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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. UND doesn't show it's games on Nickelodeon or the Cartoon Network.
  2. I would assume she is talking about Lapointe and Peltier.
  3. Thats because UW and UofM play Saturday and Sunday this weekend.
  4. I don't know if the reason's I gave are the right ones, just possibilities. I just looked at ESPN's programming schedule and posted those options. You have to remember that it is Division 2 football, not the most important thing to ESPN I would guess.
  5. I was just checking out ESPN's TV schedule for Saturday, and there is the Heisman Trophy presentation on December 9th as well as the Division I Football Championship that day as well. I would assume that those games are the I-AA Semi's on December 9th that ESPN is televising. I'm also assuming since they have the rights to the games, they could push the games back a day to suit their needs the best possible way.
  6. Anyone with any knowledge of this accounting stuff, what makes up the whole "Not Allocated by Gender"?
  7. I don't believe UND has ever lost in the Fargodome. 3-0 I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong. I remember 2 scores being 12-6 and the other one was when Jim Kleinsasser caught the long touchdown bomb down the middle.
  8. Why haven't you gone north to Alaska using your "sudo-expense" account??? Isn't this why we, the members of Siouxsports.com, pay you the big bucks so you can bring us the most up-to-date, accurate information around regarding the men's hockey team?? Some sudo-reporter you are....I want my money back....
  9. As of May 12, 2004, Syracuse dropped the "men/women" from Orangemen and Orangewomen to just plain old Orange. Orangemen is apparently another name for British Protestants from what I read online. There's your PC "fact of knowledge" for the day.
  10. That was my point about Martens in my original post. He(Martens) was healthy and didn't get an opportunity to play except for the Harvard series. I think Forney is relatively healthy(no player is perfectly healthy IMO) and didn't get to travel. Maybe the coaches are just being more cautious with Forney since it's so early in the season still. As you can see alreay this year, this will be a tough line-up to crack. Maybe he just had a tough week of practice? Or maybe others excelled?
  11. I'm not sure what the exact guidelines are for seeking a red-shirt or even a medical red-shirt in hockey is, but Ryan Martens only played in 2 games last year and he wasn't able to red-shirt. Or maybe they chose not to red-shirt him? Who knows...
  12. I personally didn't get the same vibe from the article that you did. I think it was more of just a "heads-up" to the general public that might not understand how the NCAA will make this whole process(Playoff Seeding) a disadvantage for UND in the future whether we win this case or not. Nothing more, Nothing less. I can see what Ryan says happening too. And you know what, all it's gonna do is add more fuel to our fire. This will just bring our athletic teams more together I believe. Hell, after we beat Winona State on Saturday, I will be making the trip to watch the Sioux take out some of their "agression" on Omaha that the NCAA gave us. True, it may be a disadvantage to go on the road, but I believe this kind of action from the NCAA will drive this team through the play-offs this year. Nothing like pissing off 18-22 year old football players. UND will be focused, determined, and poised on Saturday. I'd recommend Winona State strap their chin straps a little tighter for Saturday's game.
  13. Anybody with a vast knowledge of hockey know what percentage of a team's goals should come from the Power Play? I was just looking up some stats, and Maine has gotten 19 out of their 41 goals via the PP. That's something like 46%. That seems to be a rather outstanding and high number to this guy. Looking at the top 5 in the country, UND's for example, is 38%(13/34), while Minnesota's is slightly lower at 34%(17/50). Michigan State's is roughly the same as Minnesota's(12/35). Is Maine's power play just light years ahead of everyone at this point in the season? The logical answer to shutting down Maine is to cut down on the penalties and they would seem to be a lot more vunerable if you ask me.
  14. Couldn't this effectively be a ploy by Newberry to be granted an exemption by the NCAA to be able to host play-off games for their teams this year? Hell, let's say after this football season is over or even this academic year, couldn't Newberry just come out and say "We've changed our mind. We now want to keep the name." What could the NCAA really do after the fact? It's not like the NCAA could take away the revenue Newberry made by hosting these play-off games. Maybe Newberry is just milking the system and the NCAA is playing right into it? Just another theory of mine...
