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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. 7:07pm according to The Ralph
  2. Students had until October 31st to buy them in their standard student section for a reduced price of $49. After that, it was all opened to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. I'm guessing not too many students opted at the opportunity to purchase them ahead of time for a discounted price.
  3. REA has contacted somebody in the past to fix the leaks...REA did have employees shoveling the roof off on Saturday FYI...Let's say they contact a company this week to fix the roof leaks where they were leaking this weekend, all that is going to do is allow the water to run to another bad spot in the roof and start leaking through that location in the roof. It's a never ending process, the water always runs to its lowest spot obviously, and just because you fix the leak, doesn't mean water won't continue to leak from that spot for a period of time until it runs its course through the roof. The only real solution to the problem is to start over with the roof and get a quality company this time.
  4. There were 5 seperate areas on the floor where water was dripping on to the floor from the roof top. It wasn't a constant drip, but there were people wiping the areas every couple minutes or so to make sure the floor was as dry as possible.
  5. You can contact MC Roofing for the roof debacle....There's a reason they are no longer in business from what I heard.
  6. You couldn't have been there.....I was there and the UofM section was empty for the championship game, because instead of supporting the WCHA conference and having that arena rocking, all of their fans were licking their wounds and being cry-babies.
  7. I think I see what you are asking...Is it more beneficial for the NCAA to have UND and MN play in the regionals at Grand Forks or potentially in the Frozen Four right? By looking at the PWR rankings, with MN being #1 they are basically automatically placed as close to home as possible for them, giving them what home-ice advantage they could have. The NCAA already gets a good-size chunk of the revenue from UND/REA for hosting the event(i.e. Ticket Sales), so it doesn't really effect the NCAA so much in terms of revenue I don't believe. They want whats best for the regional sites, since the Frozen Four you can almost bank on everybody with a ticket showing up regardless of what teams are there. Where as at the Regional sites, if you don't have 4 teams from the area, attendance will be lacking which will affect the NCAA revenue more than anything.
  8. How is it "choking" when a 2nd seeded team loses to the 1st seeded team in what is basically an away game for them? This argument was old about 4 pages ago. Everybody can agree, I think at least, that South and Red River are the two best teams in the state. They are basically even as you can tell, with all 3 games being decided by one goal. Each team won on the other team's home ice, so it's fair to say that come this Saturday night, it should be another great game between the top 2 teams in the state. Let's just leave it at that and let them play it out on Saturday for us to see.
  9. That's what I said...Just not as clear as you put it.
  10. They go a 15 minute overtime period, and then follow that with an 8 minute overtime period. They resurface the ice after the 8 minute overtime and the teams get a 3 minute(?) break in between the 2 overtime periods.
  11. I was off 1...MY bad. NKTK1826 DD603DD Sharp16 b12 Tron3050 WW23 Lives-to-play-hockey-66 Thats just from the last 1.5 days. You figure it out.
  12. This thread has become so juvenile, both in terms of the content as well the posters, that it's not even worth reading....It seems like all that goes on in this thread is people continually joining under bogus names to make a deragatory remark about some high school kid/team. It's really sad when I've seen AT LEAST 8 new members join in the last day just to talk up Red River High School hockey or to bash other programs in the state. Grow Up. End Rant. Sorry.
  13. Since when was REA responsible for Roger Thomas leaving UND as athletic to take the position of Commissioner of the North Central Conference? I don't understand that point...Please explan. It has in no way cost us a hockey coach, everyone knew that Dean Blais had already looked at moving up to the pro ranks when the Wild and Columbus were formed as NHL teams. He is an unbelieveable coach that took advantage of an opportunity given to him. Heck, we were lucky to keep him as long as we did. He could have left 3 years earlier. As for your second paragraph, find me a hockey facility in the world that doesn't act as a "sporting goods store, ticket agency, etc"....There isn't one, with the capatilities/technology of REA, that won't pursue "other" money-making interests. At the World Junior Tournament last year, maybe you were just made aware of what hockey fans call "true hockey fans"....Sure they were loud, but they weren't rude(not to me or anyone I talked to), they like to drink and support their team, and they showed us the potential atmosphere of what the REA COULD BE like when fans work together to support their team.
