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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. The only reason UND got those players is both Montana schools had a low # of scholarships last year. I'd be willing to bet that the Montana schools will get over 90% of the kids they want in Montana. But hell UND must see something they like in that state.
  2. Bison Dan

    Bon Jovi

    Labbys and BWW are two good places within walking distance of the FFD.
  3. Why doesn't the media ask Coach about Cory Hanson. Another secret?
  4. Bash you - why? - we always take it easy on special needs people!
  5. Why would you recruit players that would go to BSU?
  6. Did you really think they would? You must be new to Sioux sports, nothing ever bad is mentioned or brought up by the media.
  7. Money does cure alot of anger!
  8. Absolutely right in that NDSU had a contract with UMD for a game before Bubba was hired. Once hired he didn't want to play the game and Gene who's a good friend of the UMD AD let them out of the contract. No conspiracy just a classy move on Gene's part that's all.
  9. Stenjhem said on WDAY that if a settlement is made with the tribe it could be revolved at anytime by the tribe and then UND would have to stop using "Fighting Sioux" immediately. Seems like the tribes have all the power and can hold UND under their thumbs. Time to change and take the power back.
  10. They just announced that our game with Ill State will be televised next week. 4:00pm kickoff on KVLY statewide.
  11. When you guys get jealous it's not pretty!
  12. I agree - Only when 2 teams meet head to head will anyone really know. Comparing scores doesn't tell much of the story.
  13. I was out west hunting last week and every radio station I listened to was talking at one point about the Bison/Gopher game. Lots of talk all over the state before the game. Compare that with having the National Champions playing UND in hockey the week before. Outside of GF not much state wide interest.
  14. Once again your wrong dave - playing in big games have plenty of meaning. It's something that UND will want to do is schedule as many big games as possible during the transition.
  15. When Buning hired the assistance coach at Moorhead State I don't think anyone was impressed.
  16. I don't really think there's that big of gulf between the BIG 10 and NDSU this year. If we had 5 big time skill people on team the Bison would challenge alot of FBC teams. Nice to see that you think it's going to be so easy for UND to transition to DI (We do make it look easy).
  17. I'm sure you know what "delegated oversight" means. mksioux didn't say that the president should "run" the athletic department. That's why you have an AD to run the department, just like the head of any department or division. The president is still responble for all departments within his/her university. It's well known that Kupchella didn't have much time for athletics. He resisted the move to DI from the start. Spin it anyway you want but the ultimate responsibility for the situation in the athletic dept. is Kupchella's.
  18. Sounds to me someone has to approve it. But then the wording is as clear as mud.
  19. Can any ND university employee just take a LOA? Doesn't it have to be approved by someone? Again most are missing the point about Mr. Martinsen, no post I've seen is ripping him for anything. It's the policy of placing him into the athletic department under the control of the university president and not the AD. I know that it's been said that he wasn't in the athletic department, but anyone that is involved with university athletics should report to the AD.
  20. Self-righteous? Because he tells everyone who will listen to stay away from drugs. This after seeing all his friends in the 60's -70's waste their lives doing drugs. He helps out in Africa by actually feeding the people when he goes there, not doing a photo shoot like others. Self- righteous because he has an understanding of right and wrong. Too bad we are all so "self-righteous".
  21. So he wasn't working within the athletic department? No communication or interaction with coaches or anyone in athletics? Then he was a spy?
  22. No one said that Buning was a good AD or doesn't deserve to be shown the door. As usual you have missed the point. I didn't place any blame on Mr. Martinsen because I don't know what really happen within the department, but I know one thing you don't do what Kupchella did and have good results. I find it interesting how everyone on this board was sticking up for Buning before the LOA and now they're throwing him under the bus.
  23. What would you expect Buning to say, boy I'm glad President Kupchellla put someone in my department that I have no control over and only reports to him. This all starts with Kupchellla and his dislike or inattention to athletics at UND. Martinsen can be the best guy in the world but even he with his business experience should have seen how this would only end the way it has. I'll bet you anything when there's a new president and AD that Mr. Martinsen will have a job title and report to the new AD.
  24. Nobody talks more about NDSU than you!
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