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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. bincitysioux

    2016 Season

    So after watching the first two games, here are the most obvious (to me anyways) observations by my extremely untrained eyes............ The offensive line has plenty of room for improvement, especially in run blocking With Clive Georges out for the year, it appears the team doesn't have a speed WR that is capable of stretching the field. Lots of possession guys, but no burners Defense appears to be legit. Secondary got burned a few times by BGSU, but already it seems they have improved from where they were at a year ago Offense has improved overall in each game as the game went on. Hopefully that is what happens over the course of the season, similar to last year.
  2. Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but in addition to being on ESPN3 and WDAYZ Extra, it is also on Altitude (Ch. 681 on DirecTV)
  3. Non conference home schedule sucks a little but I know why. Same reason it has every year for the reasons many posters have stated. A few random thoughts: Don't understand why the series with SDSU dried up. That was pretty regular for quite a few years. Seems sort of strange that ties continue to be completely severed with USD Whatever happened to the idea that "being a prominent hockey school is going to help with scheduling for other sports in DI"? Can't get Denver or Omaha to throw us a bone and do a home-and-home in any other sports......... Given how hard it is to apparently get other DI's to come here, I wouldn't be adverse to doing some 2-for-1's with some "semi regional" schools like Green Bay, Milwaukee, Drake. Those 3 schools in particular are close enough that they may entertain that. No Montana or Montana St on the home slate this year is a bit unfortunate.
  4. Awesome, thanks for the heads up!
  5. The one thing that rubs me the wrong way about Schlossman is how he is so critical when the topic of dropping sports comes up. When baseball was dropped, both he and Wayne Nelson acted like Ed Schafer himself shot their dogs. As far as the argument that women's hockey has Olympians on the roster, well Olympic women's hockey is awful to watch too. Getting back to the number of total sports sponsored by UND, before baseball and golf were dropped the number of sports offered by UND was closer to that of many Big Ten schools than it was to the number offered by a majority of Big Sky programs. UND actually sponsored as many or more sports than 4 Big Ten schools. Does anybody really think our budget, enrollment, and population can sustain that long term?
  6. Viverito was just on WDAY and said they have no discussions at this point about expansion. Nothing new to report......
  7. I wrote to Kennedy himself offering my very intelligent input................ mark.r.kennedy@und.edu Be short, be concise, and be polite.
  8. If I were king for a day, soccer would be the last of the 5 sports that I assume (hope rather) are on the chopping block. Simply because A) the Big Sky sponsors it, and B) it has to be the cheapest to run by far of any of the sports we are talking about. It's true that Bronson is hardly a "facility" but at least the university owns it. The IPF should theoretically provide a boost to the program over time. No need for skates, helmets, bats, or sticks. A shirt and shorts, a pair of shoes, and a ball and Ta-Da...........you have a soccer team.
  9. Good god that is way worse than I thought. What possible justification could there be for sponsoring this sport?
  10. We really just need to get this thing down to 14 or 15 sports. Axing baseball was a great first step. Half the schools in the Big Sky sponsor 15 sports or less. Before dropping baseball and golf, UND was at 21 sports. Tied with Sac State for the most offerings in the league. Followed by Northern Colorado who has 19 (which is where UND is currently at). See a pattern here? I'd prefer UND's athletic department look more like Montana's and Montana State's than Sac's and UNC's.
  11. Seems like a simple three component process to me. 1) If the Big Sky doesn't sponsor it, there is no need for North Dakota to offer it, save for mens hockey of course. Goodbye Women's hockey, and M&W Swimming & Diving. 2) If the Big Sky doesn't require it, there is no need for North Dakota to offer it. Goodbye Soccer and Softball. 3) Fully fund every scholarship in all women's sports to address Title IX concerns. If that still falls short, then you look at keeping Soccer and/or Softball.
  12. Well here is how I feel about the whole conference affiliation thing. I am a life long resident of North Dakota that is pushing 40 years old. I've spent the majority of my life watching UND piss pound all three of NDSU, SDSU, and USD in more than one sport. I appreciate the challenge and the "unknown" that the Big Sky offers. The fact that the MVFC has been dominated by NDSU & SDSU since they joined tells me all I need to know about the "quality competition" offered by the other members of that league. Seriously, SDSU sucked for 100 consecutive years until they joined that conference........ And if you ask me, being in the Summit for the rest of our sports would be even more intolerable than being stuck in the MVFC for only football.......
  13. But aren't there only like 10-15 teams in the whole nation? Drop women's hockey, its awful to watch and a terrible investment. Get rid of swimming and diving and men's golf too. The athletic department would be far better off.
  14. The thing is, UND doesn't need them to do any favors regarding league membership. We have a league. A great league with great members. A far superior conference to the Summit/MVFC.
  15. Hypothetically speaking, how many of those games would you come to the Sioux Center for? There are 10 DI games on this year's schedule, which ones are you planning on being at? The program could use your dollars just as much as your "input".........
  16. Don't know much about the kid and I don't follow recruiting for any sport very closely at all. But I am pleased that UND apparently got one of the top in state recruits. IMO, UND should always make a serious effort to get at least one of the top North Dakota kids to come here every single year.
  17. I have always said I would like to see names on the backs of jerseys. Makes it easier for the casual fans to identify with players. If I had a nickel for every time a neighboring fan asked me "which one is Santiago/Hardin/Rattell/Treanbeth/Anderson/Grossman/Hendrickson/Dressler/etc...." I'd be a wealthy guy. At the very least I think the road unis should have the player names on the back......
  18. Unless the football team loses a game because of this logo, I am fine with it being on the helmets.......... So ready for the season to start.......
  19. I like to say THANK YOU to the UND Athletic Department and to REA Inc. for getting together and footing the bill for this much needed upgrade to the basketball arena. It looks great to me......
  20. I think Idaho already tried it and now they are in the Big Sky.....
  21. Forget about adding sports. There are several others that should be cut. Baseball and golf are a good start.
  22. UND BASEBALL: UND opens the door to try and save program Does this have any real chance of succeeding? UND is much better off long term without baseball IMO............
  23. Don't get me started on Mayville State and Valley City State. What of substance do either of these schools offer that aren't offered at UND and NDSU which are just an hour away?
  24. Am I way off base to say that we may have an embarrassment of riches at the RB position?
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