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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. There ain't nothin' wrong w/ Myles Brand that a twice-daily ass kickin' wouldn't solve. I hereby volunteer to administer the remedy.
  2. Mr. J. Toews is the best player I've seen in a Sioux uni since one Mr. A. Hrkac. If he sticks around for his soph. year, he will be SCARY good. Sorry JT, I've probably just given you the kiss of death. Your ability is such that you're likely to overcome even that. It's my far from expert opinion that once he's able to fill out his frame a bit more that he will be a force to be reckoned with. Already (as a freakin' 17 year old), he sees the ice UNBELIEVABLY well, plays both ends of the ice extremely well, skates like he was born with 'em strapped to his feet, has GREAT quick, soft hands, and really, unexpectedly (at least I didn't expect it), was able to fight through the physical stuff very effectively. TJ is great - relentless comes immmediately to mind - but JT makes it look so damn easy - just like Hobey Hrkac.
  3. Not up to me, as it is his team's prerogative, but I'd love to see Erik Fabian with the "C" - and yes, he is a stud. If there's a player I'd like to see my boy emulate, it would EF. Read the latest SI article on him and you'll know why.
  4. It's obvious then that you have never met 'Hammy'.
  5. If anybody out there has had a member of their group drop out, I'm interested in taking their place. I'll even pay for all the gas from the TC to MIlwaukee and back. I went to Columbus last year with two others, and neither can make it this year (one is out-of-town on an extended business trip, the other refuses to 'man up').
  6. I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat. Anybody with any constructive suggestions? Please? (Help!)
  7. Are Sioux fans a lot less thirsty now? I thought I'd find at least a few that would take me up on my offer. Maybe my reputation preceeds me - still, a FREE BEER - I'd almost be willing to stand anybody long enough to choke down a FREE BEER!
  8. I'll be there ~noon on Friday with my friends me and myself. Stop by to say hi & I'll buy you an adult beverage of your choice. Good food and great beer. I'll be wearing Sioux gear, but other than that, I'm pretty nondescript (no glasses, no facial hair, receding hairline, average height, above average weight). It'll be a good time to let my hair down little, as I'll probably be with my wife and kids the rest of the weekend (including the games).
  9. Just when you think this team has turned a corner, they take a step backward. I don't know what to think anymore. I pretty much knew coming into this season, it had the potential to be a long one, as young as they are. It's still damned painful. I hate how this puts me in a bad mood. In order for the Sioux to make the next step, they need to start winning games when down after 2, which they haven't been good at lately. Now I'm thoroughly pissed off. &*&#$^@*&*$!^&(^&#%^
  10. Fight on Sioux, we're all for you We're thousands of strong and loyal souls We know you'll win every game you're in No matter how distant the goals As we go, we'll show each foe that We're the toughest team between the poles We're rough and tough it's true But we're sportsmen through and through We're the fighting Sioux from North Dakota U
  11. Fight on Sioux, we're all for you We're thousands of strong and loyal souls We know you'll win every game you're in No matter how distant the goals As we go, we'll show each foe that We're the toughest team between the poles We're rough and tough it's true But we're sportsmen through and through We're the fighting Sioux from North Dakota U
  12. Who cares? Just keep winning boys!
  13. What's this "we" you're talking about? I'm sure Sioux-cia would never look at you like you're a piece of meat. Her taste is far too good.
  14. My hero (and yours) Erik Fabian! What a stud, pure and simple.
  15. Smaby takin' names and kickin' asses.
  16. 96.1 in GF (or just click on the audio broadcast button of the hockey home page of this site).
  17. Okay, who would you have recruited instead? MN,DU & WI recruit the same way. I love Dean Blais, but the last time he had this many freshmen, the team also struggled (mightily)!
  18. Look people, there is absolutely nobody more disappointed w/ this weekend's results than me - HOWEVER: This team has 13 freshmen, 9 of whom start regularly. They will struggle. It ain't their fault (they played a great two games - generally dominated - SCSU got three absolutely smelly goals out of four on the weekend - their 'tender was totally comatose). Games like this happen in hockey. Most of last year was hard to take because it was top heavy w/ seniors. Give these young men a chance to mature. They ain't yet done this year. Next year will be something special. These guys certainly didn't lay an egg this weekend. They worked their tails off and weren't rewarded. Win or lose - I LOVE MY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX!!!!!!!!!! Everyone else can go burn in hell.
  19. '04 in the Springs vs. DU. Last night. Tonight. Same damn sorry story. I know this team is young. When are we going to get our bounces? How the hell do the Sioux get three goals this season called incorrectly against them(ON REPLAY - AT HOME)? No wonder Sioux fans suspect an officiating conspiracy against their team. $%&$%^%&&(*%^%^%$# I am sick as hell. I hate the whole &^%*#$@ world. Motzko worships satan (weak-chinned, thin-haired jackass). %^**)%$#%$#&^%*$%^#%$#@^&%(%^*$#%@!%$%^(^%&$#@%%#&^(&(%$%@!$%&^%**$^@^%^&^#$^$#$##@&^%*$#$^#$*^@#$^&&%**&)&*$%^@%!@#^*(%^*&%#^@&&(&&(&*^*)(_*&^&*$%&@%@#^**##^@&%*(*^%(*&)(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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