  15. I'm gonna side with "Skippy" on this one...Whether there is merit in your comments or not, which I don't really believe by the way, you can't make an original post like you did and not expect the replies you received. Then you come out and say you were being sarcastic. When I read it, it all looked and sounded pretty serious to my eyes. I think every team gets so-called favoritism to some extent. I don't think it's right that people believe that UofM or UW get more calls then the other schools in the conference or around the country. Maybe it looks like they get more calls because we are able to see them on TV more often and can be more critical of the officiating? Could be, since we don't see Alaska, Mankato, Michigan Tech on TV all that often. At least not in this area. Who really knows? Maybe it's just because we all would love to see UofM and UW lose and not get any breaks at all. I still don't believe there is any favoritism, just some plain old inconsistent and not very good referees in our league.
  16. Why would SD call a timeout with a few seconds left after the other team is downing the ball knowing that they can't win?
  17. That's what I couldn't figure out. If you kick the extra point, USD needed 2 touchdowns to take the lead, but since they went for 2 and missed, all USD needed was a TD(plus a 2 pt. conversion) and a FG. It didn't seem like a great decision on my end.
  18. It is one of their school colors, Don Adam. I just found your post amusing is all.
  19. What color are they supposed to be wearing???
  20. No Chance. Florida, Auburn, Michigan/Ohio St. loser, and Texas are a few of the teams that will still be ranked higher and better than Rutgers.
  21. Personally, this argument about why Moreland isn't going to play for UND is the same old argument that we all hear on this board about why we didn't go after "so and so's" brother...It gets old after a while. Sometimes "so and so's" brother has got game, but maybe it doesn't fit into UND's system all that well. Case in point, Brian Lee's brother, John. I don't think he's big enough to play in UND's system or the type of player UND wants/needs in their system when I last saw him play in person. He'll fit in better in Denver's system I think. Anyways, I'm not saying that Moreland doesn't have game, because I watched him play in high school and I thought he could go play somewhere. But forward's are a dime-a-dozen to me. What separates Moreland significantly from anyone of the Sioux freshman we have this year or coming in next year? There must be something that the coaching staff has seen by watching him play that they feel he won't be an asset to the team this year or any other year for that matter. I wish Moreland well wherever he ends up, except if it's against UND. But, again, that's just my opinion.
  22. Who knows anything about this kid? Jake Hanson - White Bear Lake HS He's only a junior this year, but it says in the Star Tribune today that he has several visits to D-1 programs set up for the next 6 weeks or so, including Minnesota, UND, Duluth, Denver, CC, and Mankato. What are our chances landing this kid?
  23. I just stopped in to the Sioux Shop today and got the low down on Commie's bobble heads....The bobble heads are supposed to either arrive at the Sioux Shop or be shipped on the 20th of this month. I asked her what the hold up was, and apparently Commodore's agent had second thoughts on it and pulled the agreement off the table, then REA I would assume had to re-negotiate another agreement with him so that Mike would sign off on the deal.
  24. LeftyZL


    Come on People, believe me once in a while when I post things on here: October 26, Post #15
  25. Here's a thought(that works 98% of the time, because I used it): Start a cheer in your section, for example Let's Go Sioux, get a couple of your friends to join in with you, then get your entire section to start with the cheer, then spread it around the entire arena. It works every time. Mark My Words. You just gotta be persistent and stick with your cheer when you start it. Or.... Go talk to the students before the game, let some of them know where you are sitting and all that other important information, and tell them you will follow their cheers if they follow yours.(It works best when you are somewhat on other sides of the arena from each other.) That's always an excellent back-up plan. If the crowd is so quiet around you, do something about it. If you're already loud, get louder. Get more people involved around you. If you are positive, festive, and full of energy, the people around you will recognize that. The player's will realize it as well. And that's the most important thing.
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