  14. It shouldn't matter how many people were alive in 1948....The fact of the matter was that UND, an unknown in the world of college hockey, beat a "powerhouse" school like Michigan. Same rules that you applied for your statement applies to mine. Everyone in this area, and in the world of college hockey, knew the day that UND beat Michigan for the first time. Just because technology has advanced light years since then doesn't make the victory any less important for a program trying to make a name for itself. It still comes back to the fact that What will NDSU do after this victory to make a name for itself? UND followed up that victory by winning a national championship in 1959. Can anyone see NDSU making a "comparable" splash in the Big Dance within the next 11 years? I would consider making the big dance about equal to UND winning the National Championship. But that's just me. It's tough to get my point across, or to make someone like you who is not a "true" hockey fan I guess. Not a knock on you by any means, but I follow both sports religiously since I played basketball through high school and have followed hockey since I was 5. Maybe that's just what makes us different.
  15. Eesh...Let by gones be by gones, or something to that effect. You get my drift. See the funny part about your reply is you could write a letter to your sports guru in Fargo, Mike Mcfeeley, and tell him to quit commenting on UND-related items: UND hockey, football, and the logo. Because whenever he writes anything about UND, it just makes us look worse. I also think you would have a hard time convincing people that live in the northern part of this great country that hockey is second-fiddle to basketball. I would hope basketball would be a more popular, for the simple fact that you can play basketball in any climate, any time. Hockey on the other, usually involves colder-weather climates, which you can see why the NCAA doesn't have very many school south of Nebraska playing hockey competitively. It's just 2 different worlds if you ask me. That's what makes it great. I think you could have also re-thought your last comment, "who cares what happend in 1948." Because the same could be said, but just change the year: Who cares what happend in 2006. Because the simple fact that has been pointed out by people in Grand Forks, Fargo, and anywhere else that has a clue about sports, knows that it doesn't matter who you beat one time on that certain night. It's a matter of what you do with it. That game against Michigan in 1948 could have potentially been the start of a great program here at UND. Who are we to know? We'll see what NDSU does in the future after their big win against Wisconsin. But if they haven't beaten another quality team in the next 2-3 years, no one is going to remember that great day in 2006 when NDSU was on top of the Division 1 Basketball world.
  16. This is just to add some information I received from Al Pearson about the trip to Denver.... -Leave Thursday morning, stop in Deadwood, SD for the night. -Leave after game Saturday night, stop in Deadwood, SD again. Get back Sunday night sometime he said. He thought the cost would be between $300-$400. He will announce information shortly once he gets the ticket situation figured out. He was supposed to get that all straightened out on Friday(yesterday). This trip includes tickets for both games, hotel accomodations in Deadwood, SD as well as Denver. Pays for the bus ride too. Just an update for everyone.
  17. I just was reading the Heraldo newspaper and it said that Irmen will miss between 2-6 weeks...Best case scenario is that he plays against Denver on the 17th-18th, according to him. Seems like he hurt it more than was first reported.
