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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. I'm not sure why you chose to not let this die, but... From your source cited above: The Ralph had an operating income of -$5,964,909, $5,657,731of which was depreciation (I would guess this is a 20 year straight-line ammortization). Once you take depreciation out, you have an operating income of -$307,178. The Ralph also had a nonoperating revenue of $472,939. This means the Ralph had an income, not including depreciation, of $165,761 while paying UND over $450,000. I'm no accountant and maybe I need your apparently superior intellect to explain it to me, but honestly: What's the problem? And in your little example above, SISCO still received $130,000,000 from IBM. They could care less whether IBM made money that year. In your example UND is SISCO.
  2. Actually, according to this report: http://www.UND.nodak.edu/dept/vpfo/Documen...ncialReport.pdf UND received over $450,000 from the Ralph in FY 2005. Heavens, to have such a millistone around one's neck! I am not sure from where you are getting this REA "loss". My search could find only the info above. And just because the Alerus lost money does not mean it lost money hosting UND football. And just because FargoDome made money doesn't necessarily mean that it made money hosting 'SU football (I suspect it was a money maker). This is what will have a more direct bearing on the contracts between these institutions and their respective venues. I know you have a pathological need to get in the last word no matter how wrong you are, but please resist it in this case. You made a foolish statement and got called on it. Let it rest. It's almost as bad as someone disagreeing with "The whole Potts/NDUS affair at best paints Chapman in an unfavorable light".
  3. REA and Alerus are not owned by UND and FargoDome is not owned by 'SU. Their profits or losses have nothing to do with either institution's finances, which was my point. Besides, anybody that truly believes REA lost money last year by means other than creative accounting is out of touch with reality. Take my advice, drop the Kool-Aid cup.
  4. IowaBison, you need to quit drinking the Bisonville Kool-Aid and let your head clear. Maybe then you can remove that FargoDome millstone from around 'SU's neck. While I'm at it, PAY ATTENTION NOW, I'd like to remind all of you, DAMN IT I SAID PAY ATTENTION, it's the University of North Dakota (not the University of Grand Forks) and North Dakota State University (not Fargo State University).
  5. And it's the University of North Dakota, not Grand Forks State University.
  6. Hey...I heard...neither of you...would know $hit...if you stepped in it...
  7. I agree. Why waste all that money on a new facility when they could have just as easily played their games at Pizza Hut?
  8. And in my view yours is nothing more than anti-UND propaganda. Contrary to your rants, hockey at UND brings money into the athletic department and pays for other non-revenue sports. That being the case, if the 'SUs are able to make the move, any reasonable person would expect that UND can too. You are unreasonable in your demands from UND fans on this site to answer questions they cannot possibly be expected to answer. If you are really curious, find them for yourself and then share your findings with the rest of us. I suggest you start with AD Tom Buning and President Kupchella. Until then you have nothing new to add. You should be very grateful that Jim is as patient as he is, letting you make your "points" ad nauseum. Were it up to me, your posterior would be gone.
  9. If that's all they have covering their prodigious a$$, I'm not too worried.
  10. #3 overall in the 2006 NHL draft and #1 in our hearts. Good for you. It goes without saying that I'd love to see back in a Sioux sweater for another year (or three), but if not, thanks for becoming a Sioux for at least one season. I think that if you come back you'll help win #8 for UND and be the next Hobey Baker Memorial Award winner. Again, a well deserved congratulations.
  11. How about toning down the insulting tone? Your points will actually be much more effective if you do.
  12. It was part of the discussion at the time of the 4 year contract talks.
  13. Yes, but in UND's case the point was made BECAUSE FSU has received an exemption. I find W&M's effort to drag UND into their response rather mealy-mouthed as UND has received no such exemption.
  14. *sigh* I really didn't want to get involved, but this is getting ridiculous. The only UND-'SU game that really mattered was the football game. UND did not want to play shortly after 'SU left the NCC because of playoff implications (the same implications that kept 'SU out of the DII playoffs the year before because they played a DIAA team - Montana - and beat them by the way - instead of playing an in-region DII team). Even so, UND (and RT) were willing to play 'SU - if 'SU would come up to GF to play the game. 'SU didn't like that because they had played in GF the year before, so decided to pass. If there were no negative playoff consequences for other sports playing 'SU there may indeed be a case for stating that UND was taking punitive measures, but the case cannot be made for football. Also, UND has not played ANY DIAA football team in the interim. The rules have since changed for DII teams playing DIAA teams, and as a result UND has again offered to play 'SU in football. 'SU has declined. UND will play UNI next season instead. You may now resume urinating upon one another.
