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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. Let's try and dial back the speculation a bit and wait for some facts to come out.
  2. Dan Corey ‏@DanCorey8now UND Athletic Director Brian Faison said Hardee's actions were "unacceptable" and "that's why we've taken the action we've taken."
  3. His profile is already gone from fightingsioux.com. That didn't take long...............
  4. Holy hell.
  5. I have always also preferred a more balanced offense. Eastern Washington is the only example I can really think of that has won a National Title with an offense predicated on chucking it around as much as possible.
  6. I moved all the posts regarding Hardee's suspension from the 2013 season thread to this one. It still only has half as many posts as the thread on Bisonville that is devoted to Hardee right now, but figured it would make it easier for our FU fans to jump to conclusions.
  7. I can't believe I forgot "Kober". Well that is two syllables. Must have been what threw me off............................
  8. I think at this point Pflugrad obviously has the inside track, because Dan Hammer could easily refer to him as "Coach Pflu", ala Coach Brew, Coach Muss, Coach Hak............ He passes the first syllable test............
  9. Of the 41 applications that have come in, my guess would be that the following six are the only ones that haven't made it to Faison's garbage can. I'm thinking these six meet the qualifications. Pflugrad, Marshall, and Dewitt are probably the only ones that Faison is considering taking the time to have a conversation with. • Robin Pflugrad, offensive coordinator, Weber State, former Montana coach. • Bob Connelly, former assistant at Arizona State; former associate head coach UTEP; former assistant at UCLA. • Jamie Marshall, assistant head coach/defensive coordinator at Montana State of the Big Sky Conference. • Jovan Dewitt, defensive coordinator, Florida Atlantic, Division I FBS program. • Robert Ianello, wide receivers coach/recruiting coordinator at University of Kansas of the Big 12. He was also the interim head coach at Notre Dame in 2009. • Robin Ross, Wyoming special teams coordinator/linebackers coach; former head coach at Western Washington. Or, maybe all 41 apps are in the trash, and Faison is waiting until next Tuesday to announce that there are two finalists: Tibesar and Bollinger.
  10. Not sure he's a great candidate or would be a good fit, but this Connelly guy has been all over FBS. OC at UTEP, and OL Coach at Arizona St., UCLA, Alabama, and Washington St. He's made the rounds at some big schools. Bio
  11. I wouldn't put too much stock in what message board posters like us have to say. A quick search of Egriz circa 2010 will reveal a ton of threads throwing Pflugrad under the bus. Pflugrad easily has the best resume of the guys that we know who have applied. He should definately get a serious look, and I'm sure will. I'm still also intrigued by Marshall and Dewitt because they've had alot of coordinator experience at high level FCS teams, and because they would both be familiar with UND's traditional recruiting grounds.
  12. Jackson --- Mankato Isenberger --- Winona Edwards --- JUCO
  13. Did anybody ever hear what exactly happened to Kuksa?
  14. Tuesday is the 10th. I'm thinking we'll have a coach by Friday.
  15. The Herald reported that there were 24 applications in by late Friday. Now there is apparently 41 in as of today. Would be nice to see the rest of the names, regardless of who they are.
  16. DEADLINE: December 10, 2013 Applications received by initial deadline will have first consideration. Position open until filled December 10 is the last day of the minimum period of time that UND is required to have the listing posted. They can continue to accept applications after the 10th.
  17. Who?
  18. Dom Izzo tweet:
  19. Wayne Nelson Tweet:
  20. 93 Pacific 76 North Dakota Final 3 consecutive ass whoopings. At least they were consistent this weekend .........
  21. Down 18 with two minutes left......
  22. We are just not very good.......
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