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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I love that kid!!! This is one fan who will miss him alot!! Wonder what's he's doing and where he's going? NO, I AM NOT HIS STALKER!!! I'm just wondering if he's signed with an AHL team, if he's going into the work force,etc.
  2. Ah, the most famous self promoter of all, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. Now you see me, now you don't." Mohammad Ali!!!
  3. The most logical explanation and the answers to PCM's points are that Chapman lied. PERIOD!! Until Chapman and Co. can show that the AG's report 'mischaracterized Chapman's intended meaning' (geeze, louise!), I and many others will believe that Chapman and Co. are lying to the press, the public and their supporters.
  4. Yes you did and we are two of the classiest women on SiouxSports.com Just ask anyone who had some of my Buttershots at our last tailgater!!! Did you check out Chapman's arm. Chewbacca!!!!
  5. Every time I read one of your and DI posts I have to wonder why you're still here? You can't repond to any of my posts or questions I pose to you related to Chapman so instead you choose to attack me personally. It's getting old. Your juvenile personal attacks, less than intelligent responses and not keeping at least minimally within the topic of the thread has not gone unnoticed by Admin. Consider yourself warned.
  6. When?? Did he say if he's going to be playing professionally this coming season?
  7. I know what it means DI. What is your problem? You come on a Sioux forum, can't handle what I have to say about your demi-god, so you feel compelled to attack me? Com'on!! If you don't like what I have to say, put me on ignore or just stay over in Bisonville. I don't appreciate your personal attacks!! It's your class and character that are lacking.
  8. OK, I would love it to have been a 'for Robbie' pop but..... Watch the video! It totally looks accidental. Prp was never a finesse perpetrator. When he went after someone, it was very apparent. After reviewing it a few hundred times, the hit looks accidental.
  9. Holy Crap!! He's got as much hair on that arm that the rabbit has on his back!!! The hair on the rabbit's back is the rabbits, right?
  10. Yeah, that one is number one on the Prp list. The one where he pops the punk is number two. I've watched that one a few times and I think that the pop was an accident. Punk wins the face off, the puck goes to his right, Prp's head is turned toward the puck and as he turns toward it his stick goes up between the Punk's legs. I'd like to continue to think it was 'one for Robbie' but the more I watch it, the more I am convinced it was an accident.
  11. OMG, that is so right on!! And BEFORE he got his courage! LMFAO
  12. Without knowing what the final head count is going to be, these predictions are without merit. IMHO
  13. Thank you. Chapman supporters continue to deny that he lied to the AG when he said he did not demand that Potts be fired but did demand a higher salary and home improvements to stay on at NDSU. Chapman supporters also believe him when he told the press he did not demand anything. How can this be? He had to have lied at least once. Sarcasm?? This morning I spoke with the owner of three businesses'. We discussed Chapman. I said, "I think that he's a back stabbing liar, a dirt bag." She said, "Me too." (Her son recently attended a University in Iowa.) About an hour later, I spoke wtih the Manager/Administrator of a health clinic. I brought the conversation around to Chapman and said the same to her. She said, "Well, yeah!" (One of her sons attends UMD and the other is a graduate from St. Cloud State.) I had lunch with a social worker whose specialty is education. She works with mentally/emotionally/physically disabled children. I brought the conversation around to Chapman and repeated what I thought of him. She laughed. (One of her sons is a UND graduate and the other will be a junior at UND in the fall.) Do you still want me to complete your request for five? Classy, you bet I am!!! Until Chapman goes on record stating that the AG's report is not truthful, I do know the truth!! I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings but that is what I believe to be the truth. And until Chapman calls the AG's report a bunch of lies, I will continue to believe he is a liar. An official in his position who has carried on behind closed doors to get his needs met at the expense of others (the SBoHE, Dr. Potts and every other University system in the State), lies about it and has others lying for him IMHO is a lying, back stabbing dirt bag. The actions that he took to get rid of Potts can be likened to the 'shot heard round the world'! On a much, much smaller level of course. Look at what the findings of the AG report is already creating and the future problems people on this forum are predicting. A ripple affect of harm will no doubt continue. Chapman's character is already being questioned around the state, not just on this forum. If you think otherwise, you are very naive. A person who takes the steps he did to get rid of his boss would likely be of the opinion he could also get away with telling lies. Who said he contacted the press? Well thanks for agreeing with that anyway. If the AG's report is faulty, why hasn't Chapman objected to it. Until he does, I will continue to believe the AG's report to be true. If someone wrote something about me that made me look like a back stabbing liar to the 'world' that was NOT TRUE, I would loudly and vehemently deny it from the four corners of the 'world'. One thing about this 'classy' woman, if I want to 'get' you, it's going to be a frontal attack! But hey, that's just me. (Sorry Siouxmama, I forgot about the one in Bemidji. Have edited to reflect 'three' business. )
  14. There are still plenty of people who put the famous on pedestals and believe they can do no wrong. All those 'in the news people' are people just like the rest of us. They inlude in their fold the same dregs of society that are in the 'common folks' society. Murderers, rapists, perverts, etc. walk in all areas of society yet when we hear that one of the famous has committed a crime/atrocity, many 'common folk' are surprised. Somehow they think 'it can't be true. Famous people are better than the resst of us and aren't capable and don't do heinous things'.
  15. They better put crocs or sharks in those moats! Those fans still manage to get onto the field.
  16. I like it here, it's fun! And I hope you find a brain. Hey, still waiting for your answer to, 'When was Chapman lying? When he told the AG that he demanded a higher salary and upgrades to his home or when he told the media that he didn't demand anything?'
  17. No problem. I don't hide behind the anonymity of a user name. Many people on this forum know who I am. I don't post things that I won't/don't say in public. Ask those who know me. I'll PM you the names of those other members who know me so you can ask them. How do I provide you 'proof' that I have voiced my opinion as stated above?
  18. I KNOW!! I was at work when I clicked on the site. My first thought was, 'WTF!!' Then I quickly looked around to make sure no one had walked into my office, PHEW!!!!
  19. No, they love the area, it's the 'men are worth more than women in the work place' attitude that she hates. They love their home and feel the sacrifice is worth it.
  20. You're right, that was out of line. Back stabbing liar is a more appropriate description and supported by the facts in the AG's report and the subsequent interviews of Chapman and Co.
  21. Really? Why? If the means justifies the end in one scenario, who's to say it doesn't in all scenarios? Certainly not some NDSU/Chapman supporters who see nothing wrong with his doing whatever it takes to get what he wants for NDSU. Why can't I use my influence to get what I want for my 'special interest'? You yourself have posted that the SBoHE and the Governor are ok with Chapman's 'the end justifies the means' methods. Why aren't you calling their actions atrocious?
  22. That's the drill that my kids bitched about the most!
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