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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Unless they've changed their rules, we may not be welcome at the Alerus. I seem to remember getting kicked out of the Alerus parking lot about an hour after the game was over. I think the Stanford band would be a wonderful addition to our tailgating!! Great idea!! I don't want to 'damage' it though, I have great plans for my HC jerseys. I have two game worn 2005-2006 jerseys, one game worn 2004-2005 jersey and I just ordered a replica. I have two sons and a daughter in law. We're going to look great sitting all in a row at the Final Five. Siouxmama sits in our row and will be wearing hers too.
  2. I couldn't agree with you more!
  3. I know I'm an old fogey and should not condone such behavior but reading about the Tree and Stanford's band takes me waaaay back. All I can say is Damn but can than band paaarrrteee!!
  4. According to this, Stanford doesn't have an official mascot. The "Tree" is a member of the Stanford band. Does the NC$$ regulate college band member recruitment, academics, amateur status, etc??? http://gostanford.cstv.com/school-bio/stan...ame-mascot.html
  5. Our God is a vengeful God. I pray that the outcome of this trial will be evidence of that vengence.
  6. Sioux-cia

    Dane Jackson

    BUT, he is closely supervised by a significant other! Whew!!!
  7. Look past the PFDs, and look at the face! I think this is a dude!!
  8. No, MM, you got it all wrong! It's not about sex! This is a sports forum after all! If one can play volleyball with a woman's implants, I can row a boat with a man's implant. Think how handy that would be if you were in the middle of a lake and your engine failed or you lost an oar!?! (hee, hee, hee)
  9. C - Porter A - Bina A - Fabian Just finished re-reading the old RedSealPeach Merchandise Sale thread. Still funny after all this time!! I am Fabian You are Fabian We're all Fabian FAAAABIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! 36 days until the puck drops, sigh!
  10. Those penile implants must be a bitch to tuck into a Speedo when their 'too big'. If a woman's breast with implants looks like she's carrying two volley balls, would a man with a penile implant look like he's straddling an oar?
  11. You go girl (BIG, ouch!)!!!!
  12. Yeah, I caught that one too. Oh where is a GrahamKracker when you want an un-PC giggle! This one had me laughing out loud!
  13. http://goholycross.cstv.com/sports/m-hocke.../080206aaa.html Was checking out HC's 2006-2007 schedule and found this article on their site. I got goose bumps all over again!
  14. After watching the video, it's quite clear that the bottom feeding, ass-wipe on trial is a predator who was hunting for a victim. I pray to God that everyone on the jury sees that as clearly as I do and the dirt bag is sent to hell for an eternity of pain via the electric chair.
  15. Looks like you've got yourself a D man!! Congratulation to you and Momma!
  16. Link doesn't open for me.
  17. Reading about it, talking about it, etc. brings back all those terrible, sick feelings I felt when she went missing and after she was found. I can't even image the horror her family must be going through. Justice is all they have left to look forward to for Dru.
  18. I rarely watch the news on tv. Was that where you saw the video?
  19. I wondered where those balls went!! Damn, that's the LAST time I let the nurses play volleyball during surgery!
  20. Sioux-cia

    CWU vs UND

    Ditto, SiouxMD. I'll keep you in my prayers.
  21. Everybody put on your boots, take a BIG step back and wait for the s**t smack to hit the fan!
  22. My encounters with IowaBison on this forum have left me with the same 'problem'. Comes into a thread all nice/polite, throws in a few zingers and then follows up with the 'aw shucks, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry' post.
  23. Is there a double standard? Sure there is, as, IMHO, there should be. As I stated earlier, this is a SIOUX FAN sports forum. If we want to indulge in a little smack talk about our rivals, what better place? Don't the Bison fans have a sports forum where they can indulge in the same about their rivals?? They should keep it there and not come on this forum with the only intent being to post smack. I also think that a little back and forth insults are ok if posted in the appropriate thread/topic and relevant to the subject at hand. As much as IowaBison talks around and aroung the issue, coming into a thread where the question at hand is clearly and seriously stated, to post smack should not be allowed. Had I had more time at work, I, like my fellow Sioux fans, would have posted a Bison insulting, reply to Bison Dan and Iowa Bison's posts. I don't envy the Moderator's job. This is a tough one.
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