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About bincitysioux

  • Birthday 11/17/1977

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    North Dakota

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  1. It has been 19 seasons since Rich Glas left. UND has posted 6 winning seasons in that time frame. That's disappointing on so many levels.
  2. I don't feel bad for the tribe either, I would think Turtle Mountain is doing all right with their on-reservation casino and I believe they also are involved in horse racing up there. I do feel bad for the Grand Forks area and the the upper Red River Valley as whole, because I really feel this would have had enormous economic impact to the area, and could have really given it a destination venue for adults between the ages of 20-55 or so, something GF is sorely lacking. Hats off to the GF City Council, the GF area legislators, and the Turtle Mountain Band for be willing to explore this at the very least. In the long run, all of these potential dollars will likely end up going elsewhere. What really frustrates me is that it seems it was stamped out by vocal legislators from other parts of the state. Also, the whole narrative about protecting "charitable gaming" is such a joke. Seems many legislators don't want grown adults patronizing a gaming establishment that benefits a tribe, but are just fine with "charitable gaming" that funds old-man baseball & hockey leagues, shooting clubs, snowmobile clubs, curling clubs, etc.
  3. Think small, be small............
  4. Grand Forks leaders to consider 'high-end resort' plans This would be outstanding for Grand Forks, and would really set it apart from the other 3 "big cities" in ND. Hopefully this can finally move forward.
  5. Baldwins name popped to me at first because of all his success at EWU. I really enjoyed watching Eastern during those years. I feel like though, his best years could be behind him. Just too far removed now from those successful years atop the Big Sky. Of the names openly discussed, I say Caruso & Johansen are the most intriguing to me.
  6. I meant he played and coached for Lennon & Bubba, and their defensive philosophies are likely ingrained in him. And I am not saying I feel Schmidt would fail, or that I am rooting for him not to get the job (if he is interested). Just saying a good part of me feels that a clean break from the Roger Thomas coaching tree, could be a good thing.
  7. I don't know if that's a given. I am trying to remember the last time UND had a really GOOD defense. 2007 maybe? 15+ years of average at best, but often atrocious defenses. The one constant has been relying on variations of the Thomas-Lennon-Schwiegert defensive philosophy that was installed over 30 years ago. Schmidt seems to be high on the list of contenders. We know what his scheme will be. He was certainly our most successful DC of the DI era. Also have to remember his time here coincided with Big Sky membership, which most here like to claim is a "soft" brand of football compared to the MVFC. I'm actually really concerned that Freund or Schluesner would simply leave the current defensive staff mostly in tact...........
  8. Regarding Freuchte......... I don't know if the posted requirements disqualify him or not. But if he were to be considered against similar candidates like Freund or Schleusner, I would prefer Freuchte in that scenario. Simply because he is an "outsider", that would hopefully bring in a DC with a completely different philosophy than what UND currently has. I felt Freuchte's offense was actually surprisingly good this past year, and I like how he calls plays.
  9. In theory, I like the idea of both Freund or Schleusner. Both are young up-and-comers it seems and both have innovative offensive schemes and can probably develop QB's. My fear with either of them is that both would likely appoint a former UND player or assistant coach from their "era" as Defensive Coordinator. I think it is paramount that whoever the next guy is, installs a modern defense that is a total departure from what UND has basically been running since the early 90's. I feel pretty strongly that for the UND FB Program to take a leap quickly, that the entire defensive staff needs a makeover..........
  10. I would prefer to see a complete break from the Roger Thomas coaching tree along with the archaic defensive scheme that has not been effective since the DII era........
  11. Grand Forks International Airport awaits grant paperwork
  12. Today was first time in 21 years as a ticketholder that we left before halftime..............
  13. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. This F'n Hawks defense is F'n bad .........
  15. Not terribly surprised by the result, given the talent we have at the QB position, which at very best is only average for FCS. Having said that, this game was lost by the defense IMO. The offense actually settled in on that long drive when it was 14-0, and that is just what was needed at the time. The D just couldn't answer the bell. This archaic 3-4 scheme just can't get stops against modern offenses. It has been a very long time since UND has had a defense that excels, and I feel like it could be because they are essentially running the same scheme since 1992. Our season sort of went downhill after the big win against NDSU last year. I'm hopeful the opposite will be true after this loss. Perhaps this will be a needed wakeup call after the mostly impressive performances against the "fluffy" part of the schedule prior to this game.
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