your television set doesn't have an off button?!?
  15. Me, too!! Row four, Section B!
  16. I thought I read somewhere that the old Ralph was not considered structurely sound and that is why is could not be converted for use as something other than what it was built for. I guess I should only get my information from SS.com!
  17. I don't think I told him a date. I was calling to see what we had to do to be able to tailgate there without the police running us off. I say we just do it and plead ignorance if the cops come around. Shouldn't be to hard to do!
  18. And I'm still waiting to hear the answer to my question which I've asked ad nauseam. When did Chapman lie? When he told the AG that he did demand higher pay and improvements to his home or when he told the media that he did not demand higher pay and improvements to his home? Can't both be the truth unless he suffers from a mental illness such as a split personality disorder. Which, given his poor memory regarding key issues, could be the case. His honesty or lack there of is a direct reflection of his character or lack there of. I don't see anyone questioning Potts honesty.
  19. OOoo, dirt!!! Who's 'DeeDee' and why isn't she welcome?
  20. Well, I don't have a problem with just doing it. Should we?
  21. I spoke with Jason Uhlir, head of parking and security or something like that. I have to fill out a form to get permission to tailgate at the old Ralph, fax it to him and then he will direct to a bunch of other people for their approval. And then he'll get back to me with their decision. Should we ask for more dates than just the opener, or play it by ear?
  22. ..and facing the wind no matter which way I turned while standing in waist high snow drifts. Oh and barefoot 'cause those killer bees that were always around during ticket allocations made off with my shoes. Those were some BIG buggers!! I figured they wanted the shoes for their Queen!
  23. Was that you?! I noticed a little guy with a cape on in line on the day that I, single hanedely, rebuilt the old Ralph while those horrendous weather anomolies swirled around me! Had to do it, the game must go on!!!!
  24. You can't be much of a fan if you don't want to stand in line. Back in the day, (here goes the ol' fogey>) I used to stand in line for hours to get tickets to the Badger or Gopher series and a few less hours for other games. It was usually 30 below zero with 50mph winds coming in all directions. Besides the games themselves and the Peppermint Schnapps, it was my fellow students that made waiting in line a whole lot of fun!!!
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