  18. I'm almost positive Spirko played on a line with Stafford and Zajac last year, at least for the stretch run.
  19. Some of the ushers at REA have NO IDEA what is going on at the hockey game, let alone that there is actually hockey game going on. It seems to me that some of the employee's at REA are just there because they are getting paid to watch a hockey game from a good spot in the arena. That bothers me mostly because it's not that hard to stop people from walking down the aisle's when the puck is in play. I can see why it bothers customer's that pay money to watch a game. It's a common courtesy at athletic contests to wait until the play is dead. Some people(mainly the not sober one's) act like they've never been told to stop at the top and wait til the play is dead. The only suggestion I have for you is to find an usher that's running around(usually has a radio...aka...they are the important people) and report a complaint about the usher in your section. The last point you made, about better/more ushers and security....I guess I don't really know how much more security or how many more ushers REA needs around the building. Once again, I agree with you about the quality of some of the ushers and/or security people working the game. When I am working, I often find security hanging around the arena, almost waiting for a call on their radios about a disorderly fan in the arena. Then they go to work. But they don't seem to go out of their way to find a disorderly fan, they wait for another fan to report it to an usher who then goes and finds a security officer. That's a bad system to follow if you ask me. To me, it just doesn't make sense to implement more worker's into the building, maybe just substitute the bad one's with quality worker's. Feel free to offer any suggestions/complaints on what to change at REA. I will definitely make note of any suggestions.
  20. I don't major in logic at UND, sorry...Just making a point that UND played a legitimately and statistically tougher home schedule than that of NDSU's last year. If you guys keep playing "quality" teams like Ark-Monticello, I expect NDSU's home winning percentage to be up there with UND's real soon.
  21. I think the only way to avoid paying the Ticketmaster charges would be to purchase your tickets through the REA box office directly...I don't think you can avoid paying the REA charge though, but I could be wrong. It might work the other way as well, with you being able to avoid paying the REA charge by going directly through the REA box office, but still having to pay the Ticketmaster charge. Your best and cheapest bet is to go through the REA box office directly though I think.
  22. Just to prove your point wrong, looking at last years(2005) results, NDSU's home games included the following teams: Northern Colorado 4-7 South Dakota St. 6-5 Nicholls State 6-4 Ark-Monticello 1-10 Weber State 6-5 UC-Davis 6-5 Those teams had a combined record of 29-36....That's a winning percentage of 44.6% UND's 2005 Home Game Results: West Chester 8-4 W. Washington 4-6 Augustana 6-5 St. Cloud St. 8-3 Ferris State 3-8 Neb-Omaha 8-3 Minn-Duluth 8-4 Those teams had a combined record of 45-33....That's a winning percentage of 57.6%.... To put this to you in English...Your point is invalid, incorrect, and completely false.
  23. LeftyZL

    PHIL #1

    Jordan didn't play that game against Harvard that you are referring to...It was Phil in net for that game. Jordan played Saturday night when they won.
  24. Not trying to be nit-picky here, but Zajac is averging a point a game, not bad considering that's second on the team in scoring. He also is an unbelieveable face-off man, by far the most dependable man for when you need a face-off one for this team, this year. Maybe he's not doing high-light reel moves, but he does a lot of the little things I believe that can unnoticed to the un-trained eye. Just my opinion though.
  25. I think these issues are being blown way out of proportion by you, UND 92,96. To solve problem #1, the simple solution would be to ask people to purchase their tickets ahead of time. I remember the old Hyslop having the same types of problems for big-time opponents. I always had to shuffle through the lines of people waiting to buy tickets for the game. Problem #2 is a problem, especially with the visitor's dressing room right by one of the concession stands and in the hallway. I will concede that one. The concessions areas need to be relocated or else figure out a a way to get the visitors/officials locker room somewhere else. But the concession stand on the other side of the arena is fine, I believe. I've never seen any congestion there before, but I could be mistaken. Problem #3, well people that are regulars know that you have can only access the opposite bleachers by either walking around the court on the opposite side of the scorer's table, or going back through the entry-way. Problem #4, the bathrooms are not too small. There are 4 in the arena, all located in the correct location IMO. Going back to using the old Hyslop as an example, do you remember the lines being half-way out to the court during half-time? Because I do, and it was a nuisance. But you have 12 or 15 minutes to go to the bathroom and get to the concession stands, and if people can't do that, they aren't in that big of a hurry if you ask me. It's the same problem at REA right now, where people can't get to their seats in 15 minutes because they are too busy guzzling beer. So, problem #4 isn't a problem to me, just a lack of judgement, time management, and common sense among the people who would become irritated and angry because they are missing the game.
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