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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Therein lies the difference between some NDSU fans and myself. You think that I have a problem with the actions of the SBoHE and Dr. Chapman because I am a UND alum. Because I'm a UND alum, some NDSU fans believe I hate everything about NDSU. WRONG!!! As I have said before, I loved the UND/NDSU football rivalry and had the best times at those games. Doesn't mean I HATE NDSU. Without a good rivalry, sports would be BOOORRRING!! I have fun with the UND/NDSU rivalry. Doesn't mean I hate NDSU. Those of you who keep telling me I hate NDSU, I have a thing for Chapman (I like my men much younger!) or I'm obsessing about NDSU should get your heads out of the tunnel. Not everything is about one's alma mater. If Kupchella or anyother University President was the dirt bag in this same slimy scenario, I would be saying the same about him or her. You don't know me and assume that I wouldn't. Those who know me, know better. As far as I'm concerned, this is not about NDSU vs every other school in the state. It's about dirty politics, lies, collusion in a government system that is suppose to be impartial. You applaud Chapman's process because the end justifies the means for you. I don't agree. If my son got the kidney that should have gone to your son because I'm a big shot in the health care system, HURRAY for me. My son lives. Our family and friends could care less about the 'right way' to get a kidney. Our loved one lives. Your just jealous because I know how to get what I want and you don't. TOO BAD.
  2. He's baaack! (Actually, I think my reply was pretty clever! ) Com'on, bubbula, show me the truth, I'm ready. I've only been going by statements Chapman has made to the AG and the press. Obvviously, you're getting your information straight from the horse's a$$, hum, mouth. Com'on, lay it on me. I'm ready! Please refrain from your delusional comments about how I feel about NDSU, Clinton, my obsession with NDSU, and my jealousies, unless you can site any posts that prove your insane accusations and that your not avoiding the subject by accusing me of juvenile 'jealousies'. I want to discuss the AG's report and Chapman's lies, memory loss and the SBoHE members obvious collusions. Oh, and while you're at it, please answer the question you've been avoiding. Did Chapman lie to the Attorney General or to the media?
  3. So whatever happened to that critter? It's been hot enough so if he's dead, green fumes should be emitting from your garage!
  4. True but then you have towns like Park River, Cando, Devils Lake, Grafton, and some I'm missing, who have rinks that the community maintains. I think it was Park River that had a tractor fixed up to act as a Zamboni when my younger son was in traveling, little guy (before highschool) hockey. They like their hockey in those communities. But the expense is passed on to the parents and in this day and age people living and working in those little towns are going to be hard pressed to keep it up.
  5. OK! Only half will be due and the other half won't be due until 30 days before the game. My BFF has a home on the Rainy River and works in Warroad. Loves her home and location but hates her job. According to her, it's a man's world up that part of the world.
  6. Here's a link for ya! http://www.universityrelations.UND.edu/log...rtist_logo.html
  7. True and the name should be Peacedoves. Color him white, round out the eyes, beak and claws, whalla, a NC$$, PC name and logo!!!!
  8. WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE!!!! Are those 'hostile or abusive' feathers on that bird?!! I believe they are! I hope they haven't spent too much money on uniforms, paint, brochures, etc. 'cause ain't NO WAY the NC$$ can over look feathers!!
  9. I seem to remember this research being discussed last year on this forum and what Goon has stated about her 'research' being flawed and tainted was discussed. Didn't this also get mentioned in one of Dr. Kupchella's letter's to the NC$$? I think (but of course can't find it now) that very thing about her 'research' being biased and, therefore, flawed was documented in a research journal.
  10. I agree. Chapman and Co. better get their dance steps aligned because people who have read the AG's report and his press statements clearly see that there is a definite 'deviation from the truth'. If Chapman admits that he lied to the AG rather to the press, is that perjury? Hey DI, who did Chapman lie to, the AG or the press?
  11. Seriously, DI, you need to buy yourself some Chap Stick and knee pads before you hurt yourself.
  12. Geez, what a maroon...
  13. Typical X-generation!!! Consider yourself slapped!!
  14. Quit moving so she can find you!! That's what's keeping her busy!!!
  15. I haven't been told when I need to pay the deposit. Apparently, there's a lot of stuff going on in her department right now. When she gets back to me I'll be asking for half from folks. The cost may go up if more people don't sign on. This may result in people deciding they don't want to pay the additional costs and then......
  16. You are totally missing the point in this whole fiasco. For me this is no longer a Chapman vs Potts issue. It's about suppose to be impartial government officials who are putting one person above all others in the same position, about behind closed doors planning to get rid of another government official and a college President who is either a liar or a victim of dementia!
  17. I read the AG's report. Why don't you? The news paper article did not change, add or fabricate anything that was not in the AG's report. Are you calling the AG a liar who made up the contents of his report because he is in cahoots with ?? to make Chapman look bad? I don't see this issue as an NDSU vs UND issue. Show me a post where I have even insinuated such a thing. I have a problem with Chapman's selective memory, with two SBoHE board members along with the Governor of our state discussing and planning the removal of the Chancellor. I never said Chapman hasn't done any good for NDSU. Obviously he has or there wouldn't be this complete ignoring of the content of the AG's report and the bandwagon of support for the man. I guess you feel the end justifies the means. I'm not of the same opinion. Don't tell me I don't like NDSU, I'm jealous of NDSU, or anything about NDSU 'chapps (sic)' my behind unless you're prepared to cite posts I've made proving so. I don't think anything about NDSU. I'm a huge sports fan and thorougly enjoyed our football rivalry. That does not make me an NDSU hater. Get real, I have more important things to spend my energy, emotion, and time on. One of the those things is the problems with the SBoHE and the NDUS which has nothing to do with a UND/NDSU rivalry. There are bigger things at stake here than who is better at a sport!
  18. Get over yourself! I'm an adult women who is more concerned about out state representatives than who is DI, who has the better coaches, professors, etc. That all seems pretty petty when compared with top government representatives conspiring behind closed doors to meet the needs of ONE man and ONE school. Jealous, indeed!!
  19. Ok, so everyone (except Chapman supporters) know there's a BIG problem in the NDUS and the SBoHE. Can anything be done to fix it? I don't see how. The new President of the Board, the Governor of the Great State of North Dakota and at least one other member of the Board are all kissing Chapman's a$$. Is this corruption something we are stuck with!?!?
  20. Around $150.00 per person for the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
  21. No age limit. Just let me know.
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