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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. I agree, but you don't want to argue with a rabbit.
  2. I too am in favor of the D-I move, whereas I was on the fence more a couple of years ago. I know that NDSU's attendance is up from a couple of years ago and is likely attributable to the move to I-AA, but the numbers for SDSU are not as glowing. I realize that the figures for the past two years are skewed by the number of games, 4 games in 2004 (one of which was the NDSU game) and 8 games in 2005. 2005 6972/game 2004 9846/game 2003 5547/game 2002 5967/game 2001 6732/game
  3. Could it be $$. Maybe they wanted more than UND is willing to pay and said thanks, but no thanks. Obviously I'm only guessing.
  4. My uninformed choice is Brian Jones from Iowa. I read his bio and liked what I read.
  5. I know that I'm being optomistic (and probably naive), but with the rumors that were flying last week regarding the Big Sky, is it possible that Kupchella is playing it coy and knows that he has the conference in hand? Couple that with the response that 90% of the survey saying that he had to have that in hand and all he is has to have is the money. As Jim pointed out people would be willing go give more money for Division I. I know that is waaaay out there. Or is the complete opposite true and Kupchella has heard that there is no conference invitations in the offing and he has the survey to say "Not now"?
  6. GeauxSioux

    Canad Inns

    I needed some good news, so I checked on the progress of Canad Inn and found that they have a website showing progress ans some renderings inside and out. http://www.canadinns.com/photogallery/gall...p?gallery_id=20
  7. This is getting interesting.
  8. This amazes me too. I always hear and read that UND is running huge deficits and with all that red ink UND cannot afford Division I. Then I read the information from last year and it doesn't jive. Revenue Expenses UND $10,021,643 $ 9,958,728 NDSU $ 7,668,848 $ 7,668,848 SDSU $ 6,280,833 $ 6,547,381 UNC $ 4,865,324 $ 4,865,324 http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/index.asp I don't pretend to know how each school prepares or reports from their athletic department, but I'm sure there are a number of ways of doing it. Looking at the numbers above it would appear that SDSU is the school that can't afford to be in Division I. I am hopeful with new blood both in the AD and at REA that perhaps they can work together to maximize the facilities for more $$$.
  9. If you mean enrollment, UND is larger than both NDSU and SDSU. If you are talking about athletic budgets, UND is larger than both NDSU and SDSU. If you are talking about attendance, UND has better football attendance than SDSU.
  10. Would the Turtle Mountain Chippewa have a problem if we changed the name to UND Chippewa and kept the logo? Didn't one of the members of that tribe design the logo anyway? That way we wouldn't be "abusive" or "offensive". Additionally, I found the attached link regarding the name change issue. http://www.chronwatch.com/content/contentD...y.asp?aid=20908 "The University of North Dakota went one step further and has petitioned the state of North Dakota to change its name, since it is named after the Dakota Indians. The new state name will be North Plains. And their mascot will be the Natural Spring Water Ice Cubes."
  11. I second that.
  12. Here is the link. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/14426181.htm
  13. Sioux fan since birth, 1961. I rememeber going to hockey games in the barn, basketball games in the fieldhouse when they had the old clock (scoreboard) with the lightbulbs illuminating in a circle and of course freezing at games at Memorial stadium. Being nostalgic. Does anyone remember an old car in a ditch next to the railroad tracks across from Ray Richards clubhouse? All you could see was the top of it and the rest of the car was submerged in water and weeds. You used to be able to go over the railroad tracks there without having to go down to 42nd. That was the highlight of our drive to the game when I was a kid was looking for that car. BTW. Thanks for the counters, guys.
  14. Pensacola has been awarded the 2006 Division II Fall Sports festival. I'm hopeful that UND brings some teams down to participate. I live about a mile from the campus and would love to see the soccer and volleyball teams come down. http://pensacolanewsjournal.com/apps/pbcs..../604130339/1002
  15. Give him a bigger shovel.
  16. I tend to believe that he has made his decision and is working with Buning and Kupchella on timing for the announcement of that decision. Glas does not strike me as the kind of person who would prolong things unnecessarily. It also helps that the offer on the other end is Jacobson, someone who can delay his announced selection knowing that Glas is coming Not that I'm in the know, but there has to be a lot going on in the background with classfication committee and thus the delay.
  17. Good one.
  18. and an aerospace program and a great business school and etc ....
  19. I think that the drive from Pensacola to Naples may be a little much. Probably just watch the games at home with kids like last year.
  20. I see where Michigan's goal production and shots are down in the third period. Does this mean that they run out of gas or because they are coasting?
  21. Ryan Bakken's take on the poster. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/n...en/14147645.htm
  22. You can follow scores at the following link. I'm not sure how current it is. http://rinkwriter.com/2006ndsttourney.html
  23. I thought that you were alluding to this discussion regarding the Fargodome being in the red. http://www.bisonville.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaB...;num=1138653090
  24. I remember reading this, but I thought it was a "throw away" statement. The indoor training facility I agree is a must. Star2City,among others, has mentioned that a number of times.
  25. $35 Million for new facilities. Possibly adding seats at the Alerus. What is the thought, going I-A? http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/13870854.htm
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