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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Thanks for the prompt answers to my questions.
  2. What kind of an arrangement do the member schools have the NCAA? Is it a contract that is annually renewed? The reason that I ask is because of what occured last season in hockey. Originally the "offending schools" were going to be required to cover any logos if they were hosting events after Feb. 1st. I recall that during the appeal process the NCAA was supposed to respond sometime in January and pushed it back until the end of April. Was this because they had contracts for hosting these events with some of the schools and couldn't require that they cover the logos for contractual reasons? Hence my reason for asking the contract question. Also, some on this message board have pointed out the committee that mandated this change has overstepped their bounds. If that is the case, can't the membership as a whole vote on an issue such as this or is a vote not in UND's best interest? I realize we are quite possibly past the point of having a vote. Just a question.
  3. A shot would be they may only sell 1,000 general admission, but how many do they "give away" at Stop-n-Go? That would be a shot. But hey, if they're filling the seats and making money, who cares.
  4. Perhaps I'm just thick skulled, but I will never understand this. If UND was called the North Dakota Fighting Icelanders and had a picture of my grandfather on center ice, I would be proud, not hurt or offended. How are they hurt?
  5. Surveilance on Northern Border
  6. GeauxSioux

    Canad Inns

    Canad Inn Topping Off
  7. What is the outlook for this weeks game? Is Manke back near 100%? Are there any other key injuries? With a healthy Manke, I see the Sioux by 14. Geaux Sioux !!!
  8. Did you listen to the State of the University address or just read the article? If you listened to it, Kupchella said that funding is the only thing preventing us from acheiving the goals that he has set in place. He talked not only about additional funding from the state, but also private funding and building an endowment ($500M). His goal is for UND to be one of the top 100 doctoral universities in the country and then from there to become one of the top 50. That is a leader setting goals. If you want to actually hear the entire address and not mis-interpret a newspaper article go to the following link. http://www.UND.edu/president/html/stateofu2006.html If you need futher information of Kupchella's goals go to Strategic Plan II. As far as what Chapman has done, I don't wish to revisit the whole Potts episode. In regards to the NCAA issue, would you rather that he bent over and did just as the NCAA wants or have some backbone and stand up to their PC crap? If this were Chapman you would be saying "Go get 'em Joe", but since it's UND it's just a bunch of moaning. If you were to take a poll on this issue across America, you would find more people on UND's side than on the side of the NCAA.
  9. I'd vote for that. It would only be a 200 mile road trip for me.
  10. Although I have only lived in GF 4 out of the last 20+ years and that was 13 years ago, I can see both sides of the pre/post flood. I loved the old Whitey's and don't really care for the chain restaurants (with the exception of Waffle House. The old neighborhoods and parks along the river were great. I had friends who lived along there. I also love old and historic buildings, which have been somewhat removed from GF. Post flood new buildings and houses, cleaner look to the city, and it appears GF has a brighter future from the folks that I talk to in GF. BTW, even though I live in Florida, I still proudly call GF "home". I really don't understand the comments from folks who went to school at UND and hated Grand Forks. Besides the cold, how could you hate the place?
  11. Rather than starting a a new thread for Blogs on this issue, I'll post this blog here. The link, for some reason took a while to load, but it was a good read regarding McMurry deciding to cave into the NCAA. McMurry and the NCAA I hope this blogger gets to see that day.
  12. One mighty upset fan. The NCAA is everything that is wrong with society
  13. Looking at the aerial in Google maps one endzone says Fighting Sioux the other says North Dakota. How much does it cost to repaint an end zone?
  14. That was the guy. For some reason Edgar Winter kept popping in my head and I knew that wasn't right.
  15. I hit a few of those dances. Who was it that sang the "Lightning Bar" song? Whoever it was seemed like they came to the coliseum every year or am I just getting old and the memory is gone?
  16. Do you remember those old world globes that had Bismarck and Mott on them? I don't know if they still make those or not, but I thought that was just weird that Mott would end up on a world globe with very few ciites on it. I was going to say that my parent probably still have one, but I'm sure it was destroyed in the flood. By the way my parents are in Florida this week and made lefse with the kids yesterday. Fresh lefse, doesn't get much better than that, one of the things I miss about North Dakota
  17. The town where I was born, Park River. Plus they have a great little golf course.
  18. I have been a Sioux fan since I can remember. Since my dad played basketball at UND, I was more into BB as a kid. I do remember freezing my butt off over at the barn. I couldn't wait to get hot chocolate in the concession area, because it was the only heated area in the building. In college I recall standing in line in the early 80's from 1:00 in the morning until the ticket office opened at the old Ralph to get tickets for the Wisconsin series. I was a Sioux hockey fan, but didn't know Sioux hockey. A couple of my neighbors (one being TNT and the other a current assistant at the HS level) knew everything about Sioux hockey even from a young age. Only in the last couple of years have I really started to understand the inner workings of Sioux hockey. Mostly by reading this message board. It is run more like a pro sport than a college sport, especially more so than basketball or football. The Prospective Sioux Recruits thread about who the Sioux are recruiting and for what years is especially interesting. Thanks to all at SiouxSports.com for educating me and I'm sure others. Now if I can only learn to skate a little better.
  19. Your picture is incorrect. The bottles shown are for Draught bottles, not the exilir of all elixirs, Extra Stout. The only true beer.
  20. Ryan Bakken story in the Herald contrasting the debacle during the Miami/FIU game to the nickname issue. You Want Hostile and Abusive?
  21. Please listen to what Cratter posted. Don't let an NDSU fan get you riled up and questioning this team. The only reason he is here is to stir the pot. He doesn't like UND and would like nothing better than to have UND fans discontented.
  22. I haven't seen the updated list posted, so here it goes, as of today:
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