  15. Yo, king of bombast - those stats are great, but anyone that can't beat out smellin' Kellen for starting goaltender is, by definition, a sieve.
  16. Blah blah blah blah Isn't time for you to go on vacation without internet access again? Or how about hating UND in silence. CK is peeved because UND prepared a very detailed second appeal and it was largely ignored (NCAA pretty much came out and said so), and the NCAA has said that ALL appeals have been exhausted. Add to it that the NCAA has had absolutely no continuity of thought since they announced this policy and CK and every one that has been paying attention realizes that henceforth there is no point whatever in "good will".
  17. And this is different from you speaking for a conference you don't speak for in what way?
  18. I think the Oilers are lucky to have #44.
  19. I would really love to see the exact questions posed in the poll and the context in which they were delivered. Then I would love to see the exact breakdown on responses to each question. I think that the Social Science Research Institute at UND may have an ulterior motive.
  20. My non-flaming read on the situation is that NDSU (for better or worse) welcomed and sought media attention during their decision making process while UND (for better or worse) is playing it much closer to the vest. I think this is a direct reflection on the different personalities of the two presidents. I don't know that there is an advantage of one approach over the other, they're just different.
  21. If his worship the emperor Brand is willing to allow we peons freedom of expression at NCAA events, we should take full advantage of it. I'd like to think fans of other schools are almost monolithically in our corner in this fight for our school's identity against the NCAA. I would love to see our boys in the FF again next year (needless to say). Should they make it I'd love to see Sioux fans, the alumni association, the Fighting Sioux Club, and whoever else could help, organize a free giveaway to all attending at least the first FF game the boys play in. Something like the black tee shirts that had "I'm not hostile or abusive" on them. If nearly the whole damn arena could be filled with fans so clad, it should make a very powerful statement, one powerful enough to penetrate even the thick skulls of the NCAA 'leadership'. It would require a ton of logistical support and money, because I believe merely having them available for sale would not be enough. In order to have a chance of filling the arena, they would have to be free. Perhaps a campaign to have Sioux fans buy their tees and at the same time buy others to be distributed at the FF could be part of the solution. They should be made as inexpensively as possible, as they only need to last a few hours (they do, however, NEED to be colorfast!). Non-conventional resources such as this site and USCHO need to be used to get the word out. Tons of decisions would have to be made, such as, should they be tees or something else? If tees, how many of each size should be on hand? How will they be distributed and who will be responsible for the distribution? What exactly should the giveaways have printed on them (maybe "I'm not hostile or abusive - Free UND from NCAA tyranny" or "Remove Emperor Brand from his throne")? Many other questions that require answers will make themselves evident once the project receives serious consideration. Even if the NCAA ignores it, it should be impossible for the media to avoid covering it. It would be hard for even the media to make Sioux fans and UND look bad in this story.
  22. This ruling cannot be allowed to stand. It must be fought with all the resources that can be brought to bear. Myles Brand is a smarmy, condenscending, pompous, mealy-mouthed jackass of a bully. How do you fight a bully? You pop him in his fat elitist mouth with all your might and sent him home crying to his mommy. Dr. Kupchella needs to fight this on ALL fronts. He and his counterpart at the U of I need to push back HARD inside the NCAA. They need to start a movement to have Brand and his cronies thrown out on their ears for overstepping their bounds and for gross abuse of power. That arrogant SOB desparately needs his own "teachable moment". Now is not the time to back down and just 'take it' as aff and cratter have suggested. This is what Brand is hoping we do. We pushed, now they've pushed back, hoping we've lost our nerve. Now is the time to hit back RUTHLESSLY. Now is the time to declare "We have not yet begun to fight"! Myles Brand's epitaph: "Only a jackass this big could make Bobby Knight a sympathetic figure."
  23. My point is this: Goren led the nation in goal scoring his senior year after being highly touted yet not meeting expectations in his previous seasons with the Sioux. Following his junior year, not many, if any, were predicting this. Skarperud was a player that had given up on hockey, enrolled at UND, then decided he wanted to continue playing. He was definitely more of the role player variety until his senior season, where he led the team in scoring. Again, I doubt anyone had predicted this. I think this happens more than you might realize. I also think that both Fabian and Porter definitely have the potential to have this kind of senior season. It may not happen, hell, it probably won't happen, but it is not the snowball's-chance-in-hell scenario I think you're making it out to be.
  24. Tell that to Lee Goren and Tim Skarperud prior to their senior campaigns
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