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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. From the article: Anybody uttering anything that patently stupid ought to be immediately removed from the committee. Karl and the rest of the committee should tell Herr Doktor Kelley that either that moronic jackass is removed from the committee or they all resign.
  2. Additionally, only Shepturd could turn what should have been Sioux goal and ensuing Sioux PP into no goal and a Sioux PK - incompetence beyond the power of mere words to express.
  3. Cheapest game I've seen played by a team (Miami) in a loooong time. Late hits after the whistle and loooong after the puck was gone and mostly up high. If the uni's had been switched, we'd have three sitting out DQs next week. Derek Shepturd ought not be allowed to officiate a mite game. Simply brutal. If Fenton has an iota of integrity, Adam and several of his cronies will be gone next year.
  4. Here you go: North Dakota Athletics Maybe this will satisfy those that absolutely need to have a nickname - ANY nickname, and those that wish to remain simply the University of North Dakota. Yes - wishful thinking, I admit.
  5. Tried to pat yourself on the back and...missed! I'm not buying it - there was no obvious replacement for alumni to rally around - without it, it's too much to expect that everyone would demand an immediate change as quickly as possible after such an acrimonious battle. Even today, no candidate has stepped to the forefront to become anything resembling a consensus replacement.
  6. "Badlanders" would be unique, relevant to the state, and would work for both the men's and women's teams - and before anyone says Grand Forks is not in the badlands, please remember it is the University of North Dakota, not the University of Grand Forks.
  7. I have a extra ticket for tonight's game that I'm willing to give to a Sioux fan FREE - PM me if you'd like to use it. Thanks
  8. So are you suggesting that UND be the "German Conjunctions"?
  9. Off the top of my head, I can think of three things not to like about SCSU: Their early, vocal role in trying to get rid of "Fighting Sioux" Erin Marvin's hit on Chay Genoway - very possibly the cheapest hit I've ever seen Motzko's recruiting and/or coaching up of divers.
  10. I think a far more accurate analogy of the current situation is the Hornitos tequila commercial - you know, the one that goes along the lines of: "Tequila please." "Which would you like?" "I don't know, any tequila." Then switches scenes to a barber shop: "I don't know any haircut." Then switches scenes to a tattoo parlor: "I don't know, any tattoo." Then switches scenes to a travel agency: "I don't know, anyplace." And in case any are having difficulty with where I am going with this: "I don't know, ANY nickname."
  11. Unlike you, I won't try to speak for everyone that wants to stay just 'North Dakota' - speaking only for myself, far and away the biggest reason is that I won't have to live with the stupendously insipid name that Dr. Kelley inflicts upon us. In my opinion, he is convinced of the complete infallibility of academia and absolute righteousness of the PC agenda - not a good combination for someone that will be choosing the new identity of athletics at UND - or anything else, for that matter.
  12. The University of North Dakota Redacted.
  13. It was never ours to control once the PC zealots received the backing of the NCAA - from that point onward there was no initiative to seize and no demand would have been acknowledged. - the ivory tower bigots were and are in full control. Those that want a new nickname will soon wax nostalgic about the days of no nickname (as well as having the teams referred to as "green and white" - which has never been favorite of mine, to put it extraordinarily mildly).
  14. Which will garner more marketing revenue - an unpopular new moniker or sticking with just North Dakota? Hint: It ain't the former.
  15. A fan of a good football team does not have conferred upon them the status of "expert on the game" simply because of their favorite team's success on the field. They also do not have conferred upon them the status of "more of an expert on the game than fans of less successful teams" simply because of their favorite team's success on the field.
  16. Okay now let's not be ridiculous - I'm going to assume you are exaggerating for effect. Seriously though, it would be a great idea to somehow tie into the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which spent more time in what would become North Dakota than any other state. Logo possibilities abound. An aside - the expedition was largely responsible for establishing the reputation of ferocity for the Sioux Indians. Also the state highway that follows the east side of the Missouri River through North Dakota is 1804, and the one the follows the west side is 1806 - the former being the year they went up river and the latter the year of their return trip.
  17. I'll say it again - Scouts or Corps of Discovery with a new logo based on at least two of the figures in this image:
  18. Scouts with a Lewis & Clark themed logo would seem to have a lot of potential.
  19. I'd advise against saying that to a marine.
  20. As I say "Kind of a mouthful, but can be shortened to ' The Corps'" - which would work much better in chants, etc.
  21. I would prefer to go with something totally unique - and connected to the state. Corps of Discovery - the official name of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which spent more time in what would become North Dakota than any other state. Kind of a mouthful, but can be shortened to ' The Corps'. Logo possibilities abound. An aside - the expedition was largely responsible for establishing the reputation of ferocity for the Sioux Indians.
  22. Why do you care? Not trying to be a wise guy - just honestly curious as to why you feel this way. Those games not on CBSSN are likely to be on FCS - either way they are being broadcast nationally. In fact, as it sits now, only those on CBSSN are guaranteed to be broadcast nationally - there is no official confirmation that any of the others will be allowed to be broadcast on FCS or that FCS will choose to air them. Additionally, those on CBSSN will be HD, whereas those on FCS will be SD. To summarize: I do not see any relative advantage to NOT having games on CBBSN unless you are relying on the webcast to view the games live.
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