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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. The difference is that Parise, Duncan, or Grimaldi would never run their mouths in the handshake line - not because they fear retribution, but because they know how to comport themselves. The only thing worse than a poor loser is a poor winner.
  2. Well if you say so, it must be true - yours is always the definitive opinion, right? By the way - since you like to correct the posts of others - it's "really good fries", not "real good fries".
  3. DamStrait


    Wow - mighty big of you - since you got exactly what you wanted. The tasteful thing to do would be to enjoy your victory in silence, but I'm afraid it would be asking from you that which you are not capable.
  4. That person is a poster child for much of what is wrong with this country - talk about a victim mentality - wow - just WOW.
  5. I created mine years ago when I used the old b2whatever to watch Sioux hockey (vs. SCSU, I think). Don't know why it would matter, but maybe create your account on a pc or mac, that will allow to then access the account on your iPad? Might be worth a try.
  6. http://m.americaonesports.com/eventdetails.asp?id=48854
  7. ...and then send the asshats that are the NCAA the bill for it.
  8. His man-card was revoked for life when he committed to UMN.
  9. Right back at ya Skippy.
  10. Try not to be an ass - and if you can't manage that - try not to be a RACIST ass.
  11. "Pathfinders" - all figures in kelly green, of course - and the middle image may have to be omitted in order to prevent the hyperventilating of those with ridiculously hyperactive sensibilities (academics that live in fear of offending their own shadows, those of their ilk, their apologists, etc.).
  12. Sure wish Archie Fool Bear et al would remove their racist blinders.
  13. It doesn't matter what any of us think - our thoughts and opinions are not welcome (just our money), we will not be allowed any real invovlement in the process. This is in the hands of those responsible for taking it away in the first place- ultra-liberal, white-guilt-wallowing, brook-no-opposition academia (and their enablers). The odds are infinitesimally small that any new moniker will be preferable to none at all.
  14. Faculty got what they wanted. They should get no further say.
  15. The 2010 Olympic hockey tournament all-star team was voted on by the international media at the conclusion of the event. The following players were named: Position Player Team G Ryan Miller United States D Brian Rafalski United States D Shea Weber Canada F Jonathan Toews Canada F Zach Parise United States F Pavol Demitra Slovakia How many played for Portland? ...UND? ...in major juniors? ...in the NCAA?
  16. Anybody else think that Pam Oliver ought to lay off the crack? She looks like she hasn't slept in a week.
  17. You were just showering love and kindness onto everyone and everything while at the Ralph, right?
  18. As one gets older, one begins to repeat oneself:
  19. Given this quote: And this one: It would seem that there might be some high-powered support for proceeding as outlined below:
  20. It may be the NCAA's game and they may make the rules - but they do not have the moral high ground. No organization that has such a narrowly defined policy that is so unevenly applied ever could. At this point we comply or perish, but because of the very narrowness of the policy's definition and the very uneveness of its application, only the most minimum of compliance can be justified. The law should be changed to reflect the following: The athletic teams of the University of North Dakota shall be officially known and referred to as the "Fighting Sioux" or if not, they shall be officially known and referred to as only "the University of North Dakota". That should be a way out for everyone - Al Carlson can claim that while he couldn't save it, he kept the name from being changed to another - the NCAA, Kelley and all the other academic PC elitists can claim they got rid of the nickname - and we fans can rest easy knowing we will not have to suffer the charade of pretending that any other nickname could possibly replace "Fighting Sioux". Further - since all of the NCAA membership left us twisting in the wind in our hour of need and support - it is only fitting that all opponents be referred in any University of North Dakota media (programs, publications, releases, PA announcements, scoreboards, etc.) as by only the name of their school - no nicknames. A subtle way to remind everyone that we may be beaten, but we will never be broken, and that we will always remember how it was and by whom we had our proud name ripped from us against our will and without justification.
  21. I don't know the man. My problem with him is that he cannot come up with a single credible reason for why the name should be changed - it all boils down to "because I said so". Some of the things that come out of his mouth are so ridiculous that he is either disingenuous (i.e. a flaming jackass) or a moron - I figure I gave him the benefit of the doubt. For instance, I believe he made some statement about the amount of money that was being spent on defending the nickname, saying something to the effect that he wished it could be spent on indian programs instead. Did he not understand that his actions were a good bit of the reason why the donors felt the nickname had to be defended in the first place? Did he not understand that it was not a choice of one (spending on defending the nickname) or the other (spending on indian programs) - that is to say that no portion (however small) of that money would have gone to indian programs even if none of it had been spent on defending the nickname?
  22. If that's the case, then that flaming jackass Leigh Jeanotte would have and should have been fired years ago.
  23. Isn't it touching the lengths to which Hansel, Herd and nd1sufan have gone to hide their glee?
  24. Frazier needs to quit worrying about UND's moniker and instead start worrying about how to avoid "offing" himself as a direct result of his own abject stupidity.
  25. [quote name='PhillySioux' timestamp='1303391518' post='504778'] http://www.inforum.c...icle/id/316817/ Latest from Forum Editorial Board [/quote] The Legislature's less-than-thoughtful stance..." - how about the NCAA's "less-than-thoughtful" stance? Why don't the moronic jackasses that populate the Forum editorial board do a piece on that? Maybe a two-by-four between the eyes will help get their attention. I hereby volunteer my humble services to apply the attention 'treatment' to each and every board member, repeatedly, if necessary. On second thought - necessity doesn't enter into it.
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