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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sure I can. Do you think I don't know the names of the NDSU people who I know have season tickets and those others that are asking me for mine "when you're not using them". I know those names while on the other hand you and you're pals who continuously accuse us of 'hating and being jealous of NDSU' can't backup your claims. As I've stated too many times before, it takes a lot of energy and passion to 'hate' and I do not hate NDSU. I miss the football rivalry which was great fun. I attended UND because they offered the program I wanted. As a graduate of UND, I am a 'loud and proud' aluma. I show my support monetarily and as a fan of all its' sports, programs, etc. If that means I 'hate' NDSU, I guess I have to look up the definition because it doesn't fit mine. On the other hand, it takes a lot of arrogance and insecurity to continuously proclaim others 'hate and are jealous' of you. Too bad you waste so much time and energy on that when you could be using it to look for evidence to prove that Chapman and Co. did not lie to the AG and/or the media. I'm still waiting for one of you Chapman and Co. blind followers to answer the question, 'When did Chapman lie? When he answered the AG's questions, proclaimed to not remember specific incidents that would make him look like a maverick who considered himself above the rules and regulations of the SBoHE that the other Presidents had to follow or when he spoke to the media, denying everything he told the AG?
  2. I worked in Fargo for a few years and the number of NDSU grads/supporters I met with UND Fighting Sioux Hockey tickets is amazing. Regardless of the NanoBisons, et el, who anonymously profess to not like 'the hockey', the number of NDSU students, alum and supporters who attend and follow Fighting Sioux hockey and drool over others' season tickets far outnumbers the ' I don't like the hockey' crowd. I continue to get asked for my season tickets by NDSU grads/supporters, 'if you're not going to use them'. As if that's ever going to happen!! So, is Chapman lying to the AG and/or the media going to be buried by Chapman and Co. and their supporters with cries of "This is all UND's fault because they're jealous of us." (This is where a little green guy throwing up would go, if I only knew how to add him.)
  3. Well, I for one will be putting zero credance on anything written in this on-line sports journal! http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story/?ID=171859&hubname=nhl BUT, on a lighter note, Good luck, Eddie! I hope your back doesn't keep you from reaching your goals.
  4. Has anyone taken the Punk out yet? Oh, yeah, that be Prp! (Sorry, the DU talk took me back in time for a sec. A nice sec.)
  5. I can see paying someone off and getting them out of Dodge ASAP if they are doing a bad job or did a bad thing. It's all about saving face in the public eye, not losing the public's confidence, yada, yada, yada. Paying off is one thing, keeping him on as consultant in addition to the payoff is, IMHO, an admission of guilt, an admission of the good job his job performance evaluations say he did and admission that the SBoHE needs him in the upcoming legislation session.
  6. You have it wrong, AGAIN! Potts wanted Chapman to follow the policies, rules and regulations that regulate ALL the University and College Presidents. When the SBoHE decided Chapman is above the polices, rules and regulations that the other Presidents are bound by, he decided to not be a part of the charade. By allowing Chapman to do what he wants, the SBoHE has shown itself to be the biggest joke in our state government. The SBoHE would not offer a settlement which includes 1. MONEY & BENEFITS and 2. keeping him on as consultant (who can pursue and work full or part time in another positon) if they 1. believe they did no wrong and 2. believe he is not NEEDED! IowaBison, try wearing a jacket when you come on this forum. Your thin skin can't keep taking all the perceived abuse you suffer when reading posts that describe your demi-god accurately.
  7. Answer: Lies do not result in consequences, so just keep on a lying!!!
  8. That drunken stupor is a God sent for him as that is the only way he can date those Bison females.
  9. I guess that's why he's back in school. (I thought it was an ego thing, not wanting to be less educated than his wife. )
  10. Thank you, Father Sicatoka. Catharsis is good for the soul! I will watch my Sioux highlights tonight and every night until October 1st at which time I will be in my seat in Section 113 at the Ralph for every home game.
  11. Thanks. OK, *big sigh*, may as well come clean..... My son's wife is getting her doctorate from UMtc. *ducks* She got her undergraduate and graduate degrees from a school out east. She was on their basketball team and track team (she's a runner). The Black Squirrels don't have a hockey team, so she is now a HUGE Fighting Sioux fan. She does not support any Gopher team!! Are we ok??
  12. I hope they don't make a blanket rule to cover all donations. The Oklahoma donation is not enought for the 'Village' the donor wants built. So they will be forced to look to other means of raising the rest of the money. Our arena was completely paid for with the donation and as far as I know it is self sufficient. If a donor wants to donate money for a 'need', what business is it of the NC$$ anyway. Bureaurocracy gone wild!!
  13. Don't know if they'll know about the waiting list but maybe they can direct you to someone who does. http://www.fightingsioux.com/info/ticket/hockey.asp
  14. Me too and it has nothing to do with UND vs NDSU. OK, this is probably the right time to admit this. I've been avoiding this for years... Remember when I told you my older son was in prison? Well, he wasn't. He was actually attending NDSU and I paid for it all.
  15. Nope, too hot. How about cold ham on rye?
  16. Ok, but why start the clock? Let him stay at UMtc and eat humble pie there?! Oops, got it, they don't serve that at UMtc.
  17. When I read what his future bosses have to say about him, I wonder if lack of maturity (which is no doubt the reason for the 'cockiness, attitude problem', buring bridges) is the reason that they have him stay at UNtc. Another year on the ice with the Gophers will likely add nothing that the AHL would but they might want him to become more of a 'team player' and grow up. Just saying.....
  18. If not for the following, it would all be perfectly clear to you, .
  19. So many from the Sioux family have passed away recently, too many, too young. Rest in Peace Gordy. My sincerest condolences to his family.
  20. *shakes head, rolls eyes*
  21. Heavy sigh! It's amazing how some people can latch on to the type of factless, biased, drivel people like Hennen can spout with a straight face! Yet those same people will poo poo Petros fact filled post because he is a UND employee. *shakes head, rolls eyes*
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